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How high are you? v. Summertime: livin is easy

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Besides Kratom weed seems to be the only thing that helps my opiate cravings, so I definitely get how it keeps you away from other stuff. In my personal experience and observation I've found it to be the exact opposite of the "gateway drug" it's been portrayed as. I'm in a situation where I can only use the CBD oil products for now, they help my anxiety, PTSD, depression, migraines and chronic pain some bad nowhere near as much as the real stuff.
So the angel dust pretty much put me to sleep at a threshold dose. It was definitely a nice nap though, I felt extreme comfort before and after. My TV looked super realistic and ultra HD but that was about the full extent and then boom asleep.

Gonna try closer to 5 or 6mg tomorrow and see how that goes.

OT: sitting awake next to my sleeping beauty doing keybumps of bupe, 1.5mg etizolam, technically still the 3meo as I know the HL is long
Kratom all day of course. Wish I had some benzos, but I'm pretty sure I'd develop a habit if I had constant access to them. Gotta settle for some whiskey that a bartender gave me after work today. I work at a bar & grill.
Yes, I always smoke my Heroin.

I've tried IM/IV, as it was pretty euphoric, idk why, but I still enjoy smoking my Tar more.

My doctor cut me off my Suboxone.. due to negative UA's from other opiates (mostly H).
So good fucking thing I saved up a ton of bupe, mostly 8mg Subutex pills (my fav), because I REALLY need them incase of the worst case scenerio of detoxing/tapering my nasty habit.

1.0g Heroin
90mg Oxycodone
2mg Alprazolam
1.5mg Clonazepam
1 jack and coke
12oz corona extra
800mg Gabapentin
50mg Promethazine
Damn, that sucks methacodone. That seems like the wrong answer to a suboxone patient failing a UA...

ot: dope and dabs
been kinda restless lately.. I really want to eat some L but just hasn't been a good time. maybe this weekend...
Same as last nigh just added 25mg more of diphenhydramine to the mix. This'll be the last night I do it for quite awhile cause I love it too much and I can tell this could very easily be the beginning of a very dangerous addiction and hospital grade vials of morphine are super rare on the streets around here and it sure as hell ain't cheap.
BLpeeps, it's been a few weeks..

At the moment I am over the top euphoric from ~ 250 mg 4FA & 400 mg morfine (oral). Gonna take 6 mg's of bromazepam in a bit to engage the nod mode :)

EDIT: Plugged +- 200mg O-desmethyltramadol and ate another 6 mg's of bromazepam and 12.5 mg's of hydroxyzine. Noddin ballz

I also wanted to share the fact that I now am prescribed 100mg methadone/day from my psychiatrist & I get 60 x 60mg + 30 x 100mg MS Contin a month from another random doctor.
My best friend P2Chill, I guess you have heard of him lol, gets 90 x 80mg of oxycontin a month from the same random doctor, which means we are going to have a very good time as we can swap as many MS contins for Oxys as we please..

Good fucking times ahead.

Man we heard the good news but didn't know u also got a done script! U guys are lucky.

For me it's

1oo mg tapentadol plugged {tapped that ass)

350mg soma

1mg Xanax

3 beers....feeling good.
Add about 15.5oz 22% alcohol to that total. Hasn't kicked in yet. I'll admit I did do quite a bit of stuff, hope I don't blackout and wake up in jail lol
Methacodone that sucks and Roofie I'm jealous as fuck that's tight you guys can do that, here in Ak they be all over that and you would be probably doing time lol but I'm happy for you guys. I need opiates for pain plain and simple back pain from riding on a suv blacked out and fell off back in 2007 so ya when I see my doc I usually say don't ride on cars or you'll break your back! Worse could have Happmed I thank his im alive but least pain is better then a wheelchair which could be later on inn life :(

Just ate 20mg methadone
Plugged 20 mg hits me faster and snorted ten lol

I got really high yesterday due to good news. My refill form my meds was due July 7 and I work on the Arctic Ocean in the kitchen I'm smart fuck that weather bs anyways called the doc told him I didn't wanna run out waiting on the mail. So he called the pharmacy and ok'd the go ahead on my refill it will be sent this morning should be here by Friday :) so I'm enjoying myself at work!

Everyone have a great Wednesday! Stay high and stay safe!

Joe bean
140 mg Methadone
450 mg Pregabalin
2 mg Clonazepam
2 mg Alprazolam
100 mg Ketamine (split over several doses through out the day - I wanted to see if it can potentiate the Methadone)
35 ug LSD (Micro-dosing, I wanted to see if it had any effect, it was probably too small a dose to have an effect compared with the other things).
200 mg Cocaine (~80% pure)

At a side note about the cleaned high purity cocaine - I am really positively surprised about its clean effect. Cocaine with 80% plus purity leaves absolutely no residue in the nostrils and the stimulation and euphoria are so clean compared to normal street purity. After a certain amount you actually do not wish to take more - in other words the craving are completely removed. It is fantastic to add to the mix when you need energy and focus. I am going to use it much more sparingly and strategic and minimize the "binge" days. After a certain amount (I have to be more precise with measurements to find this spot) you don't need more and it will turn into what I call "a binge".
Man we heard the good news but didn't know u also got a done script! U guys are lucky.

For me it's

1oo mg tapentadol plugged {tapped that ass)

350mg soma

1mg Xanax

3 beers....feeling good.

Hehe, my done just got upped to 140mg/Day
Gonna go refill my script for oxy tomorrow. I should get a 2 month supply as both my doctor and me are on vacation in august. Which would mean 6 boxes of 30x80mg OxyContin. Also, I'm gonna ask to swap my bromazepam script to an alprazolam script (60X2mg), since my psychiatrist is now prescribing me my bromazepam. I can use that one for maintenance as I always have, and use the alprazolam recreationally from time to time. I think it's a lovely benzo with methadone. :)

So good timez ahead!
Hehe, my done just got upped to 140mg/Day
Gonna go refill my script for oxy tomorrow. I should get a 2 month supply as both my doctor and me are on vacation in august. Which would mean 6 boxes of 30x80mg OxyContin. Also, I'm gonna ask to swap my bromazepam script to an alprazolam script (60X2mg), since my psychiatrist is now prescribing me my bromazepam. I can use that one for maintenance as I always have, and use the alprazolam recreationally from time to time. I think it's a lovely benzo with methadone. :)

So good timez ahead!

I get my 1 x 2 mg clonazepam each day and not I am really considering if I should get 1 x 2 mg Alprazolam or 1 x 6 mg Bromazepam with that. I have never tried Bromazepam so I get curious. But I wonder whether Bromazepams half-time will fit "too well" with the Clonazepam so they become very stable whereas with Clonazepam plus Alprazolam I will get stability from the Clonazepam and a little recreational boost from Alprazolam? I spend way too much time thinking about these things :p
Where the duck do y'all live to get all these meds ? Seriously damn! That's tight tho hallubfor you least simkew out there can get prescribed so good shit! I miss the old 80 oc they aren't in Alaska or United States as far as I know! :( what countries have them I can't go to Canada yet working on it I'm a felon so we will se. My grandfather is still a Canadian citizen so who knows the laws

Joe bean
^I'm not lying on the 'location' bit under my avatar etc. :D

I get my 1 x 2 mg clonazepam each day and not I am really considering if I should get 1 x 2 mg Alprazolam or 1 x 6 mg Bromazepam with that. I have never tried Bromazepam so I get curious. But I wonder whether Bromazepams half-time will fit "too well" with the Clonazepam so they become very stable whereas with Clonazepam plus Alprazolam I will get stability from the Clonazepam and a little recreational boost from Alprazolam? I spend way too much time thinking about these things :p

Bromazepam is my 1/day benzo, and it is enough for me to maintain on.

But now that both my docs are giving me 1/day, I can get 1 doc to rx me alprazolam 2mg and still have 12mg bromazepam/day for maintenance. Alprazolam is my recreational benzo of choice I suppose (it's on par with a few others, brotizolam & lorazepam come to mind - love those too, but xanax will be easier to get I think and is absolutely lovely with methadone IMO).

18mg bromazepam
140mg methadone
150mg 3-FEA

Opinion on 3-FEA - pretty nice stuff! But 4-FA is better. Or well, more potent & a stronger 'ecstacy-feeling'. I suppose this one is still quite a lot better than a decent few of the fluor-amphetamine series. It's a 'decent' empathogen, but I don't think the SERT dump is all that massive. 4-FA has a far stronger feelng of ecstacy IME, and that already has a lot smaller 'serotonin dump into the synaps' than MDMA. So I'd guess this one is less damaging regarding neurotoxicity, but I have no real proof aside from how it feels, so don't take my word for fact please. It's a mere hypothesis.
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