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How High Are You? v. "Another? Don't mind if I do"

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Someone forgot a hard lemonade in my fridge, which I am now enjoying (it is better than water at least)

Got a decently busy day today. Full of little nothings to do, like phone calls, emails, dog walks, and MAYBE swimming. Still burnt like a lobsta and should be recuperating... Too bad swimming is like the best activity ever when prefaced by a cliff jump.

the day was goin fine, had vodka and a marlboro red (<3) for breakfast, then 2mg clonazepam for lunch

was chillin at the park just blazin when the fuckin pigs show up. they searched us and found a joint, fuckers made us eat it. ridiculous. i didnt even blink when he said just so he couldnt get the taste of 'yeah eat it punk'. in the middle of the mess someone started calling me i picked up my phone to hang up and the fucker yells at me, grabs my phone and starts messin with it.

that part was fun though. my phone was with brightness to minimum so the assface couldn't see shit on the screen, kept trying to press the home button - which is broken - and i was just standin there lookin at him get mad with the phone.

leave the park go to the drugstore grab some paregoric thinkin i deserve a buzz after today... lady tells me they don't sell it anymore... fuck! i go to the next drugstore, same story!

seriously i been gettin high of this paregoric shit since i was a kid (not that im old though =D) and now they ban it? it can't be true mannnn... i can't live with codeine! :!

anyway i looked it up online and there isnt anything about it on the news so hopefully im able to catch some last bottles of this anise-flavoured goodness before its over forever in some bigger drugstores... then im probably gonna have to move over to tramadol... hope that doesnt suck like codeine though

enough talkin, peacee

What other cool opiates can you get OTC where you are ?
I don't think it gets better than opium tincture/morphine when it comes to OTC haha. IMO of course.

To be on topic_ I am not high.
Twacked out on mountain dew.. yep

Edit: Buddy just smoked me out with some killer bud.
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Right now just 30mg hydrocodone and 2mg alprazolam with 50mg doxylamine succinate and 600mg cimetidine as potentiators.

I have not felt this good from such a low dose of these drugs in so long. Maybe that extreme DXM trip the other day and the small amounts of DXM I have used to potentiate hydrocodone since has lowered my tolerance. I think I'll use 90mg of DXM with my hydrocodone from now on (sometimes more - 120mg-240mg but mostly on the low end. 180mg-240mg is enough to get a bit of a high from the DXM itself). Maybe that will help keep me from building a tolerance so easily.

Been thinking about the mirror experiments/tests I am going to do with my macaw and raccoon. I will have to have a camera to record how they act when I am not around, especially for the raccoon as he just wants to get my digital camera or to climb up on me. He clearly knows it is not another animal he is looking at in a mirror, that was obvious the first time. He is afraid of other animals and showed no fear or desire to interact with his reflection. My macaw loves playing with the bathroom mirrors but he will stop when I start getting close so it is hard for me to tell what he is trying to do. I need a camera that can be mounted to the ceiling and record for hours, my digital camera just won't cut it. This has nothing to do with being high, I am just kind of impatient to get started but don't have all the things I need which is kind of frustrating.

I have nothing against DXM, just the cough pills/syrup. If you're using powder that's super cool,, never tried it myself but I would. And the DXM to potentiate opiates sounds interesting to me...

Damn, I hate drinking the syrup too! That shit tastes nasty. Even the better tasting kind is unpleasant. I've puked from trying to drink syrup too fast before. Pills don't bother me much. I think I'd prefer powder now that I have read about and figured out why the effects and time to kick in were so unpredictable - I am just going by what others have posted before.

For opiate tolerance, it seems like the best way to go is to first take a higher dose than I mentioned (upper 1st or better, 2nd plateau dose) and then take a small dose with your opiate to help prevent tolerance. I am not sure, but other NMDA receptor antagonists may also work, but you'd probably only want to use those the first time. It seems like a larger dose will actually reverse tolerance to some extent and the small doses below what most people would feel anything from will slow or maybe prevent increased tolerance. It seems to me like it slows the increase dramatically. Others have said the same thing.

If you haven't tried potentiating opiates with cimetidine, this can increase the effects some and the duration quite a bit more (I think it will stop codeine from working though). Some antihistamines increase opiate effects like 15-30%. Diphenhydramine and doxylamine succinate are the best OTC antihistamines I know of for this in the USA. Hydroxyzine is better and I think orphenadrine would be the best one because it produces euphoria on its own (hydroxyzine can too but much less than orphenadrine). I've not tried orphenadrine, just know it sounds nice from what I have read.
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What other cool opiates can you get OTC where you are ?

only paregoric is/was OTC

codeine+APAP and tramadol+APAP you need a script though its pretty easy to get around that

I don't think it gets better than opium tincture/morphine when it comes to OTC haha. IMO of course.

hell yeah haha i hope i can catch the last bottles around

OT im a bit drunk cuz there happened to be vodka in the fridge
Just pissed dirty at my by-weekly outpatient. Shared with the group how I've been high the whole time/blazed right now. I really gotta get my shit together, or else I could be going to rehab for a while...

OT: Bought a dirty 30 of Coors light on the way home, crushing 'em now.
slightly buzzed from the bong rip i took earlier (twas shitty weed but it got me mildly stoned) along with a .25 of sublingual xanax.
i'm craving a beer (i was sure i had some around the house, can't find it now, fuckk) and a cigarette.
probably gonna go to bed since i have neither :|
found an opened bottle of red wine, I'll settle with that.
i also found a bottle of some spanish wine (marqués de cáceres) from 2004 but of course i'm not opening that :D
okay, just finished my last day of work for the week, just got home and ate a quarter of an 180mg edible (so 45mg THC), gonna pack a bowl and smoke away.
Just scored 90mg oxy, blues. Ate 15mg.

Plenty of fine beer and pot as well.
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Drunk with my buddy who is passed out on the couch beside me. I keep encouraging him to drink coffee haha. We still have lagunitas in the fridge!
Drank a good amount of red wine at a family dinner and now I'm smoking some bongs with kief. Ive smoked the majority of a half ounce of dank in the past 9 days or so, way more than the usual but i don't regret it. :)
I just inherited my smoking buddy's bong and his leftover pot - he just landed a government job, and bringing drugs and their paraphernalia over state lines is generally frowned upon. Found it outside my apartment door this morning! So I'm hanging out, smoking up, and hopefully having a good sleep tonight. Thanks, buddy - don't let the man get you down!
Not sober enough to not care about anything! My goal every day :)

Cheeeeeeeeeeea boooieeeeee!!!

OT: Chew OxyContin (2 oc 80) and wake, life becomes nothing but cake, separate the OG's from the fake.

+ the shit budget weed that i still need. It still does the job, otherwise... It's 9 times outta ten that it's yo moms house i'll rob !
Being high is in the mind of the beholder........

350mgs soma with 25mgs hydrocodone.........
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