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How hard is quitting?

dont quit cold turkey, cut down gradually and ween urself off of it, much much easier (and more fun :) )
i got knocked up and ive not smoked for 7 months ( only 2 more to go, sigh) and i dont even miss it nemore....
start spinning with other herbs instead of tobacco
like hops or california poppy
lessen the actual weed to herb ration

works wonders
I've been smoking weed for about 4 years, and thats like 10-20 bongs a day. Just wondering how hard it really is to stop smoking after doing it for so long, are the withdrawels bad?, how does your body cope? how does your mental state cope? Is it easy? Plz help I'm almost in a position where I cant score unless I put myself through hell!!!!

It's not very difficult to stop. I smoked weed for over 7 years and it took me one week to get it out of my system.
I was totally depenant on being stoned untill I tunred 18, I'd been smoking like everday since 14 (stupid I know, but at the time... I didn't know), luckilly I got a nice girlfirned and she got me off of it for 6 months, so there's a good method if your wanting off of it and lots of bed excersise, not only will you be unstoned, you'll be fit, but I'm now back on the maui same as I was before, have mercy
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To stop smoking in Holland is not very easy because you can get it in every city even in the small villages. I had a period that I was completly stopped with everything bud after 6 months or so I started again. Now I have stopped smoking again thanks to my boyfriend. It's better to stop if your not alone.
its the hardest the first 2-3 weeks after smoking frequently for a long time. personally i was dreaming like every night after quitting weed. i quitted because i was near a psychosis. i dont think it can get really good smoking after you have smoked until you get totally fucked up in the head. but i dont either think everyone can get as fucked up as i got... it depends from person to person always
It totally depends on the person. I dropped it without a second thought. Though not for good of course, just a nice break.
I recently went through stopping for a while recently.
Which was extremely difficult where I live.
I always have weed in the house (no question)
its cheap to buy(mostly free), 95% of the people I know smoke.
Your allowed to grow the odd plant for a small fine aswell.

But to stop, you really have to WANT to stop.
I went YEARS smoking everyday. Sometimes one cone, sometimes 30.

I really went through withdrawals, id wake up in cold sweats, crazy dreams......... it was FUCKED.

But its surprising how quickly they pass, within a week I was falling asleep without ANY trouble, waking up SO SO fresh.

All ya gotta do is cut back over a period of time, to the point of where you have half a toke a day. Then eventually you dont even think about having one.

I used to eat a dope cookie to kill my cravings, Id get a THC hit... but i wouldn't be smoking. SO eventually i got used to not smoking, but i wouldnt have cravings at the same time.

and trust me, I used to CRAVE........

The first 3 days are the hardest. From then on it gets easier. And the rewards are GREAT. Like people have already said.... you DO get high on life. And when I smoke again, I almost feel sick/wrong

I Find a fat MDMA binge works too. Last thing on my mind is weed when im in bed for a few days. :)
i have now decided to take it easy on smoking weed now, when ever i breathe i get this burning feeling in my chest. Ill eventually stop smoking weed and juss stick to the E.
After this week I have to change my answer. I've been smokin every day (with few breaks) for about two and a half years, and for the last four days or so I haven't had a smoke. I feel like total hell. My muscles are all stiff and tense, I've constantly got a headache, takes me forever to get to sleep and when I do I wake up sweating like fucking crazy. I've taken breaks longer than this before but it was never like this.

The worse part is my appetite. I seriously haven't felt hungry in days. It's like I'm on speed. Food sounds disgusting, and when I eat I have to avoid the urge to gag. I hate this and I can't get a hookup for a little longer cause everyone either got fucked out of the game or they're on vacation.

I have a whole new respect for weed addiction, cause I know I'm really an addict and it pisses me off. Come to think of it right now everything pisses me off!!!
if i go more than a 3-4 days without smoking, i start obsessing about when i can smoke some more.
Yeah its really not as easy as you might first think. Even if its not physically addictive (and frankly I think in some respects it most definitely is), the psychological addiction can be really difficult to break - especially if you are/were a chronic smoker. It does get easier though, promise. The first few days are definitely the worst.
i've been smoking pot since i was 15. i'm 18 now and am now just trying to quit, although i'm finding it quite difficult. its just so easy to sit and get stoned and not worry about anything but i want, no need, to drag myself back to reality. what can i do to ease the pain?
It really depends on you. If ou're dependant on using cannabis because you're always bored, then you better find a hobbie or you won't last a day :) Find something new, that isnt smoking pot, or trying to score weed, or even something you used to do, as a hobby or seriously it is hard.

The withdrawl symptoms differ. Some people are fine, love the clear-headedness, decide to stay off it, and don't smoke again, or smoke maybe a few times a year. But some people get bad gut aches, head aches, anxiety that makes them physically feel their heart and even some pain. And some people go depressive, or even angry. SO yeah, depends on your will power, how much you smoke ofcourse, and as I keep saying... finfd sometihng to do! Sitting around wanting pot won't get you anywhere. Go to the beach, go out for some stupid mall mish (like finding rat traps) with some friends and perve on chicks, whatever floats ya boat man.. Be creative.. or even just some social conformist activity :p
Before I decided to quit(actually it just happened one day) I took breaks from everyday smoking and smoked only weekends. More and more weekends passed I felt more anxiety. And one day I quited(for many others reasons). First it was hard since reality was making sense again(if that make sense) and it wasn't making sense in good way. But then when more time passed I got used to clear headspace and still today I love it. Today I smoked very little on my trip peak time and it really was felt that pot is working but it didn't manifest it self so much. So after today I think I don't smoke again some time cause I have used to more clear headspace now.

Quiting itself isn't that hard as I see it. More difficult is get used to more clear head feeling. If you pass thees difficult times then all thats follows is very easy. It really helps if you can find some hobby to keep your mind occupied.
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I don't have access to weed all the time, and what I do I pay for, so occasionally when my connections aren't around or I have no cash I'm forced to stop for a little while. The first few days are very, very tough on me personally(I'm quite sure I couldn't handle withdrawal from a stronger drug). I get very pissed off, and very anxious, and I convince myself that that's just what I'm like without pot(which is usually my excuse for buying more). Truth is though, like a lot of people here have said, after a week or so the cravings are gone and I feel very refreshed.
I've been smoking weed for about 4 years, and thats like 10-20 bongs a day. Just wondering how hard it really is to stop smoking after doing it for so long, are the withdrawels bad?, how does your body cope? how does your mental state cope? Is it easy? Plz help I'm almost in a position where I cant score unless I put myself through hell!!!!

10 to 20 bongs a day??? Holy fucking shit, that is a lot of herb!

Quiting is all mental.