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How do YOU handle being ripped off

yeah fuck involving the cops, id much rather just molotov the dudes house.

But thats besides the point.. i dunno me and my mate are gonna figure it out tonight.
moonyham, I'm pretty sure those guys knowingly ripped you off. You should definitely have a face to face talk with them about it.

However, it's NOT okay to seek revenge on them. There's no way you can prove you were knowingly ripped off with such a small amount purchased. They could very well have played middleman to make a quick buck, and got you screwed on the deal because they got ripped off themselves. Can you really fault them much for this? Did they go out of their way to try to sell you LSD, or did you go asking around and they agreed to supply it after hearing there was demand?
On a more serious note, my friend got ripped off for a large amount of pot from a co-worker I hated. Well, now I hate. I took his file from work with ALL his information in it (application, ss,everything) and proceeded to take glamorous pictures of it all. I sent it to my friend, who by then moved out of state. Needless to say the said co-worker is gettings years worth of scat porn sent to his house. ( after reviewing his financial records, seeing his short comings and child welfare situation, we decided not to rob him with debt)

is this illegal?
moonyham, I'm pretty sure those guys knowingly ripped you off. You should definitely have a face to face talk with them about it.

However, it's NOT okay to seek revenge on them. There's no way you can prove you were knowingly ripped off with such a small amount purchased. They could very well have played middleman to make a quick buck, and got you screwed on the deal because they got ripped off themselves. Can you really fault them much for this? Did they go out of their way to try to sell you LSD, or did you go asking around and they agreed to supply it after hearing there was demand?

Well my mate txted them and they were all good with it. Me and my mate figured because they were charing 35 a hit they were taking 5 or maybe 10$ per hit as tax, and they could really get them for 25 or 30(this is pretty common for people to do that and its fair enough imo). They rolled up and as soon as they pulled out that little green bottle both me and my mate were sus as, they were acting dodgey as fuck. My mate goes 'so is this good shit, you know will it get us fucked up etc etc' and they responded really nervously like 'ahh yeah.. umm yeah na it should eh umm yeah ahh... it should be pretty good shit it was mean last time' and they made some BS up about 'the dealer had mad up all his tabs for the day and this is all he had to buy(the bottle of mystery liquid).

So you can understand why i am so fucking suspect of these middlemen being the culprits.

EDit: ok well im going out real soon and me and my mate are gonna sort this shit out. This could get pretty fucking crazy lol, wish me luck.
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I've been completely ripped off three times (to the point of not seeing anything).

First time I told one of my friends who had a crush on me; he beat the guys ass and I got my $ back instantly (but no drugs). However, that was an extremely STUPID thing to do and don’t recommend it… as the guy then went to the cops and my friend got picked up and had to spend a couple nights in jail (the guy claimed my friend was angry that he was sleeping with his ex... can't really explain the real situation to the cops :\). I was also then strongly disliked by a large group of rather intimidating drug dealers…

The second time there wasn't much to do (my friend got ripped off when he went to score H for us, came back bruised and crying) and so I just cried and kicked/threw shit.

Third and hopefully final time I got ripped off with a friend, was staying with her in an area I didn't know and she only knew a middle-man... we both threw down for some tweak and the guy ran off. It sucked but I got my $ back like a year and a half later when the guy had some religious awakening and stopped using/attempting to deal... and gave her the $.So, there’s always the possibility that things will work out for you (unlikely, but not impossible

In my opinion, there's not really much you can do but move on. I recently found out my long-term dealer has been scamming me/all the other people he sells to because his supplier got thrown in jail. The new guy he buys from charges more (and he didn't want to lose money). My reaction now is to just switch dealers and not buy from him again. I’m pissed (have lost a lot of $ to him) but not going to retaliate. It's not like you can report them to the police or come back with a receipt for an exchange or refund, and in my experience most drug-dealers are not the kindest most caring people, and not the ones you really want to start shit with if you want to be OK afterwards.

So yeah, hopefully you didn't put down too much $ :(. My advice: don't deal with middlemen; you will always end up getting screwed somehow unless they're a close friend. If you absolutely HAVE to, never give them money unless you know them REALLY well and let them just walk off. If I'm really desperate and have to use a middleman that’s a friend of a friend, I always offer to drive them to their connect (make it sound like I don't want them to waste gas $ and be inconvenienced) and just wait for them in the car.

that's the risk that is taken I suppose, I will get mad but I get over it. . once I thought I was getting some white and when I got back to the hotel room it was nothing. . . .I was pretty pissed but felt stupid . . soooo yeah I deserved it.
i cant belive some really said call the cops and tell them he sells drugs..NOT COOL dont ever snitch ...
A good one is to call their phone from a payphone, and use strange voices in order to ask them for drugs. Make them paranoid that maybe the police are on to them, and at least bother the shit out of them.

As far as what you should do, it depends on the situation. Sometimes, like if it's just some jit who really thinks he can get away with that on you, then all you have to do is get threatening, pester them at work (in front of everyone, boss included), or even fight and rob them back for your money.

If the person is crazy, call them back but be careful. Some people care way more about that money then you, and you can get into a lot of trouble.

If it is a corner boy, there's really not anything you can do if you value your life, unless you are familiar with a lot of people in his area and know they will have your back.
My advice: don't deal with middlemen; you will always end up getting screwed somehow unless they're a close friend. If you absolutely HAVE to, never give them money unless you know them REALLY well and let them just walk off. If I'm really desperate and have to use a middleman that
Im glad I dont live in americal coz I would have been shot by now. If someone rips me off I reg revenge somehow, it might be smashing a window, keying a car, anything distructive that will cost more than they ripped me off. I dont take shit and wile I dont so much like fist fights if it comes down to that and I get ripped hard enough then its on. If its any more than $100 that Iget ripped then that motherfucker is in a pool of shit next time I see him. Im very careful with what I buy these days, I always know its good, pretty much the only unreliable ones are H, C, G which I only buy G coz its so cheao, the others are just a waste of money and a waste of the day coz once its all gone thers none to wake up with and it sucks.n If been ripped enough times, I know the warning signs know.

Hopefully this all works out this time.

Anyone heard or Triple care farm, well thats the rehab ill be at.
On a more serious note, my friend got ripped off for a large amount of pot from a co-worker I hated. Well, now I hate. I took his file from work with ALL his information in it (application, ss,everything) and proceeded to take glamorous pictures of it all. I sent it to my friend, who by then moved out of state. Needless to say the said co-worker is gettings years worth of scat porn sent to his house. ( after reviewing his financial records, seeing his short comings and child welfare situation, we decided not to rob him with debt)

is this illegal?

Uh, yeah.

First, the fact that you accessed his file with his personal information at your place of employment means that you would probably get fired for these actions.

Next, you made unauthorized copies without the consent of the guy. Removed them from the work premises. That sounds alot like theft.

You also have apparently signed him up for porn by posing as him. That would be considered identity theft. And maybe harrassment.

I'm no lawyer, but all of that seems pretty obvious to me.
oh man, i fucking HATE getting burned when im really craving dope in and im driving around the block
this one time it was absolutely terrible luck, i got burned twice in a row, for a bundle each time, like the dude just grabbed the money and ran, and the second time gave me some bubble gum wrapped in paper (so it looked like a bundle) And im usually pretty good, like im not green so i know what to look out for and shit. I got some pretty good shit the third time tho, even though i ended up losing $100 in the process i still got my dope =)
I really just say "fuck my life" and drive around the block until i see someone else saying, im not gonna run after a 6 foot 2 dope dealer who spends all day every day on the streets of newark and prolly has like 3 knives tucked away in his many pockets.
i really, really strongly dislike the corner dope boys.
Wanted to buy 3 pills but didn't know anyone, so this stripper said she could get me 3 pills, so I asked if they were good, how long she would be, where she is going then I put my pinky out and made her promise to return with 3 pills, so if she didn't then she would feel guilty.

Anyway, waited for like 30 minutes, asked her, still nothing, one hour had gone and I was just so pissed off, waiting outside a strip club!

The time came 6am and she was shocked I was waiting for her outside after she finished work, so I said where are they!!??

She made up some bull shit story about how she got rolled and blah blah, so told her she pinky promised... To my chock the stripper had a bit of good in her and said she would try get me back the money.

10 mins later she found a guy, rooted him and got some money, but she only gave me half of the money I gave her... BITCH!

Everytime I am out clubbing now I see her on the main road and just give her dirty looks... To make me feel a bit better I do feel sorry for the lifestyle she has and she probably has AIDS and all these other diseases. meh
Pshhh. the porn was the LEAST we were going to do. He didn't have a license. We could have easily gotten a license in his name considering we had his six points. We could have changed all his banking and credit. Thats a lot of could haves isn't it?
that doesn't make what you did do any less legal. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it. all I did was answer your question of whether that was illegal. fuck him for stealing smoke.
i wouldn't really talk about doing anything like breaking and entry or assault on a public forum... not gonna answer this one
I go around their neighborhoods spraying rival gang graffiti. Thus starting an unnecessary gang war. Then proceed to call the police about gang activity.

That's awesome lol. But yea dude for a couple hits of acid you really gotta take it as a loss. I know I've had some potent acid before and multiple people would tell me they didn't trip off the same shit.

If you're pretty good friends with him let him know you didn't trip but don't go demanding you're money back. Keep your tone casual. You don't want to lose a potential acid connect.
Well its all sorted. The same dudes that scored the acid for us wanted my mate to score a ounce for them, so we taxed, all pretty even now i spose.. if i meet the acid dealer in the future though imma hit him up about it.
Well its all sorted. The same dudes that scored the acid for us wanted my mate to score a ounce for them, so we taxed, all pretty even now i spose.. if i meet the acid dealer in the future though imma hit him up about it.

Did it end up seeming like they didn't know they ripped you off? Did they tell you who their acid dealer was or something?
Na well what happened is my mate came around and picked me up and we were talking about it for a while. Basically one of the dudes that went and got the acid is a good mate and has known him for ages(alot longer than he has known me) and he said that the dude seemed pretty shocked and suprised and sorry that we got shit acid.

Didnt even bother chasing up the acid dealer eh, i consider it a loss but we taxed em a bit off there ounce you know so all is well really.