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How hard is quitting?

ive had to quit a few times when i was put on house arrest and what not...it is a very hard thing to do...but i cheat...id get random drug testing, so i would just do drugs that dont show up on drug tests....like shrooms, acid, etc...after i had taken a drug test, i might take some pills since it only takes 72 hrs to get out of your system....just cheat, its not hard...

Weed is the easiest drug to quit at least in my opinion. When I only smoked weed I found it rough to quit for like the first 3 days, then after that it was easy sailing. Try quitting coke, I still haven't mastered that one yet.
Oddly enough, i find the difficulty of quitting smoking pot inversely related to how long i've smoked for. If it's been for several months, i have no problem getting off of it (I haven't had any year-long smoking peroids). If it's only been a few days or weeks, it becomes much more difficult. I suppose at some level, when you smoke that often, you just forget what it's like being high on some level
I've been smoking almost daily for 3 months and this week is my first week with out toking once! I'm craving it SOOOOOOOOOOO bad right now..My dad (who is aware of my smoking) said that he was gonna buy me a new iPod (one of the cute mini ones, I hate my current one) if I quit completely...but I think I'm gonna sneak off with friends tomarrow to smoke...I just can't take this anymore, weed is SO yummy! I can do with out it but why would I want to do with out something so good? *wonders what my dad would give me if I quit cocaine* hehe :)
maybe the first step is to think about a good reason to quit.
if you think weed it's sooooo good then it's maybe not the time to quit. but quit weed is maybe a good reason inself.
what i mean is that it's maybe more easy to quit when you find that weed is making your life more difficult, and at that point it's necessary to quit.
you look like if you quit for an ipod.i think it's a short-term effects reason because you don't quit weed because you have to.
but i think i've to and it's hard so maybe you should better quit now. but till you will be not disgusting by weed it will be hard to quit, imo.
and i don't know your situation so, all i can say for sure it's good luck !
in fact it's a fucking paradoxal situation because you have to smoke a lot to be disgusted by the weed and becaus you've smoked a lot during a long time it's hard to quit and if you smoke since a little time and think about quit it's hard too because there is no "real" reason to stop. plus, it's when you stop to smoke in a compulsive way that you find how weed is good.
anyway, it was just a thought. good luck :)
i agree. for me, i smoked to the point where it clearly was negatively effecting my life and i was really digusted by it. after i stopped smoking i absolutely hated weed.. hated the thought of smoking, being stoned... everything!
i think that the time really has to be right... there can be a lot of fucking around and stuff but when you say 'enough is enough, i'm quitting and nothings going to stop me' you will.... but don't get discouraged by the fucking around attempts. because you can feel so determined and motivated but in the end still only be trying half-heartedly... and when you're like that it's so easy to smoke. but when you switch on... nothing will stop you... ;)
i found that once i got the ball rolling it really wasn't that hard... i had trouble sleeping during the first week... but i'll tell you what is the most rewarding thing about quitting weed? you DREAM again! and they are crazy, vivid, intense dreams- better then the drug itself!!! well that's what i thought... :)
been of the green stuff for 2 days now .....i've been sick and was coughing up some nasty stuff...., lets just say it wasn't pretty !!! .. like others.. i feel its time for me to give up... not only the yucky flemmy stuff .. but i'm really lazy ... and i put it down to smoking too much

wish me stoner luck cyber-cats ..

EZ i can agree with everything you said, but i did quit and felt like that, but now im smoking aagain!!
its getting harder for me to quit. cause i keep forgetting. seriously, ive tried, and ill have like really good reasons for why i quit...but i keep forgetting them...
Four years back,i quitted smoking pot for a whole year due to my girlfriend..but i don't think that i smoked that much back in the days that I was 14-15...because it was easier to stop when I was just too dumb too care about what I was doing..
What ez said is so true... if you absolutely want to do something you will get it done. It helps to think how weed is interacting with your life, how it's keeping you from what you want to achieve. Unpleasant but you need to do it to get the motivation to quit. I also find it easier to gradually step off a drug than just break instantly, usually that's just the setup for enjoying "breaking the seal" unless you really really mean it.... It helps if in the final accounting you don't look at weed as something that is absolutely good or evil, but a drug/force with some benefits and drawbacks, and whose benefits you've gotten and whose drawbacks you've outgrown. Of course, I'm not totally clean myself, I've gotten to a place where I'll smoke a few tokes with a couple old smoking friends once or twice a month and I wouldn't miss getting stoned that much if I stopped. So what do I know?

And you don't have to smoke a lot to see weed fucking little things up. It makes me slightly less motivated the next day, and then slightly antisocial for another day after that. You can easily see yourself not doing as well in social and work interactions if you care enough to observe carefully.