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How high are you? v. Summertime: livin is easy

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My shitty mobile version can't open the nsfw, but I think done is really going to help me. That and psychiatry. I was wondering how you got your dose though?

Once again, fuck mobile. No edit.

OT: last of my #4 maybe 150mg, 5mg diazepam, 2.5mg alprazolam, 20mg baclofen, bowls of medical San Francisco OG (this shit has me so stoned and I actually feel some back pain relief also god damn I can't move)

You can use all the site features if you do 'view desktop site' in options of your browser (if u use android anyway; chrome and the standard internet app on samsung both have the option available anyway.. Idk about iOS or other brand phones' standard browser). But I'd recommend using chrome on any android device anyway, especially if you visit BL alot).

OT: 240mg oxy & 100mg amphetamines
Gonna pop some antihistamines & benzos now. (I'm thinking 1mg brotizolam & 50mg hydroxyzine).

peruvian cofee made with piston, a small bowl of really nice marrocan hash

What's that in the picture..?
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Found some old tapentadol I didn't realize I had. Love i5 when that happens. Just took some but I took a single isolated subdose about 55 hrs ago but of about .2 mg...so I'm hoping that doesn't ruin it. Felt my kratom nice and strong today so I hope the sub doesn't interfere with the tap.

125mg of tapentadol plugged (tapped that ass)
700mg soma.

Hope of get off good.
Found some old tapentadol I didn't realize I had. Love i5 when that happens. Just took some but I took a single isolated subdose about 55 hrs ago but of about .2 mg...so I'm hoping that doesn't ruin it. Felt my kratom nice and strong today so I hope the sub doesn't interfere with the tap.

125mg of tapentadol plugged (tapped that ass)
700mg soma.

Hope of get off good.

I've taken 2mg and still gotten high you're good my dude.

@Pill2Chill: I forgot about the desktop option, thanks!

OT: 10mg more diazepam, 2 big lines of sub, 2.5mg alprazolam
Dosing now: +120mg oxy orally (want the oxymorphone conversion eventhough it's not that big a part of the high, it helps while I'm on done), +120mg oxy IV, +4mg alprazolam & +24mg bromazepam. Yeah, that sounds good. :) Then maybe some antihistamine(s) once that's kicked in.

I still have lotz of benzos =D. Yay! - Somewhere around 100 barz, 50 bromaz (12mg) & 50 brotizolams.
I've been trying to keep my dependency the same, and that's working out for me so far. I can still get by on 12mg bromazepam per day but if I don't take a break from dosing higher almost every day, I don't think being able to maintain on 12mg bromazepam will last much longer. I don't think I'll have many benzos left for saving up as extras either by the time I get my next scripts if I keep this up, maybe I'll even run out early. So I'll have to take that break for sure.

I guess I'll go back to 12mg/day for a while starting the day after tomorrow (can't kid myself, tomorrow when I've got a shitton to do in super public places which is what gives me anxiety I won't be reverting back to the 12mg bromaz, I could do it I'm sure, but why make it extra annoying if it doesn't have to be..?) On thursday it'll be far more manageable to go back to my 12mg. I'm expecting *some* rebound anxiety but nothing I can't handle.
Well going back to work in a day and half for a month this time. Got my methadone script today and have taken 120 mg oxycodone on top I feel pretty good I wanna do shit but I wanna enjoy the high and relax lol choices choices. That's if there is much of a high to begin with seems to me even at 50-70 mg methadone a day it blocks other opiates for me. Either that I just have a huge tolerance still and it will never go away! I miss that warm fuzzy feeling all over your brain and body been a min since I felt that!

Everyone have a great day!

Joe bean
smoked some all-star OG, got me on a good one

waiting 4 tomorrow, when i get my kratom, and some extract, which i'm excited to try, never had extract that i didnt make myself.
Nasal suboxone
10mg diazepam
Weed & alcohol

Smoking pot and drinking out of a bottle of peach schnapps. Wish I had some Heroin that would be cool cuz this is a shitty alternative.
Tried putting myself to sleep with 7+mg etizolam doses but to no avail after 4 hours of very light sleep. Good news though, I planned an escape to Vietnam.

I could live there doing heroin and bangin vietnamese girls in my own 1 bedroom for about 4 months before I become a hobo, implying my white ass can't get a job there. So if shit hits the fan, see y'all in Saigon lmao.

All the calculation was courtesy of my extreme anxiety about being unemployed and starting to hate the people I live with.

OT: like 15mg of etizolam and some lingering Valium. Do I feel tired? Fuck no. I'm just gonna wait for the mail and hope I got something other than a bill.
So far today: Decent amount of amphetamines in the morning along with my daily dose of SSRI... lots of coffee and cigarettes... 5 fat spliffs of good hash... 450 mg of tramadol... a line of coke... 25 mg valium... 4 mg ativan... 9 mg bromazepam... some promethazine... waiting until its the right time to take 30 mg of ambien...
You can use all the site features if you do 'view desktop site' in options of your browser (if u use android anyway; chrome and the standard internet app on samsung both have the option available anyway.. Idk about iOS or other brand phones' standard browser). But I'd recommend using chrome on any android device anyway, especially if you visit BL alot).

OT: 240mg oxy & 100mg amphetamines
Gonna pop some antihistamines & benzos now. (I'm thinking 1mg brotizolam & 50mg hydroxyzine).

What's that in the picture..?

Haschich number 1 as they said in morroco, not so crazy tasty but pleasant, I suspect the THC content to be very high, and almost full indica therefore you better not have anything planimetric on the day with this one.

OT: almost full cider bottle organic from Britain France, still same hash along the day.
coffee & 5mg valium (10mg on the day)

feelin' rough. hopefully this 2nd dose of chill pill helps.
4 lines no.4 H
Diamond OG

I cannot seem to find sleep BL. There's sometimes a string of days or even a week where I'll wake up at 3AM on the dot for no reason. This was one of those nights, so Heroin Time with Hitter and Shake. Ha.

What bothers me though is that my second batch (I usually pick up 2 batches at a time in case one sucks) is cut with something that stings like a bitch and has damn near unbreakable rocks. It's fire, but fuuuuuck the burning dudes, good thing it was the smaller batch. I read what it possibly is though.
Lyrica after glow from last night (such a euohoric feeling and clean feeling)

3 g of kratom.

Getting some edible this weekend and combined with lyrica it is the closest thing to opiates there is.
0.25mg of alprazolam (no tolerance), the usual high quality kratom and a couple of spliffs. Also vaped 10mg of meth earlier.
Finally talked to the 'done doc and their supposed to call me back some time soon! Free methadone (hopefully)! The receptionist asked me personal addiction questions over the phone and just sounded super bitchy. Sounds just like most stories I hear about clinics, but idgaf I need to get back on track with my addiction.

OT: steady railing some clean dope, added a ~7mg line of ritalin to a line of herron
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