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How High Are You? v. Higher Than A Kite That Ate Acid

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Ya it also has sex forums. And if someone wanted they could seek out sput sites....the point remains this is a weak response seeing pictures of heroine is uncalled for this is a harm reduction site. If we can't even discuss brands, we shouldn't be able to post pictures of heroine...really a eating disorder? We have a subforum for things like that, because some people need support for that. Pictures of heroine can be triggers for ex heroine users who enjoy a community of people me they are comfortable with. Pictures of heroine is uncalled for. Just do your list....obviously this point will not clear so I will bow out on this topic. You guys win :) whatever floats your boat. People that post on here with simple small list posts of they day may be influenced, pictures are a visual stimulant and and more then words of what we are currently on bud. Peace


"I blame autocorrect" never mind that heroin is a word

I rolled out of bed for a hit of weed and a beer. I smoked up four ppl last night. I'm not rich enough to do that right now. Damnit.

u still workin nights homey?

w8ing for my loprazolam to kix in.
Yea dawg an on the nights I don't work I'm on call starting Sunday haha. I have one more training to do before I can start accepting clients for my 2ND gig and looking forward to having less time to drink. I'm getting fat
On the long road again and again,

smoked weed all day
2 coffees
Snorted some speed paste to be able to open my eyes and do actual stuff,
Took 15mg of methadone
300mg seroquel - that got me well relaxed
about half a gram of delicious ketamine snorted, freshly cooked - great high, like always, best antidepressant on earth for me

I wish we could just buy an extra nose when the one you got is just not functional
about to take 300 more mgs of seroquel to put me asleep

23 days of no drinking now!
Jigga relax did I not just say conversation finished? Calm your self utilize self control.

20mg opana
1200 gabapentin
5mg valium
5mg oxy
Fuck i'm unexpectedly high, took some kratom after a 48h break and smoked 2 bowls of weed on an empty stomach. After that i ate some pasta and got extra high.
Drinking some coffee real quick because i have to be at the uni in 30min, hope this wakes me up a bit.
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600 gabapentin
5mg oxy
Working on cutting down tolerance after juat.getting 120 7.5s cuz I returned my opanas. Weak bioavailability
Let my Kpins Vals 10's 7.5's and rest sit n relax off my system.
Stress off the brain,
just trying to maintain
The 7.5 Mal brand percs are so much better then the 10mg actavist (bought out watson) so lame the generic system lol
8 OC 40s (old formula). ingested over a period of like 4 - 6 hours some chewed some taken as directed (whole). i like the XR IR combo. oxy time released can be underrated.

+2 mgs loprazolam.

I think Im going to sniff half an OC now. BOOST those plasma levels so i can enter happy go noddy land.
High on 45mg hydrocodone, 2mg alprazolam, 300mg Lyrica, 50mg cyclobenzaprine, and 75mg diphenhydramine potentiated with 500mg ciprofloxacin. Feeling quite nice :)
That DXM trip strengthened my telepathic shield to the point that I am not feeling any of those attacks and neither is Lucky as far as I can tell. And it is quieter in my mind now.
8o Percs, Vals, Gaba, microdosing prepping tolerance for the weekend for work. Bout to throw 115 mg oxy for Vals
About 200 mgs heroin snorted
and ~50 mgs smlked
also a fews bowls of some good mids
and i swollowed a 2mg xanax bar'
feels good
In another detox at this huge hospital in the city (forced by my lame ass probation officer, hate that fucker); laying in bed watching shitty tv and on the nurses computer hahaha

20mg Roxicodone insufflated
2mg lorazepam sub'd
12.5mg promethazine
Chamomile tea

They're detoxing me w/ 3 x 5mg oxy and 2 x 1mg lorazepam. Fairly cozy I'd say... just need some temazepam, more oxy, and cannabis. ;)
^that's not too bad. I'm mourning a friend who just died of a heroin overdose, kinda makes me take a step back. It's just fucked, I can barely believe it. I can't be high enough for this, but taking something just feels wrong. I talked to his mom this morning, they were filing a missing persons report and I live in the same state so a friend of mine in the area was going to look for him fuck
Toss 'n' wash? Yoghurt? Milkshake? 500mg caps?
Fairly sure you can pick up 1g caps too so it could be very simple. :)

Geekin'. Shocker, I know! 8o
700mg Carisoprodol
1mg clonazepam
Still feeling high from that weed earlier. It's Friday, too! Feelsgoodman.
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