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How High Are You? v. Not High Enough

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2mg of alprazolam sublingual
2 dimes of heroin IV

The heroin feels extra rewarding today than usual. I helped my rents out with a bunch of shit around the house today and yesterday, so I got a little bit of cash to throw down on some h. It was also nice finding out that the H was some from the better end of the spectrum for this dealer.

I'm enjoying my sunday. I worked hard, and now I'm playing hard.
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Just walked down to the ATM and went to the pizza place next door while waiting on the dope man to come through (so happy dude actually delivers even though he's never accurate on how long the runner is gonna take) with my 3x .3 bags of diesel. Anyway I watched the patriots game and ate while waiting on my bags. So to the point...

.2 of dope
.15 bong hit of some nice nugs

Just watching on the game and chilling. Gonna indulge in some steak and probably more drugs even though I should be conserving because Friday was my last day of work for a while (just finished a temp assignment) and I have some other bills that I have to address soon :(
boosted with 17mg more morphine, ganja and a couple drinks. played some turtles in time on the snes %)

i've taken 600mg of tramadol before, i know the seizure threshold is lowered with high doses, sure felt good though. small doses of like 100mg or so are fun too.
Feel absolutely amazing.

Many bong hits of marijuana
30 of heroin
10mg oof methaone and
1.5mg. Xanax

And more weeed more weed more weed.
600mg tagamet
2.5mg suboxone
0.5mg klonopin
300mg lyrica
50mgs hydroxyzine
125mg nuvigil
a fat bubbler toke sesh
2 shots of whiskey

i feel something, to say the least.
40 mg oxy snorted - am proper rushing, wud be talking a mile a minute if i were out. Benefits of controlling my use (sticking to less than 60mg a day) are paying off ..

Edit: has faded into a lazy noddy/dreamy high now, its nice for a sun afternoon.

Wow i remember the days when only 40mgs would get me nice and buzzed. Fast forward 18 months later and now it takes atleast 450mgs of oxy 30mg IRs.
As for how buzzed i am, i just dosed up 20 minutes ago and im now starting to get that warm and fuzzy feeling
Nothing better than booze and benzos to calm you down when you feel like killing someone. Aaaaaaaaah. Took me about 5 mn to type this out properly.
High as a kite... Been up all nite on downers (bupe, pregabalin n oxazepam)
Cant go to sleep, cause school is about to start in 1,5 hrs %)
6mg hydromorphone up the nose. Finishing a tall boy. Bong hits as soon as the hydromorph hits me.

Gotta love Sunday evening %)
came down from the heroin and ketamine, now I'm gonna take a few percocet and smoke a few joints until the acid that i too this morning completely wears off so i can sleep.
I have to sit here with my fingers on the keys

and try to think about how high is not high enough

so yea
Hey bigfan of L.A., I'm down by Ports of Call on the weekends. I'm trying to find a drum circle to attend one weekend. Not saying you would know of any, but since you're local to me, I thought I'd mention it.

Howz thingz?
The cns depressing properties aren't that much of a factor with tramadol, therefore I'd say 400mg is a feasible dose. Though combining with benzos can be more risky, especially those rather large amounts of benzos. 400mg should really be the maximum you take, even when it's not combined with benzos.

I'm sorry about what "the pushy bitch" did to your face. :\

She's taken clonazepam, ativan and xanax so if you're worrying about seizures, I suppose that's got it covered.

Thanks PilltoChill Tramadol doesn't seem to have a huge effect on me anyway (and I have no opioid tolerance) so I may aswell just take 100-200mg next time and not blow through them all at once.I was just feeling psycho and reckless last night.

My face is still fucked,but I'm gonna email someone higher up in the company about the chick's behaviour ie. bullying and what their products did to my face. Mwahaha,makes me feel better that I could get her in trouble :p
The cns depressing properties aren't that much of a factor with tramadol, therefore I'd say 400mg is a feasible dose. Though combining with benzos can be more risky, especially those rather large amounts of benzos. 400mg should really be the maximum you take, even when it's not combined with benzos.

I'm sorry about what "the pushy bitch" did to your face. :\

She's taken clonazepam, ativan and xanax so if you're worrying about seizures, I suppose that's got it covered.

You're doing well man, keep it up! ;) How are the exams going?

OT: Soberrr and chainsmoking cigs. :|

Thanks guy, will have enough to get me through the next month if i carry on using dishipwin. Yeah they start this week but I'm ready!

10 mg OC chewed don't feel much but a mood lift gonna snort the other half just now, that I know will hit me.
Time to go to my lecture smashed out on bromaz. I suspect tis might end in a nap.
Time to go to my lecture smashed out on bromaz. I suspect tis might end in a nap.

I once went to a lecture on the tail end of a 2 day coke binge and got singled out by the lecturer, was terrible, didn't know what to say lol
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