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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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I'd buy an entire pharmacy worth of clonazepam it's my favorite.

Who needs hypnotics when you just eat a bunch of Chinese food and pass out for 6 hours
lol a box of 100 clonz here is like 7 bokzzzzzzzz hha. diazepam 200 for 15 bokz. xd i've bought morphine legally before it's arund 2.5 bokzzzz for 20mg/ML ampoule haha. love meh country.
Once I've dreamed about converting GBL to GHB. In that dream it was of waxy, heavily hygroscopic consistence and slightly off-white / yellow-ish. It was euphoric but had a weird, plastic like feeling to it which was pretty limiting. Bad quality?
I see that.. How's that ghb treating you? I haven't done it in 20yrs but I remember it as being very euphoric. Always wanted to get a hold of it again for opiate withdrawal.

It's pretty decent, think I've been overdoing it lately though. Kinda lost the magic. Has stopped me from drinking though, which I really appreciate. Had one beer in the last week.
Once I've dreamed about converting GBL to GHB. In that dream it was of waxy, heavily hygroscopic consistence and slightly off-white / yellow-ish. It was euphoric but had a weird, plastic like feeling to it which was pretty limiting. Bad quality?

The bottle I have is a mostly clear thick liquid. I'm told it's high quality.

From what I read that conversion is very easy...interesting...
Afternoon Blue World

Just stoned and tipsy

15mg valium
1600mg gabapentin
150mg pregabalin ( not really needed but was my last 2 caps, so why not )
1 quart beer (black label)
1 quart beer (milk stout)
few bong hits and a joint of green crack ( got to say im really loving the GC im getting atm)

thats me, been already busy doing orders this whole morning and seeing some potential customers today also, so busy busy day for me.
90mg dextromethorphan (heh, it's corona!) sigma, norepinephrine, nmda
30mg memantine (from morning) dopamine, nmda
25mg 5-MAPB (from morning) serotonin
200mg mucuna pruriens - replenish serotonin vesicles
A coffee - adenosine
Snus - acetylcholine

Sigmatonergic emtactonpathic bliss 🥰 what SSRIs should have been and the FDA, DEA mafia would never approve.
Added probably around 25mg of some x-xAPB, fuck these NL smart shops and RC dealers who not write any specific concentration or in some cases not even the substance on their overpriced product.

Nice comfy again.
But this one is much more intense than the last 5-MAPB was (always take at most 1/4 of the liquid). Had a different taste too. Definitely need to make/mix some testing reagents as it's too expensive for me to buy them.
More physically stimulating and vasoconstricting too. Maybe it's 6-APB or whatever but not the lovely selective 5-MAPB.
Fuckkk is this nice. Guess it's my first real MDMA-ish experience by accident. Miss a girl to cuddle 😐 just installed a bunch of dating apps, used to avoid them due to my social anxiety but that's as much bullshit as the capitalistic nature of these apps... People tend to like the hypomanic empathogenic me so let's look what happens. I'll be frustrated but not trying is worse and nowadays you can't just talk to stranger girls as a guy..
Tonight started out nice and happy/chill after work had my usual nightly doses of oxy in my preferred roa with 1800mg gabapentin oral after my dinner but went to see the baby mama who’s mate is banging a chef . Long story short Iv imbibed one of the most potent edibles Iv had in a long time. Was some kind of fancy jelly type thing I ate it about seven thirty and it’s just peaking now so a good night turned out a great night 👍🏻
Safe trips blue light crew
Morning Blue world

Awesome day yesterday (business wise) celebrated last night and got a bit smashed

so breakie was
20mg valium
400mg gabapentin
few bong hits
coffee with a shot whiskey. but think i will need more "hair of the dog"
Some 6-APB + 5-HTP + DXM again but it doesn't work half as well as yesterday. Have to find something else I guess.
1500mg Phenibut + 100mg Tramadol + Coffee n cigs

I thought this would be a good synergy and it's nice, but I was hoping to be more productive, but the Tramadol has me too chilled out and is taking the productive side off the Phenibut... Methinks just Phenibut for productivity days in future.
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