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How High Are You? V. Slurping Scopolamine Slushies on Sunday

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I'm pretty "kratomed", had about 6g in the span of 2h30. It's like the perfect drug for traveling.
Just chilling drinking chocolate milk and waiting for my plane.

Huh, i feel that. Definitely had my fair share of ?kratomed? bus/plane/train rides. My fav has always been dosing a bunch of morphine/opium (always oral) with a light dose of a long lasting benzo (clon/diaz) and an even lighter dose of an edible, just sit back, watch movies, and keep your wallet in your bag lol

I?m getting ready to opiate the shit out of myself, straight up latex style. Brewing up a special batch of tea to dissolve it in, featuring Kava, a little chamomile, ginger, and fernet! Would have liked my amanita caps and ephedra to have arrived, but idk if i?m even ready for that experiment just yet.

Hey all! Hope everyone is doing well, thought I'd check in. Been a pretty crazy but also quiet year, I can't believe it's over already.. Been on opiates all year so that can definitely make it seem like it just slides by. Still working with cannabis farms in the middle of nowhere.

Currently, quite high on heroin, plus dabs. My daily double.

Whatt upp dude!
Meth...cleaned the kitchen, restrooms and did laundry...I also caught myself cleaning the walls haha
120mg Methadone
33mg CBD
100mg THC edible
900mg (I think) Gabapentin
20mg Etizolam
<1mg Clonazolam
1 about to be 2 dabs of some acceptable wax
Probably smoke a bowl of sativa too, Purple Haze

Cup of Coffee
Couple of Cigs

And my gf shared the same breakfast, guess we a touch spoiled.
I’m pretty baked again. Really enjoy this stuff.

- 2 (maybe 3 I honestly don’t remember) spliffs
- 20mg Dexedrine
-10mg Valium
-150mg Lyrica
-10mg Flexaril
On about 300mg of 2F-DCK, 2 beers, teeny bit stoned still from a joint I smoked earlier. Took 75mg Armodafinil and 40mg Tianeptine this morning also, so probably feeling some residual effects from the longer acting ~afinil isomer at least. Some vaped nicotine which I am gonna have to nip in the bud as soon as I finish this tasty e-liquid bottle because I have experienced addicting/habituating effects from vaped nicotine alone and I'm not totally sold on how physiologically benign nicotine is, even disregarding all precautions taken as far as possible with current vaporization technology.

2F-DCK really is an interesting one, I know receptor activity cannot be directly felt but there is something that feels a lot more specific about this one compared to other NMDA-activating/inhibiting/modulating substances I have partaken of before.

Tried to post yesterday on 0.5mg clonazolam, god damn what a knockout benzo that is. 250ug was perceptibly sedating for at least 12 hours. Glad to find that the nature of it's cerebral disinhibition appears somewhat different and less gung-ho than one specific member of it's extended family of chemical cousins - alprazolam. Very sedating but seemingly not disinhibiting to the point of triggering a light paradoxical mania (at least up to 500ug) like I find that alpraz' to be.
Even higher now than earlier. I can barely fprm sentences to type.

+another bowl of weed
+another 150mg Lyrica
+15mg Flexaril
2F-DCK really is an interesting one, I know receptor activity cannot be directly felt but there is something that feels a lot more specific about this one compared to other NMDA-activating/inhibiting/modulating substances I have partaken of before.

Its got this interesting, almost psychedelic effect skmilar to MXE almost but its got a very unique brand of synesthetic effects. Not my favorite but notable for sure.

I am pretty darn high on opium. Also had a beer earlier. That is all. Very close to the nod threshold but not quite there.
175mg vyvanse and nicotine... im rollling :)

time to be uber productive

Happy New Years everybody!
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Hopped on BL just to see how crazy y'all are getting tonight. Pretty tame but this is what I'm up to:

Rolling joints and packing bowls of OG Kush
Continuously filling up quarter glasses of 50% ABV Israeli Jabalna Arak (I'm in love with this shit this is like my 3rd bottle in the last 7 days)
4g Red Indo Kratom

Feeling pretty damn good, enjoying the simple substances and not dying for anything else for once. Happy New Years my friends.

Might drop some acid tonight since I'm feeling good. What I consider the pride of my stash: 99.9% LSD-25 VoidRealm/All Seeing Eye print tabs. I've he these since I visited Zion like 6 months ago and took a few holy shit.
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Im with my wife family so I can't do shit. I even left most my supplements at home.

2mg suboxone tab
2 gram phenibut (and 1500 much earlier)
3, 200mg caffeine tablets and soda
800mg l-theanine
some Stokers Mint Dip

Cant really do shit else than this I got a bit of pot but I can't smoke it and I never got a chance to get some cheap ass kava capsules from a certain local retail store. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a little fuckered up on kava capsules and weed too plus what I did today and then Ima take it light for a bit I got a new job to start very soon and I'm VERY broke.
Popped 150mg vistaril, 1000mg methocarbomal, 400mg l-theanine and debating a 2mg suboxone tablet but I'm kinda low. I got a pound of kava on the way too I'm excited for! Later today after I wake up and eat breakfast Ima smoke some reefer and get a dime bag.
Happy Fucking New Years!! Wish I was home to get enlightened or higher then giraffes pussy lol but I don?t have anymore lyrica ran out this morning and this evening I had anxiety and bad head ache so looked on here says you can withdraw from lyrica good thing I took it for less then 3 weeks and nothing over 450 usually less or around that. So I took an zolpidem to help my head and head ache went away in 30 min and my anxiety too! Well fuck I won?t be taking lyrica again or maybe a few times a month.

6mg Subutex
5mg zolpidem
10mg thc

Feeling better time to make the donuts

Happy New Years again much love and stay high
Dosed Gapapentin 300mg at 11 and 3. Just smoked a while bunch of weed all day until my friend came over in the evening. Had some beers and some lines during this time. Anyway my friend has to leave early and planning to just speed up the inevitable comedown, also took 3x10mg zolpidem. About a half hour after this I had the bright idea to try just a small amount of some 3-MMC I had lying around -I would not say there is excellent synergy at this early stage. My total dosage was 120mg over 2 lines. Now waiting for my other friend who happens to be around, so will be an interesting time, gonna try to keep it together through this zolpidemy haze lol. Some poor planning here defintely.
Hey guys feeling pretty good!just done 512 mg of codeine and it took extra long to kick in but I'm honestly experiencing the best body buzz.and inner aura warmth than I can remember in a while hope everyone's having a nice warm new year x
Drank and smoked a lot last night, it was pretty fun. Just woke up not too long ago, had 3g of kratom, took a bong hit and now I'm going to grab some asian food
Instead of dropping acid I drank more, blacked out and slept for a few hours :) woke up about 2 hours before midnight. Miami don't play on New Year's, I saw more fireworks in those 2 hours than like every 4th of July combined in my hometown. I also learned a lot of people near me own guns and enjoy firing them into the air with reckless abandon...
Went to a rave last night ended up doing waaaaaaay too many different drugs. Really wasnt a great idea since i was drinking heavily, but ended up doing a bunch a coke and doing a bump of k and a bump of heroin, which was totally unexpected, but made me feel really good! Also got some weed finally which i just smoked right now, feeling a lot better than i was earlier, which was just... bad. Headache, throwin up, feeling all crazy.
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