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Miscellaneous How have psychedelics helped you?

It’s significantly deepened the bond I have with my friends

Needless to say, we have seen some real shit while tripping together

It’s hard not to come out to other closer after certain kinds of psychedelic experiences. Both the blissful and difficult can do it

It feels like you get share the same consciousness ever so slightly, and that is a powerful experience

I know a lot of people have found benefits in mental health with psychedelic use, but I honestly can’t say I’ve experienced that myself. At least not sustained effects. Maybe for a few weeks right after a trip but then any improvements are gone.

Perhaps I need to “integrate” better but I personally find that term to be vague and ill defined - and often used to avoid deeper discussion of the potential ineffectiveness of psychedelics as mental health treatments in some people

Sorry if that derailed the thread, but I wanted to offer my own experience with that side of the drugs as I’m sure many people will offer their own success stories (which is awesome)
The realization that not everything was as flat as I always thought it was, was pretty big.

The many extremely recreational experiences can't hurt either.

Though all in all, after getting into RC psychedelics, I also got into other RCs and drugs so if that's taken into account they've probably hurt me more than done me good (for now). I'll probably take them to some degree for many more years so that'll probably change.
They opened my mind and made me think differently about life in a very positive way. I feel like I've experienced and know things about the universe and consciousness that few people will ever experience. I often look at people who have never imbibed as 2 dimensional while I am 3 dimensional (maybe not the best way to put it, I'm not elitist). Many memorable and life changing experiences.

but like @Buzz Lightbeer mentioned, after overuse they ended up causing more damage than benefit in the end. My brain seems to be healing over time, but I'm not quite sure if it will ever be the same again.

I haven't tripped in 16 months, and not sure if or when I ever will again. The thought of never tripping again saddens me, but the thought of causing further damage outweighs it for now.

Respect the psychedelics. The danger is in frequency of use, in my experience. Needs to be spaced out and respected.
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Healing and getting closer to nature, myself and others - an opportunity to facilitate building my own emotional core beyond the injuries of conditioning.

A window into the magic of reality, shattering my learned nihilistic materialism.

I really think it is spiritual medicine although not necessarily in any dogmatic stereotypical way. I think the spirit is just a short-hand for something very complex and intuitive that could be described scientifically but has yet to be in a satisfactory way.
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The only psychedelics I've taken are LSD and psilocybin. Done each dozens of times, usually fairly high doses.

The most profound positive effects I got were an enhanced appreciation of the beauty of Nature and the realization that I am (and we all are) connected to everything else in the Universe.

I know that I am but a grain of sand in the unimaginably vast beaches and deserts of the Cosmos, yet I am not entirely insignificant.
Psychedelics managed to shatter an entire lifetime of conditioning in less than 8 hours of a trip. Changed the way I saw myself and also illuminated key chapters in my life, the characters involved, the narrative and the connections to everything else. I also felt a connection to nature that since has never left me. This I believe was amplified by being outside in some of the most beautiful scenery in the UK. I realized we are one, we are not seperate to nature despite our desperation for that to be the case (and why we are fucking ourselves, each other and the world as a result). It also allowed me to heal properly for the first time in my life. I first took LSD almost ten years ago and the transformation of my consciousness back then has continued to ripple through my life today.

The last trip I had was completely different. I took 5 grams of mushrooms in silent darkness in nature with only a shepherds hut to protect me from the harsh winter outside (it did it's job very well despite being promised a stargazing retractable roof that was only flaps on the side allowing me to see out of the side!). For that I didn't get blasted back into the past. Instead my thoughts started grinding (literally) into nothingness. They started out as perfectly formed and sensible but then within seconds ground down into nothing while I could hear the grinding as well as a shamanic sound too, revealing the meaningless of language in the grand scheme of things as I realized beyond language there is far more than we can ever imagine expressing. Concepts began to fade away.

It was pretty funny having thoughts disintegrating and knowing the next thoughts I would have would last for perhaps 20-30 seconds before being dismantled and floating off into the eternal abyss. I actually started making jokes with myself that I wouldn't be able to continue making jokes because this thought itself would inevitably dismantle, which it did. I felt completely safe though.

They can give a variety of experiences and I think all of them have benefits. The most important and the experiences I encourage the most are the transformational ones, the classic psychedelic therapy sessions. These changes lives and their benefit can never be denied nor ignored. Then again, sometimes you might just want to completely detach from everyday waking consciousness and peer temporarily behind the veil.
  • They've been great fun for dancing and enjoying music. Psychedelics have helped me party! In the best way. Partying is probably the #1 reason I use psychedelics.
  • Helped me stop being such a pussy with girls when I was a young man. Helped me get out of a relationship that really wasn't working for me, and start dating girls I was actually into, and eventually my wife
  • Brought me closer to my family
  • Deepened my appreciation for nature
  • Helped with some postural stuff, and speaking directly to people
  • Made me a better runner and surfer
  • Amplified a passion for music and music production, made the pursuit irresistible in a way that led to a precious chapter in my life
  • I could go on and on with minutiae. But a big thing that is too far outside of normal life to be able to say it "helped", but was a very important experience, was having the whole kensho type experience, the primordial mystical thing that I find almost impossible to talk about. I didn't know it could actually happen, so that opens up a lot of possibilities.
without them, i wouldn't be here

#1 answer ^

Well they have given me a deep appreciation for the gift of life and helped me in so many different ways. They gave me an understanding of the Universe and when I had ++++ experiences merging with the Collective Consciousness took away all fear that I once had of death, I know know that our energy is eternal and going back to from which we came is actually a beautiful thing.

They allowed me to develop deep connections with my friends and love ones that cemented our souls to one another. My best friend and I have taken Mushrooms together many times and we literally connected onto the same wavelength to such a degree that I know we will be friends forever. Psychedelics are such fascinating drugs and I've loved exploring all of the different substitutions it's so cool seeing how the different compounds even in the same class can have such notable differences.

The culture and community of psychedelic users is something I am grateful for also. Such a loving group of people, certain sort of personalities get involved in these things and they are generally the most kind and thoughtful people I have come across in my life. It's hard to say just how profoundly these drugs have helped me cuz they literally blessed me in all facets of my life, making me have a degree of empathy for other people that allows me to bond with them beautifully, the mindstate of these compounds stays with me even when I am not under the influence.

Personally I have probably tripped close to a thousand times on around sixty different psychedelic drugs, I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to explore all of these unique and novel substances. I'm looking forward to what the future holds in regards to the pharmacological discoverys that will be made as the years go by, this was a great idea for a thread @arrall and I'm looking forward to everyones input.
I don’t even know where to begin…

I feel the biggest thing is direction. Times where I’ve felt lost, they’ve given me a clear path to follow.

When I was younger it helped me see the error of my ways with harder drugs, in my 20’s they helped me become a man and find my career path, in my 30’s they’ve helped me navigate that hard road I’ve had in health, finances and personal life.

I feel they show us what’s truly important, what’s “real.” Cuz we humans have an amazing ability to attach all sorts of bullshit to things we shouldn’t.

They’ve helped me appreciate Mother Earth and nature more, my family and friends more.

They are just damn fun too, idk over time they treat me nicer and nicer. Maybe it’s cuz I actually listened to their advice?

Like this coming weekend I’m going to literally trip all weekend. It’ll be part recreational part medicinal, I dont go in with a ton of intent but I also don’t expect all butterflies and roses either. I appreciate wherever the experience takes me, and if things get deep and rough then it’s meant to be.

I’ve also used them to try and induce neurogenesis after toxic chemotherapy of which I felt they’ve done pretty well. Of course proper diet and exercise are the most important but psychedelics help stay on track with those too.

And I guess the last I can think at the moment is using tryptamines like DMT for treatment resistant migraines. Actually had one last night, fuckers been lingering around for days so last night after the headache medicine didn’t touch it I went for 5mg or so of DMT. Worked like a charm.

Psychedelics are just amazing substances that are truly gifts whether by accident or not. They aren’t all the same though and each can be used in different ways.

Mushrooms make one love life by showing you the ugly side of things and leaving you grateful you even have what you have. DMT make you love life by showing you just how simple everything is when you embody love in your heart and soul. MDMA gives appreciation for other humans, Mescaline gives appreciation for all living creatures. LSD is an amplifier that can show you the hidden secrets of the universe. They all have their time and place.

When I was about 15, I started moving away from the Christian upbringing I had. I saw the hypocrisy of it, and I rebelled. I became angry and my choice at the time was to entirely move away from any concept of spirituality. I became pretty nihilistic, I thought "well then, I guess nothing means anything, it's all a lie". It wasn't a nice place to be, my mom, who is religious (but not in a bad way) was really concerned about me. She didn't need me to be Christian, she just wanted me to have a connection to something bigger than myself.

When I was 18, I ate mushrooms for the first time, it was my first psychedelic. I ate them in a dorm room with a couple of friends and a couple of people I barely knew, one of whom I didn't like very much. I didn't know what to expect. I thought maybe it would be like "super weed"... I thought I'd laugh a lot and see cool shit. Instead, I woke up from a dream, but that dream was my life... I saw my life recede into on blip among an infinite number of similar blips. I realized I was the universe, and that we all are the universe. I felt infinity, I watched the course of the evolution of all life on the planet, and then I zoomed out and saw the scale of the universe, and saw that in the universe was the same as the structure of an atom. It was exactly like how when you wake up and a dream becomes so obviously just a dream, and the greater and more consistent reality of being awake becomes, again, what is so obviously real, like how could I have thought that dream was real? The reality of what I was experiencing was self-evident. The experience was incredibly profound, and it changed my life. It set me on a path of being connected to something much greater than this little life of mine. That is the first and most important way that psychedelics changed my life.

I have had some other +4 experiences, too, that showed me what I feel are truths about existence, but although they're very important to me, nothing can compare to that first experience of blowing the hinges off the doors. But nevertheless, those experiences also helped to shape my understanding of the way things are.

Over time, I realized I didn't need, or want, go keep trying to shatter my ego. From there, I started tripping purposely while putting myself into uncomfortable situations, largely social situations. I got picked on a lot as a kid and it had a profound impact on my self-esteem. Through the purposeful use of psychedelics, I helped myself to overcome that and learn to be more outgoing and confident in myself.

I also did an ibogaine flood dose which brought me out of a 10 year period of intense addiction to opiates, and which changed me in many ways. I came to understand the value of taking care of myself, and I rediscovered music in my life. I healed from an abusive relationship and remembered who I was... I changed my body shape entirely through working out, and redefined my life from a place where I actively wished to die. Although I did relapse eventually when my dad was dying, I still am in a much better place than I was then, and ibogaine is directly to be thanked for that.

I now use psychedelics primarily for recreation, and also to help me to stop and smell the roses, as they say. I use them to help me maintain a connection to my inner child, to stop and spend 5 minutes looking at a leaf or a flower and marveling at the fractal nature of life. I use them to remind me how improbable and amazing it is that we exist at all, and that we live on such a beautiful and verdant planet. I use them to help me achieve a deeper understanding of music and art. I don't think I really NEED them anymore, but they continue to bring me positive results in these things. I would welcome another ego dissolving experience, but I don't seek it.

psychedelics are the one class of drugs I consider to be fully positive in my life, and that I plan to continue to use periodically for the rest of my life. The ways that they have helped me are numerous and important to me.
I had alot of fun at raves. In retrospect at the time I thought I was being enlightened with some knowledge regular people didn't have. At the end of the day though...when I came down from psychedelics, I always went back to being the EXACT same guy I was before.

I think the reality is that they were an escapist drug for me just like weed or heroin.
escape? what an idea.

as if.

maybe escaping to home, but with a twist.
Got experience with only three psychedelicks:
1.mushrooms-many,many times.Help a lot with depression and really sorry,that i messed with zoloft.Had incredible memories for the rest of my life.Had one bad trip-incredible horror and a few other,but not so scary....but to have maximum must be totally clean from other shit.That's why only microdosing,when i have shrooms.If i get clean will do full blown trip at any cost
2.iboga-two massive floods.First save my life-i was on fent.then.Quitt the shit.Second save me from methadone.Multiple microdosings-a lot of energy,incredible potent aphrodisiac.Work or fuck.Eventually will do the third last flood.
3.San Pedro-last year tried for first time.That is the best think for microdose.Must wait another year,when eventually would have enough for full blown trip.Wish i would try any psychedelic,especially DMT and Acid,but just can't find