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How High Are You? V. Dude Where's My Bar?

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not high enogh until now.

Same here.

More of my new favorite benzo-combo:
Lorazepam + Clonazepam, this time 1.25mg / 1mg
followed by
0.25mg Alprazolam
0.125mg Triazolam nasal
60mg Oxycodone nasal
10mg Hydromorphone nasal
and now I'm also gonna vape some weed.

I hope that's enough i.e. I'll nod off, though I'm pretty confident :)
Got up for work an hour ago and railed 80mg of oxy and have been staggering 800mg of gabapentin every fifteen minutes and am just about to do another 40of ox and have put three g of nice sativa in the grinder to take with me and will finish at twelve so not a bad shift ahead hopefully
Almost forgot a huge mug of British breakfast blend tea
My new old med stack:

20mg memantine
120mg morphine XR
150mg venlafaxine
Some hits of snuff tobacco

Best functional anxiolytic, antudepressant combo I know of that doesnt make you sleepy - indeed I maybe need to add sth to sleep as it gives me insomnia, while morph alone is super anxiolytic but pro-depressive and sleepy..

Want to replace the morphine and venlafaxine with methadone as morphine gives me auditoral hallucinations after some time when tolerance builds (which the memantine hopefully will avoid to some degree. It certainly is one of the best withdr aids a doctor can Rx you.)
Afternoon all.

Had 2mg etizolam so far today, 20mg 4F-MPH, and ~60mg DCK although in staggerred bumps of 10mg every hour or so. This DCK is fucking fantastic I must say. Made the mistake of drinking alcohol yesterday hence etizolam today to calm my frazzled hypersensitive brain. Trying to alternate out phenibut and modafinil which I take all the time with some other options... been waiting for some tianeptine to arrive for a fucking age, seems to be the only opiate I can get along but, getting by OK without it. Finished my kratom yesterday, that's gotta be it for a while, have such a weird fractious relationship with that drug, sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't, sometimes it's very nice and motivating, sometimes it springs harsh if very short lived downswing withdrawals on me.

Much love everyone.
My new old med stack:

20mg memantine
120mg morphine XR
150mg venlafaxine
Some hits of snuff tobacco

Best functional anxiolytic, antudepressant combo I know of that doesnt make you sleepy - indeed I maybe need to add sth to sleep as it gives me insomnia, while morph alone is super anxiolytic but pro-depressive and sleepy..

Want to replace the morphine and venlafaxine with methadone as morphine gives me auditoral hallucinations after some time when tolerance builds (which the memantine hopefully will avoid to some degree. It certainly is one of the best withdr aids a doctor can Rx you.)

This sounds actually very pleasant I'm interested in trying this combo. I was considering getting a venlafaxine rx because SNRIs agree with me very well, tramadol especially.
60mg Oyxcodone nasal
12mg Hydromorphone nasal
1.5mg Clonazepam
1.25mg Lorazepam
6mg Bromazepam
vaped high THC weed
Magnesium, Nigella Sativa oil and high CBD oil capsules
About seven pm railed 100mg of oxy and between then and now 5200mg gabapentin staggered and been vaping a very potent indica leaning hybrid all night so am absolutely couch locked and seems like a good idea to put on some chilled tunes and listen to them in bed for work in the morning when Groundhog Day rolls round again 🎶👌🏻
Definitely not high enough, even if i had
a lot of Cocaine and a lor of different RC-BEnzos.

Think I have to go on a little bit.

Just 10mg O-DSMT so far. Gonna add in .5mg alpraz in a bit as my gut is acting up. Got a job interview in two hours that I really wana nail, probably gonna add in a second .5mg alpraz right before that to kill any anxiety.

Feeling the O-DT come on, feeling pretty positive. If I get this job, it will literally change my life. Wife and I really need the money.
Just 10mg O-DSMT so far. Gonna add in .5mg alpraz in a bit as my gut is acting up. Got a job interview in two hours that I really wana nail, probably gonna add in a second .5mg alpraz right before that to kill any anxiety.

Feeling the O-DT come on, feeling pretty positive. If I get this job, it will literally change my life. Wife and I really need the money.

I wish you luck homie, go get it

OT I made a few GHB capsules with about .5ml/500mg in each and I've just been popping one every few hours along with 100mg caffeine. Really takes the edge off of working my retail job, I actually come off like I want to be here lol. Tbh not as great as a benzo and a stim but it gets the job done without getting me too fucked up. One thing I dont care for though is that since I've been using G that my stomach has been a bit overactive.
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