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How do YOU handle being ripped off

Just finished reading the rest of the thread. You defiantly got ripped dude. I'm guessing you haven't messed much with acid because it should only cost $10 a hit at the most and the only time you'll see liquid is if you're buying a vial (100 hits) and then it's almost always in a small visine-like bottle (walgreens fresh breath around my area) never in a water bottle or whatever you described it in. Then they're dumb enough to come back for weed? Either they're looking to rob you next time they hit you up or they're dumb as hell. You got your money back though so just leave it.
Acid is between 30-60$ in New Zealand. Thats just how it is because 1: i dont think anyone makes it here, its imported from the usa most likely, and 2: our dollar is half of yours.

so ya that is normal price.

I definitly am not doing business through those dudes again, dont worry i am not that stupid.
Third time isn't always the charm. In November, somebody got me some good marijuana at a good price. Another time, the same person got me some good crack at a very good price. But on the 3rd occasion, when I asked for some LSD from this person, I got ripped off for $40.

If she had a source for LSD, I think she would have made good, but LSD apparently isn't as easy to find as weed and crack (her drug of choice), so she pretended she could score some acid for me, but probably used my $40 for some crack for herself and her older female friend, both of whom I've had sex with for cash by the way {chuckle} :)

She's 24 and her older friend is 40-something. I'm 38. Anyway, when the 24-year-old called me again about a week later, she wanted to have another paid sex date (so she could buy some crack, I guess), but I reminded her that she ripped me off for $40 only a week earlier--so no date. That would have been our 6th date. I imagine she's begun to regret the rip-off {chuckle}

She's a nice, sweet lady, but I've learned crack can make people do bad things.

Anyway, I may date her again in the future, but I won't use her as a middle-woman for drugs ever again.
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moonyham, how many hits of LSD do you normally take?!?! Sounds way too expensive to even consider.

What are the prices you pay for MDMA or mushrooms?
i know this is a dead thread but i got ripped today for a half o of WEED in Vancouver.

Either let it go, get sloshed and forget it, or...

Completely obliterate east hastings with some sort of chemical/biological weapon (i want to see them suffer!). Who cares about a bunch of bum/junkie/crackheads (yes, all in one). The police will find me, bring me in and throw a party for me. Problem solved.

goddam junkies who play themselves off as legit dealers. I'm still confused over how this happened.
moonyham, how many hits of LSD do you normally take?!?! Sounds way too expensive to even consider.

What are the prices you pay for MDMA or mushrooms?

Umm, e goes for usually 40$ a pill, and mushrooms vary alot, depending who you get them off. They are anywhere from free to 20$ for a dose.

And i havnt done LSD before, this was going to be first time, which is the main reason im pissed off cause it basically fucked up my entire night and made it shit.

Oh and cocaine is like 200-300 a gram and meth is about 90-100 a point(0.1g)

I know, NZ is fucking expensive when it comes to drugs.
Normally in the USA you need 2-10 hits for a full 250ug dose.
Hes talking in NZ dollars which is about half that of U.S

I get acid here for NZ$20-25 about US$10-15
I've been ripped off 3 times

Once when I was 17, for acid from a punk in a fast food place. I'd never done acid before, and whatever he gave me didnt work.

When I was 19, I guess I hadn't learned my lesson and some guy came up to me in a fast food place and asked if i wanted to buy e. It was a decent price so I said yeah. Of course he did the "I'll be back in a minute" thing. He actually did come abck but says dont open it coz someone was watching, takes off. Then the baggie just had tylenol in it.

Then once I got into dope, I was sick and gave some junkie I didnt know $40 to cop for me, who never came back. That was the most retarded thing ever.

Thank god I don't have to deal with street dealers anymore.
i've been very lucky. in all my years of buying and selling tar H - i never got ripped off that i can remember. once i had someone try and rob me - but they didn't get the shit - they did break my nose - but even though the dope was sitting on the table right in front of them they didn't find it!!! stupid people - if they would have just told me they were sick i would have gotten them well - but they tried to rob me - and left still sick - with nothing.

another time my dealer was out of town and i was very sick. not having another dealer since i had been using the same one for years - i had to try other options. i went with a friend who was a crack-head to a place where you could find junkies - LOL

so i found this girl and asked her to score for me. she said ok and i stupidly gave her the money first (ok, like i said - i had the same dealer for years and never had to score like this before) and she went off on foot. she was gone for over an hour and my crack-head friend kept saying: you got ripped off! but i didn't believe him - and finally she came back. BUT here is the stupid thing! when i saw the 1/2 gram she brought me it was too small! and i stupidly instead of just taking it (i was VERY sick by then) started crying and said this is not a 1/2 gram! so she went off again on foot and this time she was gone about an hour again. by then my friend had left me thinking i was out of my mind and that i was going to get ripped off for sure now - but for some reason i trusted her (junkies stick together? hahaha) and she did come back and with the correct amount of tar.

funny after my dealer came back she and her boyfriend became my customers!
So heres my shitty story. I called my guy had been dealing with him for about 2 months. Called him went to get it and someone else comes out says "Bill" is upstairs and he is running it down for me, got it and as soon as he got the $ he took off, opened the brick and it was fake, I ran after him but could not catch him, a girl there saw this and says I know where to get it come on, so I go get more $ and follow her to a hot spot I would not usually go to. We get it, I leave and whoop whoop get pulled over they find my brick my husband takes the blame and we both go to jail me for wandering. We get out go to another projects to get more cause I was sick, I get it thank god, but go back to get more later and get jumped by 6 or 7 guys now they did not hit me thank god just grabbed me and wrestled with me a little they did not find my $$ and after a while the residents came out because I was screaming and I got away but I have to say that was the absolute WORST weekend of my life!!!
depends how much money.
usually ill just chill on it. take it easy, then three months later i break all the dealers windows.
i will say though, every infrequent time it does happy i rage like this:
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When someone at work ripped me off for $140 for 3 OC 80;s one time, I told all my friends and people who sold at work to never sell him weed anymore until he either pays me back or gives me something in return (because he said he got jacked, which later turned out to be true, but how could I have really known?). Ended up with 2.5 G's of some good yak.
I've been fucked over so many times that I won't buy anything unless it comes from a VERY close or personal friend that I trust.. I'm done dealing with "a friend of a friend" or some random person that's supposedly "legit". You can't trust anyone and especially when it comes to drugs and money.
A good friend of mine recently got ripped off by a rich dealer. The guy who ripped him off owns many houses, nice new BMW's, expensive yachts, etc, etc.
He even has his own bodyguard business. (They aint with him all the time though!).
He thinks he's some gangsta thug. He thought he could come down from Birmingham and treat us country folk like shit.......
I might be just lucky but I never got ripped off in my life actually, might have to do with knowing reliable people, even the dose the estimated me was usually right. In the netherlands, where I live we have these drug testing points. You can anonymously send in your drugs and they check it for purity and substance, I've never been lied about what I got and I always got what I asked for, but the people I buy from are typically users aswell and they test the stuff for themselves too, so its usually true.

None of my friends ever got ripped off either, I think we're just very lucky.
When someone at work ripped me off for $140 for 3 OC 80;s one time, I told all my friends and people who sold at work to never sell him weed anymore until he either pays me back or gives me something in return (because he said he got jacked, which later turned out to be true, but how could I have really known?). Ended up with 2.5 G's of some good yak.

so dude goes out of his way to try help you out with your oxycontin, gets robbed in the process and you tell everyone he runs with he's a thief/liar when you had no proof and he was infact telling the truth? thats fucked up my friend.

I can't really think of a time ive been ripped off, guess im lucky.