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How High Are You? v. Who Am I And What Is High?

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Kinda choked buddy bailed on me 'til tomorrow, I really want that Xanax and he's the only guy I know who actually has benzos atm. Everyone else I know is dry.
I guess it's time to blaze more chronic. ._.

Blah, that really blows, VerThizzle.. I'll pop another 2mg Alprazo for you, maybe you'll catch a contact-internets high! Why not say eff it, and go with some Etizo?
OT; Up to 20mg Alprazoo, 50mg Diph. Not high, just content.
Blah, that really blows, VerThizzle.. I'll pop another 2mg Alprazo for you, maybe you'll catch a contact-internets high! Why not say eff it, and go with some Etizo?
OT; Up to 20mg Alprazoo, 50mg Diph. Not high, just content.

I wish I had Etiz. I have no means to buy it online at the moment tho. :/
That's definitely one of my favourite benzos, right up there with Temazepam and Flubromazolam.

Dayuum you have a high benzo tolerance ykm. Mine's getting up there tho since I quit opis. :\
I'd still be pretty high off 20mgs alpraz tho.

Edit: Friend just gave me some ale, so at least that's something to activate my GABA receptor lol. That and we are watching South Park, ah this show never gets old!

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Popped 10mg valium might reward myself with ephedrine after I finish my taxes lmao tryina finish them before the printer goes off and I got more shit ta do
wake and bake
40mg's Ritalin ir s/l
waiting to take my last Ritalin ir
sokin sum

Try taking the ritalin rectally. One 10mg IR pill had a good 10m rush that felt like taking 40 or 50mg oral and drops off after an hour . Does sublingual workas well too? I remember this time I got 60 or so of the 10mg IRs for free, had fun blastin through those nonstop.

Anyways, 40mg methadone (don't have a tolerance anymore, which is cool), 40mg baclofen, 2 pints of beer, and had some nitrous chargers earlier. Love me my massive 7-8 charger balloons. This is also the first time I've caught a bit of nod and nausea from being high. Might get 1mg xanax later.... got a gram of diclazepam coming in tomorrow. I was gonna get clonazolam again, but I need a benzo more on the muscle relaxant/sedating side. Clonazolam was really euphoric, better than etizolam. My first dose on it was great, then everything went black for 3 days. Never did that with diclazepam in the past. Just think I really liked the euphoria and started to compulsively dose. Diclazepam manages my muscle pains and deals with my anxiety, one dose covers me all day. Just need to make sure I don't build a massive tolerance and take 30-35mg daily (its reported to be about 7x potency of diazepam).

Papaverium, you have to try and get your hands on clonazolam sometime. Better than etiz and flub. Fantastic sublingual, 17 hour or so half life is nice. It's so potent.
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Yeah,. I know all of that. I mean, you can't expect to be 100% w/d free off of any taper. I know I'll feel uncomfortable for a little while, but that's what tapering is all about.



It's the most uncomfortable feeling on this planet. We all know how bad they BOTH are, when you combine them, it's literally hell on earth.
I've never been locked up (knock on wood) or had any problems with the law my entire life.
I guess you can consider me lucky, because I've been an addict for about 10 years now, and never get in trouble with the law, lucky + smartness. ;)

That's why you don't get off both at the same time, that's some dumb ass shit. Opiates REALLY help when you're on benzo w/d.
I was out of benzos 1 time for like 4 days, but still was dosing my methadone, and when the methadone peaks all the way through the benzo w/d kind of gets mild.
So im actually happy im on both currently.

Feeling really good off my methadone dose, its just starting to peak now. Time to add my goodies on top-

80mg methadone, 2 40mg wafers
10mg hydrocodone, 1 10mg pill
325mg APAP, from Norco pill
7.5mg clonazepam, 7 1/2 1mg pills
100mg hydroxyzine, 4 25mg capsules
100mg promethazine, 4 25mg pills

I added 10mg of hydro to my dose today to feel a little better, I deserve it since im tapering benzos :p

I have a good supply of good opiates, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Morphine, all the good stuff. On top of my street benzo stash. My Ativan, Valium, and Xanax.

So ill be fine. :)
Smoked some hash and just popped a 10mg diazepam because fuck it.
Not as relaxed, Monday being the last day on a prolonged holiday. Will swim later and hopefully feel better.
40mg methadone
1/4 pint (100ml) 80 proof vodka
30mg Adderall
40mg more methadone after the 40 from 4AM, and 100mg more baclofen... its nice since I don't have an opiate tolerance anymore after quitting a few months ago

Done is peaking now. I only nodded a bit earlier today from the first 40, but I'm really in it now. So nice, been ages since I've actually had a real nod (for the longest time I was just maintaining with methadone/tons of lope and just getting by.)

Edit: So the 'done is nice and all but I had to have some gin picked up for me due to severe anxiety... (diclazepam arrives tomorrow). Facing some legal problems for some fucked up charge that I didn't even do. Plus I literally came inches from dying yesterday too, its really taking a toll on me.
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8mg Alprazo, chugged a 40 of Bud Ice, drinking some Lone stat now, flowing like crazy. Going to pop another grip, it is what it thizz..
Papaverium, you have to try and get your hands on clonazolam sometime. Better than etiz and flub. Fantastic sublingual, 17 hour or so half life is nice. It's so potent.

Yeah i hear it's good. Measured in micrograms though right?
It would be really hard to get the dose correct unless it was on a blotter I figure.

OT: Smoked some keif from my grinder, kinda stoned but I wish I had some hash or snowy buds, mmmm... Time for some caffeine!! *does the coffee dance*

Man, not high enough. I messed up my sub use and bought a half gram last friday. I havent done what I consider 'drug drugs' (lol) in awhile and shit, I gotta say not worth it! I feel horrible!

So! Ive been smoking weed on and off today. I have a limited supply so... A limited high.
Erikmen what is your line of work? I get to work alone pretty much (deal with customers but not colleagues during my shift) which helps the blah days.

I'm jus chillin now about to eat, will do the benzo/stim thing later.
Baked, and nervous to leave the house...

but it's to go get xanax so........ that kinda makes up for it. lol

Baked, and nervous to leave the house...

but it's to go get xanax so........ that kinda makes up for it. lol


I'm super jelly.

I wish I could take xanax, everytime I do, I either crash my car or get arrested. I did 18 months for selling that stuff.

I take 10mg of valium at night with a few drinks but that's only like a .25mg of zanny.

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