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How exactly is it legal for people to consume pills for raves/ events/ etc?

you can't get arrested for being fucked up, just the possesion, sure theres public intoxication laws, but really thats only if your bugging people, and most people at the raves arent bugged

and yeah as people were saying security is just there to keep things undercontrol, or handle situations if they arise, they aren't there to spoil the fun, usually at a venue you pay money to go, they don't wanna drive cutsomers away
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Usualy Im on a good bean or 4 so I am rollin more tuff then everyone around me but hey I blend right in, its socal rite?


Nocturnal 2006

Besidez, security aint gunna do shit if they see you rollin balls, I was jumpin fences at EDC and they couldnt even catch all of us and I taunting the security and that homie didnt even do shit.... I wish they did there job better though cause some fuckin bitch sprayed me with pepper spray dis year.

I aint never seen no one been arrested just for rollin, you gotta do somethin else to get there attention like throw a rock or take a dump on the main field. They do have undercover ravers lookin for people sellin beanz tho
i heard a story of some ravers that went and gave a cop hugs and he said, make sure you drink enough water

some cops understand its human nature to want to change our consiousness
I think they are so lax on mdma use because not a lot of minorities use it. Imagine if it was popular in black culture to go to raves and roll; every single rave would be raided. Its pretty fucked, but look at the history of drug prohibition.
lol, its funny when gangsta do E its so atypical to their culture, thats the differece between mdma and every other drug, its known as the love drug,

ja rule does E though
I can't answer the question about how to sneak in drugs, figure that one out yourself.

I don't roll at raves anymore, but I used to take my pills like this. If the rave ends at 4 AM, I'll take my first pill at 10 PM, and my second at 12 AM (midnight) or a little bit later when I feel the need to re-dose.

As for security/police, they don't care if you're on drugs, they know most people are fucked up anyway. They're there to stop drug trafficking and violence, just don't let them catch you taking your drugs in the act.