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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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Really takes the edge off of working my retail job, I actually come off like I want to be here lol. Tbh not as great as a benzo and a stim but it gets the job done without getting me too fucked up.
Never tried GHB, but I totally I identify with this (have I said this before? Deja Vu). At every retail job I've had I abuse the shit out of opioids and benzos and caffeine so that I don't just tell every other person to go fuck themselves.

Retail work is equivalent to modern slavery imho. Ironically, I'm interviewing for a retail job, but the store sells somewhat interesting merchandise and is walking distance from my place so I don't have to put miles on my classic Miata if I don't want to.

Just popped the .5mg alpraz. Feeling amped and ready for this. I'm sure the job might suck but I gotta take what i can get right now, and I really, really want to have money to put in savings again so my wife and I can move away from these shitty apartments someday.
For the next 48 hours scooped up a few different things to pick me outta the slump I've been in the past couple days. All of them things that were neccasry as I've been fighting some depression.

4mgs Alprazolam
8mgs Bupernorphine
100mgs Methyphenidate ER
750mgs Cocaine HCL
2 grams Crack Cocaine
10 bags of #4 Heroin
Rum Chata only some drinks
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For the next 48 hours scooped up a few different things to pick me outta the slump I've been in the past couple days. All of them things that were neccasry as I've been fighting some depression.

4mgs Alprazolam
8mgs Bupernorphine
100 Methyphenidate
700mgs Cocaine HCL
1,000 Crack Cocaine
10 bags of #4 Heroin
Wish you well friend. Hope you can get out of your depression slump. In a similar boat and I know how much easier it is to handle when you take uppers and downers... hell, that's literally what I'm doing as we speak.

Much love <3

P.S. what is '#4 heroin'? What makes it a certain number? Genuine question.
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For the next 48 hours scooped up a few different things to pick me outta the slump I've been in the past couple days. All of them things that were neccasry as I've been fighting some depression.

4mgs Alprazolam
8mgs Bupernorphine
100mgs Methyphenidate
700mgs Cocaine HCL
1,000mgs Crack Cocaine
10 bags of #4 Heroin
Now, that's how real fucking Goons get high
Thats a beautiful stash. 😁


What a Dope Ass stamp amirite

Wish you well friend. Hope you can get out of your depression slump. In a similar boat and I know how much easier it is to handle when you take uppers and downers... hell, that's literally what I'm doing as we speak.

Much love <3

P.S. what is '#4 heroin'? What makes it a certain number? Genuine question.

Deff wouldn't be indulging in a two day stim binge without some stuff to come down. Today it's gonna b some of the Xanax, Bupernorphine, Crack, Cocaine, Methyphenidate and I sniffed like two lines of very good powder Cocaine. Tommorow im gonna mix all the rest of the HCL with the #4 Heroin which is what we get on the East Coast. Pretty much what it is the most highly refined dope that you can just mix with cold water filter and shoot, or snort it. In general it had always been the strongest Dope in the US but know you gotta watch out if it's been cut with Fentanyl so I always start small, I have a really high tolerance which is a bit of a safety net thankfully.
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Never tried GHB, but I totally I identify with this (have I said this before? Deja Vu). At every retail job I've had I abuse the shit out of opioids and benzos and caffeine so that I don't just tell every other person to go fuck themselves.

Retail work is equivalent to modern slavery imho. Ironically, I'm interviewing for a retail job, but the store sells somewhat interesting merchandise and is walking distance from my place so I don't have to put miles on my classic Miata if I don't want to.

Just popped the .5mg alpraz. Feeling amped and ready for this. I'm sure the job might suck but I gotta take what i can get right now, and I really, really want to have money to put in savings again so my wife and I can move away from these shitty apartments someday.

I think we talked about that before, yeah it wears you down man. The few people I talk to there are taking leave now because they're so stressed and/or depressed. I don't blame them at all, but I personally think staying in motion is helping me. Just need some "productivity aids" and I'm str8. That reminds me I have a bottle of adrafinil idk why I'm not using that.

It could be worse, at least the place I work for takes better care of the workers than the average retail place.
whoa getting ready fo mo
nano dream shatter

i would much rather do
pain management again
and way less thc

whoaaoh nannooh
here i go ohhhh
Well, I think the interview went really well, but they said they have a few other people to interview and they'll get back to me next week... so now I either choose to lay on the floor and do nothing and feel miserable with anxiety for the next week waiting for the call, or I do a shit ton of downers to the point of barely being conscious for the next week so that I don't feel any emotions until I get an answer.

I really need this job. Why does it always have to be this way? I need an answer now. 1mg of alprazolam has not bedded down my anxiety about this at all...
I wish you luck homie, go get it

OT I made a few GHB capsules with about .5ml/500mg in each and I've just been popping one every few hours along with 100mg caffeine. Really takes the edge off of working my retail job, I actually come off like I want to be here lol. Tbh not as great as a benzo and a stim but it gets the job done without getting me too fucked up. One thing I dont care for though is that since I've been using G that my stomach has been a bit overactive.

For me GHB is 1000 times better than benzos, but for a functional drug combo it might not be as good (never done G in that kind of situation).

Quite a bit of drugs today. Including a good amount of crystal meth, 2.5mg of diazepam, kratom, about 4 la chouffe (beers) at the bar and I'm just smoking my first spliff of the day (it's night-time here).
I should probably slow down a bit... At the same time I've been doing quite well in my "academic" life, got accepted to a PhD program last week. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to do that right now but I'm just trying to flow and not ask myself too many questions about the future (been doing that most of my life lol).
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For me GHB is 1000 times better than benzos, but for a functional drug combo it might not be as good (never done G in that kind of situation).

Quite a bit of drugs today. Including a good amount of crystal meth, 2.5mg of diazepam, kratom, about 4 la chouffe (beers) at the bar and I'm just smoking my first spliff of the day (it's night-time here).

The G holds me up well until about noon when I'm home then I just straight pass out, even if I stop taking it for a few hours and just use a light dose whenever I last took it. It's like when it wears off I get incredibly fatigued and need to sleep. I can't really nail down the duration. I tried taking 200mg caffeine to counteract it, but I still just woke up from a nap lol. I need to do some shit still uggghhh.
I smoked too much crack last nite, 2mg clonazepam for my pandemic induced anxiety.
Had Bought 3 wraps of reallybomb cokeby this point, make it 7 now. Saving a fat .3 rock foyr tmw shit isn't doing shit no w,
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