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How High Are You v. Not High Enough for this Life

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Fucking half drunk on whiskey and beer and half stoned waiting for the cable guy to get here. He's taking forever so I had to drink a protein shake to stay sober. Didn't work as well as I'd hoped.
I'm tired and busy. Have missed a couple of gym classes lately due to the late hours but we'll make it up for the lost time until Friday. Exercises for me is my 'high'. I get pretty euphoric and relaxed for hours.
Bit of hash, bit of heroin...I've been bed ridden with flu so I'm treating myself to opiates for one more night. Anymore than 3 in a row is a no no for me.
The longer I go without booze, the less I miss it. I also don't have the same selection that I used to. In addition, the desire for other drugs remains so it's a battle won within a larger war.

Fuckin' a dude! That's awesome. Alcohol is sucks to give up if it's part of your routine but you definitely miss it less over time---I'm at like 18 months and I don't even care anymore. I never drank a whole lot but I don't even feel a desire around other people drinking anymore---I just get my cranberry juice in a tumbler.

And it makes me feel better about smoking as much cannabis as I like and small doses of oxy---combined they're less dangerous than alcohol so it's a net positive for sure.

ot: 5mg oxy, some dabs, a joint
LSD-25 (2 WOW tabs, potent to say the least)
IV 0.3g diamorphine
IV 0.2g coca +few lines
2mg alprazolam
Nitro Milk Stouts
Marlboro Reds
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LSD-25 (2 WOW tabs, potent to say the least)
IV 0.3g diamorphine
IV 0.2g coca +few lines
2mg alprazolam
Nitro Milk Stouts
Marlboro Reds

Damn bruh sounds wavy as all hell hope you had a good time.

Smokin what's said to be girl scout cookies pretty convincing to say the least
Not really high at all. Haven't been for the last four days or so...have been visiting parents over my spring break. The only drugs I've been doing is weed (that my parents gave me a bag of, helping them with their grow project at the moment) and my prescribed Ambien.

Before visiting them I came off what I considered to be a mild opiate habit (consisting mostly of IV morphine & some smoked tar, albeit tar that was unusually raw, direct from the US-Mexico border) but I kicked hard. Fuck. Just a couple weeks of opiate use made me kick harder than when I had used for months and months on end prior to my last break. My days spent feeling like I was burning up followed by feeling like I was freezing, and nights spent kicking my covers off my body non-stop (only to pull them back on frantically as I got hit with the chills) & insomnia that my zolpidem couldn't even touch. It sucked. To top it off I've just been an irritable prick to my parents who do not deserve it whatsoever. Those people have the patience of saints...if I had a kid like me I would've told him to go fuck himself already.

Oh well, though...that's opiates for ya! You gotta have a sense of humor about it to some extent, if you don't you shouldn't be doing drugs :) I'm finally starting to feel better on day 4 or so, helped my dad today on some projects he's got going on.
Fuckin' a dude! That's awesome. Alcohol is sucks to give up if it's part of your routine but you definitely miss it less over time---I'm at like 18 months and I don't even care anymore. I never drank a whole lot but I don't even feel a desire around other people drinking anymore---I just get my cranberry juice in a tumbler.

And it makes me feel better about smoking as much cannabis as I like and small doses of oxy---combined they're less dangerous than alcohol so it's a net positive for sure.

ot: 5mg oxy, some dabs, a joint

Yeah, I don't feel tempted even around other people drinking anymore and lately found myself even rather refusing to drink. I find alcohol way too dirty, and it seems to ruin the opioid high for me. I don't understand how I could have got addicted to it back then.

OT: it's morning, so just coffee for me. Got a long day ahead of me, so I'm already looking forward to the evening's codeine.
Not really high at all. Haven't been for the last four days or so...have been visiting parents over my spring break. The only drugs I've been doing is weed (that my parents gave me a bag of, helping them with their grow project at the moment) and my prescribed Ambien.

Before visiting them I came off what I considered to be a mild opiate habit (consisting mostly of IV morphine & some smoked tar, albeit tar that was unusually raw, direct from the US-Mexico border) but I kicked hard. Fuck. Just a couple weeks of opiate use made me kick harder than when I had used for months and months on end prior to my last break. My days spent feeling like I was burning up followed by feeling like I was freezing, and nights spent kicking my covers off my body non-stop (only to pull them back on frantically as I got hit with the chills) & insomnia that my zolpidem couldn't even touch. It sucked. To top it off I've just been an irritable prick to my parents who do not deserve it whatsoever. Those people have the patience of saints...if I had a kid like me I would've told him to go fuck himself already.

Oh well, though...that's opiates for ya! You gotta have a sense of humor about it to some extent, if you don't you shouldn't be doing drugs :) I'm finally starting to feel better on day 4 or so, helped my dad today on some projects he's got going on.
^I feel you man. I've had to go cold turkey for a few days at a time a couple of times this month because of running out of oxy early and/or the dopeman not coming through. It was off high doses too. (2-300mg oxy/day) What you described is so painfully familiar and fresh in my memory. Hope I don't have to go through an opiate withdrawal anytime soon but I guess at some point it will be inevitable.. Well not today anyway so I'm gonna try not to think about it too much!

OT: A morning dose of 100mg oxy IV'd. Not even really high from that, just 'well'.
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I am going to smoke some weed in an hour and then smoke it on and off most of the day because I think I have cancer. The telepathy from weed will also help cancer in other people. I think that has helped my mom (who I found is really my grandmother) keep her stage four cancer under control for 8 years.
^I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm actually refreshed today, despite of all the coffee I drank.
Have cut down Nicotine to almost none. ]
That makes me really hungry!! Sugary taste.
High on 3ml 1,4-butanediol, some alcohol, and some cigarettes. Gonna smoke some mary jane in a little while, a couple of hours or so. I think I've been falling asleep repeatedly from the nice drugs I get through telepathy. Haven't had too get to low the last 16 hours or so. I think it has something to do with the Deet program and Terrell mental institution. And God has proven her (or his, assuming there is a gender) existence to me and I am sure to others. I have had many spirits in my body/head and talked to a number of them including Robert Hawkins, a patient from the mental institution.
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Pourd up my 30 mgs of mdone on 3 ml into some Canada dry.

Just dropped a dueces in some srpite.

Lean lean lean lean!!

Smokin dank in makin edibles.

Vicodindin on its way..

As soon as I get out of work in 10 min I'm getting a bomber. I may not be drinking this month for financial reasons, but I AM drinking on St Patricks day. After I put my summer tires on :D. Picked up some fresh Dunlop Star Spec radials for the whip.
The patch or gum is way better than cigs or oral tobacco health wise. I must be lucky that I don't find cigarettes by themselves addictive. I can only appreciate tobacco in certain situations and go CT for months at a time regularly. Right now I'm just smoking tobacco in spliffs, mainly to slow down the burn.

I'm relishing in my only day of drinking this month rn, only 22oz but whatever. Cheers everybody.
Congrats SirTop!
Keep up! ;) I noticed you have progressed significantly.
Tanks a lot Erik, i dont have nearly as much control over myself as it may seem from reading my posts. I swear i am a fun and unstable individiual like your typical go-hard type ;). I think you have gotten much farther than you give yourself credit for.

Want to know my secret Erik? I'm poor. That plus a small concern for my health elicited a big change. I have no reason not to party every day, except that I can be healthier and actually have $ if I don't. Both circumstances are rewarding in different ways.
I wish you well SirTop. If you amount of money is making you take it easy.
I'll toast to that.

You are right though. I'm also getting old and feeling that I don't have the health I used to and that even limits the level of cravings I might have.
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