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How High Are You? v. Higher Than A Kite That Ate Acid

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Getting cross faded as fuck who's with me

5 shots of liquor chased with 16 oz of apple juice...AFTER donating plasma and then walking 5 miles
chugging a 40 of Natural Ice
and a couple hits of dank so far but I'm baked off my ass

Another 40 and some MORE pot once my dad goes to bed (I try and hide things just a bit out of respect)
I try to hide my weed use from my dad, too...although that's because he will try and horn in on my stash if he knows I've got some good weed! ;)
There should be a blue light conference for drug culture citizens specifically

I'd say more but each second I spend typing is a second I spend getting more sober.
^that woud be fun

there's a goddam cricket stuck in my window air conditioner and I'm trying to figure out how to kill it

not high enoguh for this shit
Codeine + promethazine + pregabalin.

Very fucking high, the pregabs seriously give the codeine a massive kick.

I do feel fucking retarded though. Pregabs always do that.
900 mg codeine, 2 g valerian root extract. Now time for some herbal tea and chill. Bleh, this routine is getting boring, kind of want to spice things up a little, perhaps with morphine.
900 mg codeine, 2 g valerian root extract. Now time for some herbal tea and chill. Bleh, this routine is getting boring, kind of want to spice things up a little, perhaps with morphine.

Feeling the same man. Been getting a lot of codeine in and would love to get my hands on morphine on the regular instead.
I need to get high (weed)

other than that, about to take my afternoon kratom dose.
I kept telling myself I uldnt crack a beer after work until I finished my to do list.

Didn't happen, the to do list is now the to drink list.

just bored, another little bit of oxy, about to start dabs... I think I want a different job, but I don't know what yet
pretty high.

Today has consisted of plugging an RC stim all day.

Sprinklings of benzos on top, finishing off with a tiny bit of K and some weed.

Here I am, supposed to be looking for a job.
Wired as hell somehow got convinced to do a little jib and half a tab of good acid.... man I needed my friend to give me a temazepam, I'm so sensitive to meth.
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