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How High Are You? v. Higher Than A Kite That Ate Acid

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^that's not too bad. I'm mourning a friend who just died of a heroin overdose, kinda makes me take a step back. It's just fucked, I can barely believe it. I can't be high enough for this, but taking something just feels wrong. I talked to his mom this morning, they were filing a missing persons report and I live in the same state so a friend of mine in the area was going to look for him fuck

No not bad at all. I just lost one of my best friends this summer, he didn't even IV. Heard he sniffed 1 line of "fentadope" over ~2mg Xanax and died alone in his mom's basement. I considered him a brother... I'm sorry for your loss, I can definitely relate man. Ever need to talk just shoot me a PM.

7.5mg oxy insufflated
10mg oxy oral
400mg gabapentin
2mg lorazepam subL
Hot cup o' coffee
67.5mg hydrocodone, 3.5mg alprazolam, 30mg temazepam, 2mg clonazepam, 400mg Lyrica, 60mg cyclobenzaprine, 150mg diphenhydramine, and 500mg cipro as a potentiator.

Update: Added 30mg hydrocodone for a total of 97.5mg and then went to Goodwill for a few minutes and stopped by the bar to have one draft beer/ Was a goof beer but a little bitterer than I expected and pricey. This bar has some things you can't get elsewhere. Feeling that too now.

Going to see Lucky in his room then letting him out for a while. He is telepathic and I am trying to get more accurate forecasts. He may actually be seeing the future. I need to find out and he figured out how to talk to me with Bluelight's advanced editor. When I was overdosing on 1,54-butenediol and insulin, he took my insulin syringe away from me and I was going to inject more after that one but I could not get it away from him. This was before I got sent to the nut house in July and I had seizures after losing consciousness and my glucose reading was 26 when I got to the ER and I might have died if he had not got it away because my mom may not have found me in time. I did not think the insulin affected me that much but I found out when she told me a few days ago. I doubt anyone believes either of those things

Feeling pretty good now but was thinking of overdosing on insulin again while everyone was sleeping but probably would not have done it, I have been getting more depressed the last 4 or 5 days. i need a traditional psychedelic like DPT or miprocin.

Gonna go smoke a cigarette and then see Lucky then try to get some things done.
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10mg hydromorphone insufflated
150mg pregabalin
1mg alprazolam
2000mg l-tyrosine
200mg tianeptine (100mg plugged/100mg oral)
15mg oxy (10mg insuffL/5mg oral)
2mg lorazepam subL

This tianeptzz + oxy has me properly opiated
67.5mg hydrocodone, 3.5mg alprazolam, 30mg temazepam, 2mg clonazepam, 400mg Lyrica, 60mg cyclobenzaprine, 150mg diphenhydramine, and 500mg cipro as a potentiator.

Update: Added 30mg hydrocodone for a total of 97.5mg and then went to Goodwill for a few minutes and stopped by the bar to have one draft beer/ Was a goof beer but a little bitterer than I expected and pricey. This bar has some things you can't get elsewhere. Feeling that too now.

Going to see Lucky in his room then letting him out for a while. He is telepathic and I am trying to get more accurate forecasts. He may actually be seeing the future. I need to find out and he figured out how to talk to me with Bluelight's advanced editor. When I was overdosing on 1,54-butenediol and insulin, he took my insulin syringe away from me and I was going to inject more after that one but I could not get it away from him. This was before I got sent to the nut house in July and I had seizures after losing consciousness and my glucose reading was 26 when I got to the ER and I might have died if he had not got it away because my mom may not have found me in time. I did not think the insulin affected me that much but I found out when she told me a few days ago. I doubt anyone believes either of those things

Feeling pretty good now but was thinking of overdosing on insulin again while everyone was sleeping but probably would not have done it, I have been getting more depressed the last 4 or 5 days. i need a traditional psychedelic like DPT or miprocin.

Gonna go smoke a cigarette and then see Lucky then try to get some things done.

Hey man how are you? I read your posts all the time and I see that you feel people are telepathic. I am just curious why U feel this way and I am interested in your experiences. If u don't care to all elaborate, I understand , have a good night.
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Hi everyone I haven't disappeared I been having some dental work done and well I haven't been feeling up to anything really. I have gone down in daily subutex intake to about 8mg total so maybe lil sluggish from that. Maybe when I get back to work on Monday I'll go back up a lil bit we will see hope everyone is enjoying their February so far!!
Drinking beer now and gonna smoke some weed as well. I worked hard all week as usual, I'm glad it's the weekend.
1/10 dope sickness
2/10 stonedness

Not too bad, feeling sleep approaching.
Just bounced out of work, getting a deli sandwich made as I type, then getting mad blazed on pennywise (bud) before checking out a potential new apartment.

Yarp, I'm high. These ultra high CBD strains are da shiznit.
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bombed a little ethylphenidate. Just time warped and read a psychology book for 6 hours. I normally can't pay attention for more than a good 15 minutes. I'm honestly considering asking to get tested for ADD
Your hydros have alot of apap?? Hope you didn't OD on insulin, what a boring OD haha jping. You think your dog has psychic powers?
Just bounced out of work, getting a deli sandwich made as I type, then getting mad blazed on pennywise (bud) before checking out a potential new apartment.

Yarp, I'm high. These ultra high CBD strains are da shiznit.

I'm really looking to trying some of those strains. I doubt the vast majority of the weed I smoke is much over 1 or 2% CBD...I've heard that some of the higher-CBD strains are better for sleep promotion purposes. I'd definitely be interested in that. Would like something to replace this Ambien I currently take...I still enjoy Ambien to some extent, but I don't think it's healthy to take 10 mgs of the stuff every night...and that's what I've been doing more-or-less every night for a year :/
^ my tolerance for ambien/zolpidem Sky-rockets everytime and its sedative/hypnotic qualities are rendered useless. Much prefer temazepam or sedating antihistamines I.e. Promethazine or mirtazapine
Yeah, its hypnotic action isn't really all that present for me anymore. If I feel like it (like my plans change and suddenly I need to be awake after taking a tablet) I can easily power through it and it doesn't matter. BUT, if I'm ready to sleep and have committed myself to that goal, Ambien does still calm my mind and provide anxiolytic action...and my insomnia is primarily driven by anxiety so it still works for that purpose. I still take it for the GABA-A action, basically.

As far as a drug that simply makes you drowsy, Benadryl is probably more effective for me than Ambien at this point.
Mr. Burnt: high CBD strains have been getting me a much more comfortable high. I only have access to a few since my favorite shop is non-medi oriented. Most strains have <1% cbd and closer to 15-20%++ thc, what I've been smoking is more like 11% CBD and 7% thc. I smoke the same amount per session, I feel waay better though, better than on the crazy shit. Just smoked a little more in fact !

Mr. Hang: I always thought of mirtazapine as a tetracyclic antidepressant foremost before I came to blue light . I must assume it's safe and effective for occasional use as an antihistamine or sleep aid?

OT: just pot until I have to get ready for work, then valium. Last time I had a beer was Wednesday morning... Over three days ago, I'm proud ha-ha. My record for a streak last year was 11 or 12 days.
I'm fresh, m fly, I'm always high

5mg methadone
weeeeeed, few grams
ketamine, freshly cooked, still warm, about 600mg snorted
600mg quetiapine
200mg of shitty amphetamine paste, snorted, mixed with ket
crack, 2 pipes, so more-ish hey fuck that it's putting big tumours in my lungs, I'm sure I'm feeling it

My nose is so fucked up, I'm starting to understand why people switch up to shooting up, I'm at the point where it is physically impossible to shovel up anything more up there, so fucking scary.

ket and speed mixed up snorted is funny to snort, I thought.

ketiapine crackadone weed
3 different strains of kratom thai pimps,bali red and sumatra green
Bali is my favourite,most relaxing one,sumatra is stoning and thai gives a high really comparable to low grade weed a little bit psychedelic
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