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How High Are You? v. Not High Enough

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A fucking great combo right now got me feeling gaareaatttt.

10mg of methadone
20 of some reallll nice heroin
.5mg of xanax ( proll gonna add more)
and bong hits of marijuana along with some beers.

After this meal im gonna go grab me some dxm...how great is that gonna be!
150mg IV morphine and contemplating taking a bit of valium in a while and maybe catch up on some sleep.

yay for lower thoracic x-rays to hopefully rule out a bulging disc. hopefully just need to see the chiropractor and get a bit of an realignment.
250mg tramadol from this morning is wearing off, now I'm gonna smoke some weed and plug a few percocet.
70 mg vyvanse & 20 mg adderrall xr in the morning.
Many weeds and shots of fireball throughout the day at work.
35 mg hydrocodone, 25 mg dph and 10 mg dxm about 20 minutes ago.
Not high enough.. yet. But soon
Actually nicely relaxed tonight, and feeling good: 2 mg alprazolam, 2 mg clonazepam, 15 mg temazepam, 225 mg tramadol, 5 mg mixed amphetamine salts (extended-release). Should have staggered the tramadol, but oh well! Took everything about 2 hours ago, so expecting a nice continuing feeling of contentment (tramadol has a rather long duration of action for me, and the low-dose amphetamine provides me with just a little extra something to feel good, the rest are relaxing, simply). It is kind of exciting, though, since this is my first temazepam experience - Yay for me! I know the dose is not that huge for my tolerance, and with the high doses of other benzos mixed in, but I think I can palpate the temazepam's relaxing effect even through all of the other stuff. Usually take 1 mg alprazolam, 2 mg clonazepam, and 75 mg tramadol at night, but what the fuck - I wanted to relax, and I am. I am surprised it does not seem, though, that I am that dulled down with all the benzos (taking effects of amphetamine into account) - just really nicely calm. The alprazolam did not pack that typical punch, which it still should have at 2 mg, even if have a large benzo tolerance. I can tell it is working, though. I am not doing much, though, just BL as of now, then probably anything calm and enjoyable, so it could be that if I were out and about I'd be a bit more "aware" of the effects. I don't know - I feel good, that is what matters to me right now. Yay, again for the temazepam! I can cross another drug off my to-do list, and for benzos that was pretty high up there. I think I will try it out at larger doses (30 mg - 60 mg) to get a more benzo-feel that is a bit more sedating at some point, though.
just put another 200mg morphine IV in thy forearm after taking 35mg valium a few hours ago now. feeling even more like a boss.

got an awesome coffee and cigarette which i'm chuffin' down. all that is missing is a couple cones of weed. 2 or 3 would do it and i'd be content.
Nodding on about 45 mg total oxy (spread out into seperate doses of 15, 20, then 10. the first two doses were about 4 hours apart, while the second and third dose were around 30 minutes apart.

Feels good, man, I'm gonna smoke some more weed later to end the night. I'm contemplating taking some more percocet, but I feel like I should take a tolerance break, because right now my tolerance is too high to be trying to get that high off and the APAP would kill me. I would do a CWE, but I'm fuckin lazy.
^ the benefits of living in LA ;), where you can smoke a joint walking down the street and cops will leave you alone. the families, however, will give you tons of shit for smoking, and not just weed, they will lecture you for smoking a cigarette in their neighborhood. this has happened to me smoking a cigarette in front of my apartment.

the only downside of the overabundance of weed is that its only easy drug to get here, everything else is pretty difficult. MDMA used to be as easy to get as weed, but now it's very difficult to get.
150mg IV morphine and contemplating taking a bit of valium in a while and maybe catch up on some sleep.

yay for lower thoracic x-rays to hopefully rule out a bulging disc. hopefully just need to see the chiropractor and get a bit of an realignment.

Really you need MRIs to show discs...MRI/CT-Scans=soft tissue, X-Rays=hard tissue...
they will lecture you for smoking a cigarette in their neighborhood. this has happened to me smoking a cigarette in front of my apartment.

you've got to be joking? what a crock of shit. i'd be telling them where to stick it and to mind their own fucking business.

Really you need MRIs to show discs...MRI/CT-Scans=soft tissue, X-Rays=hard tissue...

yeah i realise that. i am due for updated MRI's, though, things have changed in the system here and they're no longer available through the public system. you now have to see a PM specialist to have them done and at a pretty penny too as opposed to them basically being covered through medicare. it's rather stupid if you ask me.

chiro's perform a more thorough and comprehensive x-ray scan as opposed to the simple ones performed by hospitals.

edit - just picked up a mixture of ciders, mainly apple along with a apple/blackcurrent and a mixed wildberry (rikorderlig, awesome swedish brew) and a 6 pack of dirty granny lol =D downed 20mg more of diazepam as well so i'll only need a coupla brews to hit the spot and make the quiche i just chucked in the oven for dinner. i haven't eaten quiche in fuck knows how long and am looking forward to it!
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10 mg oxy snorted, feels good! One of those low tolerance days :O.

Edit: snorted the other half (10 mg) feeling really good!
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i spiked one of my beers with a further 50mg valium haha, valium quota for the day is met. looks like i'll be going without for a few days until i catch up and am on point with them.

otherwise just smoking cig after cig wishing i had just a wee bit of weed to smoke. it would top the nights efforts off. i can hear my dad snoring and i'm in the fucking lounge! jesus christ it's obnoxiously loud!
10mg dextroamphetamine, just to get me out of bed, no real high there, just a very light stimulation. I almost want to smoke a joint on top of it, but I know that my weed is way too indica dominant to mix with a stimulant. maybe some percocets...
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and i just had one final shot of 100mg of morphine while i settle into bed with the st. louis cardinals vs san fran giants game on.
just plugged 25mg percocet

EDIT: starting to kick in pretty good. the d-amp and the few hits of weed I smoked earlier are definitely synergizing very nicely with the oxycodone. contemplating making some kava.
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