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How high are you? v. Summertime: livin is easy

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Just finished off 3g of IV oxy over the last ten days and today I sprain my wrist, yay.

OT: Voltaren (diclofenac), Naproxen sodium and a smidge of alprazolam. Fate's teachings I suppose. :\
1x pint hard cider
1x joint of indica

got a windfall headed my way tomorrow, and i'm contemplating getting my fall poppies a little early. it's always good for morale to have a strong opiate sitting on the shelf!
1x pint hard cider
1x joint of indica

got a windfall headed my way tomorrow, and i'm contemplating getting my fall poppies a little early. it's always good for morale to have a strong opiate sitting on the shelf!

One does not simply...let opiates sit on the shelf
it's fun to buy poppy pods and make tea out of them 1-2x a week for 6-8 weeks. i like to do it every fall.
3g of kratom
Smoked the very last of my meth, probably under 8mg.
Going to smoke 1 spliff now
Few lines of two high quality batches of #4 mixed together (the one batch doesn't burn anymore that was just me not washing out my nostrils)
5mg diazepam
Bowls of medical
2mg etizolam a few hours ago
Petting my cat lots

O Methadone clinic, where art thou's call?
750 mg Tramadol, 35 mg Valium, 6 mg Ativan, 20 mg Escitalopram, and a few joints.. relaxed and a bit sleepy
Hey everyone! Well I'm back at work winter is coming just let everyone know it's been snowing lately up here but not staying! Should be staying here in a few weeks I think the temp will drop and it will freeze.
So as some of you know I been dipping into oxycodone lately on my time off or when I can get it. I also take methadone daily for pain and addiction but at prescribed for pain since reg family docs can't prescribe for addiction only plain.

Any who I realized last night my kinda sweet spot as in I get shit loads of energy and I actually felt amazing all day I know I couldn't believe it it was also the third or second straight day so I wasn't just dreaming this shit either lol

I think around 70-80 mg methadone orally an some snorted plus 60-90 mg oxy snorted daily and I'm golden all day but it takes some time like an hour or so after I snort the oxy for the full effects where my eyes are itchy as fuck and they get low, I itch all over and my head is light headed in bits a pieces of euphoria but not to strong either! I messed up the day I got them and did like 150 mg oxy it was over load and I was to high to even sleep that night so I got up and did more lol

Thanks for reading and I'm happy to have found my sweet spot! Now I'm out of oxy I gotta control my done intake until I get more oxy which should be in ten days or so!

Joe bean

Ps everyone enjoy their weekend
A decent dent in my H supply easily 150mg+ today, aided by 10mg oral and nasal methylphenidate, 10mg diazepam (subL and oral, half and half like the ritalin) plus nicotine & caffeine.

Still waiting on the clinic, damn they take their time (unless you're on the phone with them...). I need treatment so I can get a good job again damnit. I feel bad for the people that call that are less financially stable, like if I didn't maintain my savings I would've been on the street already easy.

I'm tryna roll up with a script like fuck y'all.

(P.S. none of my above statements were meant to demean or insult junkies in any way, just saying it makes it harder for people like us to make it where we want to.)
Was super productive this morning and now I'm chillin' hard @ 3PM.

Sill feel some residual diazepampampam going on from the last two days. Now:

1x joint, indica
1x beer, Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Extra! Ale

The words on the label of the bottle are written like the author was high as shit.

"These words are the voice of the beer you are about to drink, they are an attempt to be understood. The beer beneath is more than just words. It is a promise. You are the promised. Revel in your times."
Sniffed 45mg 4f-mph
Plugged 3x 120 mg 3-mmc
Popped 60mg oxy
Took 50mg 3-ho-pcp
1mg xanax
20mg Nitrazepam
20mg clotiazepam

Been 2 months sober... now I'm doing something product whilst i still can....
^congrates on that high oxynormal thats absurd.


krataom 3 g
edible 15-17 mgs 5 weeks off weed
300 mg of lyrica

gonna stack some more lyrica now since its been an hour and a half simce my first dose
Well sense waking up at 5AM
I've had
3 cups coffee
Smoked 2 doobs about to spark 3rd
115 mg methadone
30 Mg DXM
50Mg promethazine
30 mg of amp but feels like 5...gonna have more

0.05 mg sub....lol

Edit now some beers

...some lyrica more subs and maybe an edible on the horizon (I trip out too much on edibles to enjoy more than the come up and initial phase of the peak...maybe a small dose.)
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Sniffed 45mg 4f-mph
Plugged 3x 120 mg 3-mmc
Popped 60mg oxy
Took 50mg 3-ho-pcp
1mg xanax
20mg Nitrazepam
20mg clotiazepam

Been 2 months sober... now I'm doing something product whilst i still can....

So what are those drugs that you took I've never heard of them only on here really.

The 50mg 3-ho-pcp
120 3-MC
And 45 4f-mph

I'm curious what these are and how does one find these things I've heard of some being like opiates or they are not sure but deft something I'm willing to look into trying if they are opiate related lol please explain thanks a lot

For today
30mg methadone oral
10 mg methadone snorted

Gonna try some Valium here in a bit to help my muscles relax been sore since I got back to work! Plus it will help me not think about not being high enough lol

Joe bean
^they are amphetamine type stimulants and one is a PCP derivative.

I'm curious as to what he thinks of the 3 oh PCP...I've read bad things about it...as in ppl don't enjoy the effects much, not the usual pcp stuff of ending up in wards or running around naked in a blackout but still enjoying the high.
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