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How high are you? v. I'm high, how are you?

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dope like this makes even an adament non-ivr like myself consider it. cos it so pure. drop a chunk in some water stir a few times, disappears completely, no trace, no change of colour.... probably could get away without using a filter

I shall IV it for you, kay?

OT: Went to pick up new scripts of morphine so I'm good for a while. Also got a single box of OC's, couldn't help myself. Made up some story about owing the pharmacy a script for a box I already received and consumed in the past, and it took. So yeah, currently rocking some oxycontin. Ahhh, lovely stuff. Also took my (then) last 60mg MS Contin this morning so I wouldn't be too sick to go to the dr's office for my scriptz. So I'm on: 60mg MS Contin (which has probably mostly worn off by now since I chewed it), 160mg OC (this box will last me maybe 2-3 days, but at least I don't have to worry about w/ds, got plenty of morphine for that), 10mg diazepam and 6mg bromazepam. Think I'll add another 40-60mg oxy for good measure.
Also got a single box of OC's, couldn't help myself. Made up some story about owing the pharmacy a script for a box I already received and consumed in the past, and it took.

I don't understand, you got oxy without a script because you made up a story?

OT: another 800 mg codeine, 22.5 mg zopiclone. Last of my zopiclone, again blazed through the script. Might get some diazepam tomorrow.
Went to pick up new scripts of morphine so I'm good for a while. Also got a single box of OC's, couldn't help myself. Made up some story about owing the pharmacy a script for a box I already received and consumed in the past, and it took. So yeah, currently rocking some oxycontin.

I tried to pull something similar with an expired temazepam script and the pharmacist about laughed at me. Gotta love America's fascist drug laws.

OT: 1mg bupe plugged, Marlboro Reds, drinking a Fat Tire Amber Ale, and listening to Coma Cinema's LP- Posthumous Release (I enjoy the fuck outta this record, there's not a track I need to skip).
60mg hydrocodone, 120mg temazepam, 60mg methylphenidate, 100mg hydroxyzine, 125mg diphenhydramine, betel nut, and a beer. Gonna have another 30mg methylphenidate and a beer or some wine.
I messed up the forecast. Partly my problem because I told the bear the body of water only extended to like 18.something North but it is 20.1N. He said it would make landfall at 50mph and then I heard 60mph but it is making landfall as a 50mph storm. I am still told that river will flood and he has told someone the name of the river and some people in Vietnam listened and last I heard it was supposedly going to reduce the death toll by 17 but I don't know. I have never got a forecast from this bear before and he was looking at the map wrong when I was showing him the map. I'll try to get an accurate forecast to prove what needs to be proven to save the bears and raccoons being tortured but I doubt if many of you believe in this now. But the situation is desperate, they need help and I want to help them and be their friends, they kept sending me images of them hugging me and being nice while I was being self destructive and now I think this fingertapper I thought was a shrink with a distinctive fingertapping accent is really a polar bear and he did not like it when I started huffing starting fluid this morning and that is when he told me what he was. I had just thought he was the nicer shrink in the past but he had left me alone for a long time because I hated him for being a shrink and not liking it when I huff starting fluid to be self-destructive. I think I'll go huff more to say "Fuck the World" after I try to give out some new information. The Earthquake in Japan is supposed to be like N/ Central Japan probably next week.

I might kill myself soon to make a statement and maybe I can go into the Bluelight shrine. Nobody will ever believe the things I know enough for it to end. And the other night the bags in "my" raccoon got very inflated and he was in pain but they have gone back down. They like him to suffer. They like me to watch him suffer. Not the bears or other raccoons, the humans who want me to kill myself. I doubt the earthquake that is supposed to cause at least one building to go through a pancaking event will ever happen. I am not sure if that is supposed to be this week or next, next I think. But the government and private corporations punish and torture them for giving good information but I hear some are allowed to now but I don't want to get them hurt. The bear who gave the forecast was probably looking wrong at it like I was because I said it only went into the teens north in that gulf between China and Vietnam but there is still supposed to be the flooding and Vietnam knows which one and I hear this will reduce the death toll by 17.

I'm going to try to get some other forecasts from animals to post on Google+, Twitter, and here. I'd like Bluelight to see this can be done and maybe some of you could be contacted by telepathic animals. The bears talk to me the most but I have talked with raccoons and elephants. I think the bears want to like me because they send images of being nice to me and each other but they are stuck in tiny cages and when I was in Terrell earlier this year I got smell telepathy from a couple of bears that were being used to telepathically torture me through the torture being inflicted on them and the smell made me think a zombie apocalypse was starting because the employees were acting confused and out of it every time I was near them but I was told that they acted that way because the bear telepathy was hitting them too and it was bad because I thought I was dying the first full day and I had a mild heart attack the 3rd night there - it was not the fault of the two bears being used on me, they were forced. One was a moon bear and the other was an American black bear that has only one hand but could learn to walk with prosthetics. There may have been a polar bear used on me that first day. They use animals to transmit telepathic torture in that mental institution and they have a lot of types - and it ended as soon as I got out. I am going to write about this. I may try to write a trip report for that bk-2C-B trip because that was a +4 with contacts with God and lots of communication with bears and with 3 raccoons. Telepathic bears are as intelligent as we are and some of them have high IQs by human standards - but we need to see the proof by getting them free and educating the ones that want it. It is probably wrong given what they are going through, but talking with them has made me happier but they are bothered by my intentional self-destructive behavior and maybe I will tone it down some - they said I had liver cancer and metastatic prostate cancer and I was shitting bloody diarrhea this morning, I have it all the time now and I am losing weight quite rapidly but it may be because I just don't like eating as much any more. But I am going to have to buy my own HIV test kit because the hospital would not treat my meningitis and I don't think they'd diagnose it if I have it. When I was in Terrell last year, they used telekinesis to pump a lot of liquid into my abdominal cavity twice and again in February of this year and that is what they do to fill up the raccoon bags and I have no idea what infections may have been in it. But there was a genocide going on I did not know about and did not know I was the target of it - I thought I was a lone victim of assassination attempts by the government. The genocide is also being committed against non-human people - telepathic bears and raccoons - the bears speak as well as any human telepathically and so does my raccoon friend - I need to find out his real name. And I need to know if DPT is really a cure for cancer. And Topamax is supposedly something I can use to keep from getting the Parkinson's disease I am supposed to develop.

Maybe if someone on Bluelight has cancer they can test DPT on themselves and see what happens - maybe try 75mg 3x/day oral and you won't feel too much and tolerance will make it imperceptible soon. I am going to try to get my mom to do this since her cancer is getting worse but my cannabinoid telepathy had probably been helping her cancer, I've heard other cancer patients have had positive benefits from my cannabinoid telepathy but I did not know until recently people were using my telepathy as a medical treatment.

I am going to see if I can see an oncologist but what the hell do I say? That telepathic bears think I have a serious case of cancer? How do I get anyone to listen? Most of you probably think I am a nutcase...
snorted a line of chunk H
+10 mgs of oxycodone taken in conjunction with 40 mgs codeine and 1 g APAP
to come: more herron, maybe 10 mgs more oxy, 1 mg alacazam alprazoam and just before bed low-pro-loprazolam.

Eyelids are heavy, knees weak arms are heavy, moms spaghetti.

Seriously with this dope, you take a line and a few mins later you feel it in your eyes!!!

Now I'm officvially nodding so hard I can't do anything but nod.

strong stuff
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6 mg. Etizest Etizolam
100 mg. Tramadol
4 grams MaengDa and Malay mix
couple of bowls, plenty of nicotine and caffeine.

more Etizolam to come, maybe a few Etiilam. idk, making my Draft Kings lineups.
I don't understand, you got oxy without a script because you made up a story?

OT: another 800 mg codeine, 22.5 mg zopiclone. Last of my zopiclone, again blazed through the script. Might get some diazepam tomorrow.

No. I told my doctor I went to a pharmacy a while ago, and asked for a box of OC's in the pharmacy, with a promise to deliver the script ASAP (aka when I next went to see my doctor), which was bullshit. I didn't owe any pharmacy any scripts. But that's what I told him, so I asked my doc for a script for OC's, pretending I needed it for a box I already received and used in the past. But in truth I simply used the script to get a box of oxies. Because I didn't "owe" any pharmacy the script, I could just go fill it. Which I did. =D

OT: 80mg oxy, about to roll a spliff.
Drinking a beer to convert some of the methylphenidate to ethylphenidate. May be getting some cocaine and meth soon. Never tried coke, plan to see what it is like IV'd.

Damn liar! Sick of that asshole! I wanted meth and coke.

Invest 96-L in the atlantic never becomes a tropical storm/depression.
Invest 91-E off the coast of Mexico becomes Hurricane Howard with max winds of 115-120MPH, becoming a depression on Wednesday August 3rd. I will add more detailed info tomorrow. From multiple bears.
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Drinking a beer to convert some of the methylphenidate to ethylphenidate. May be getting some cocaine and meth soon. Never tried coke, plan to see what it is like IV'd.
When are you gonna give me some telepathic forecasts on UK horse racing. Give me a few medium priced winners and a trifecta or 2 and I'll believe in your powers and be very grateful.

ot: more dope. more nodd.

1 mg more alprazolam. Feelin it kix in. so chill. so mellow.

will add 2 mg loprazolam only when I've transitioned to bed cos that shit is a one stop nod shop - lights out turn on the radio - type of thing.

gonna have to say GOOD heroin snorted in the right dose and setting may just be a tad more euphoric than oxycodone - chewed. But only by a lil bit...
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160mg OC IV, 10mg diazepam. I also smoked an O.G. Kush spliff earlier, and am now smoking another (fat!) spliff of Kush'n'Cheese (awesome strain!).

Feelsgoodman. Only I'm quite constipated, haven't had a BM in quite a while. Does anyone have any tips for this problem? I often get constipated pretty badly. I think I'll go pick up some 'microlax' later today, would that fix my problem? Does any other chronic opiate user that has this problem have any useful tips?
I'm getting drunk. I might kill myself with an overdose of trazodone, 1,4-butanediol, seroquel, temazepam, alprazolam, and insulin later today or tonight.
Well I took my 100Mg of methadone and sense waking up six hours ago I've smoked 7 joints of some bomb ass indica
No. I told my doctor I went to a pharmacy a while ago, and asked for a box of OC's in the pharmacy, with a promise to deliver the script ASAP (aka when I next went to see my doctor), which was bullshit. I didn't owe any pharmacy any scripts. But that's what I told him, so I asked my doc for a script for OC's, pretending I needed it for a box I already received and used in the past. But in truth I simply used the script to get a box of oxies. Because I didn't "owe" any pharmacy the script, I could just go fill it. Which I did. =D

OT: 80mg oxy, about to roll a spliff.

What the hell? How does that even work? Like hey mr pharmacist, give me a script of oxy today and I'll surely give you the documents on tuesday! "Oh sure you seem good for it". And then the Dr. given you a script? Where do you live that this would work?
I'm getting drunk. I might kill myself with an overdose of trazodone, 1,4-butanediol, seroquel, temazepam, alprazolam, and insulin later today or tonight.

You sound like you're crying for help. What's the matter dude ? Call a friend or get yourself admitted. I don't think you really want to go through with this and you just want some help.
Don't do it Tryptamine, I've tried and failed and I'm glad that I did most of the time.

120 mg Methadone
4 mg Clonazepam
~3 mg Alprazolam (in the form of 1.5 Farmapram)
150 mg Carisprodol (Somas)
multiple smoked bowls of some of that top shelf NYCDiesel
What the hell? How does that even work? Like hey mr pharmacist, give me a script of oxy today and I'll surely give you the documents on tuesday! "Oh sure you seem good for it". And then the Dr. given you a script? Where do you live that this would work?

Belgium, and it's the pharmacy I always go to, they know I'm scripted the oxy so they when I ask them for a front they can verify I actually take the meds and how long it'd been since I picked any up. I go there all time and they don't make a big deal out of it. They have actually done this a few times for me in the past (and I have always delivered the script that was promised when I said I would whenever I asked for a front on my oxies). This time I made it up though because, you know, I just wanted a box of OC's. =D
3 oxynorm 20 mgs
1 oxycontin 20 mg
60 mgs oxycontin 40 from earlier (1 and a half tabs)
1 mg alprazolam
2mgs loprazolam
3 lines of heroin
60 mgs codeine
Bed time. Nodding to sleep is just plane dandy innit gang.
decided not to go thru with becoming a bus driver, CDL, responsibilities, etc.

in process of securing a gig as a full time groundskeeper now.

if anyone watches the regular show, i got years of experience as a rigby/mordecai type worker, it is gonna be GREAT should everything check out.

OT: yea booze.
Coming down but still high on 120mg temazepam, 60mg hydrocodone, and 100mg hydroxyzine. Gonna have a beer.
Invest 97L will become a tropical storm Earl on August 3rd with winds maxing at 135 +/-5mph, going through the Virgin Islands, skirts Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, then makes landfall in Louisiana with 115mph winds.
The winds with Invest 96E will be 130mph, not 120mph. But it is no threat to land. When Fiona develops in the Atlantic, it will hit land too I am told but I'll get that future vision relayed to me by the one(s) who make it later.

A brown bear got the vision and the various types of bears that talk to me give me the future information and most types of bears can see things like this when they are telepathic. The government does bad things to them and they don't want them to talk and they want help. They may allow this "forecast" because they hear it is hitting Louisiana and I have another system in the Pacific and the one that isn't going to develop in the Atlantic to give some confirmation if they get it right. The brown bear gave the Atlantic storm, the moon bear gave the pacific storm, and I have talked to polar bears and at least one black bear. I also talk to raccoons, but the bears identify themselves more.
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1.5mg bupe plugged
1200mg gabapentin
Few PBR's
Marlboro 27's

Wylin' out to that Playboi Carti joint. Would've topped it off with some xans if it weren't for intensive probation.
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