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How dangerous are benzos ? Should i take them?


May 9, 2020
i guess since 2 weeks i have problems with sleep and recovery. im sleeping every night and i sleep 7 hours but its a bad qualit of sleep.
i feel quite anxious today and stiff andlil bit irritaded io guess due too overtraining and too much 5htp.
i have this package full of lormetazepam since 2 weeks unopened in my shelter.
normally i would eat them like smarties but since im taking 5 htp im afraid to destroy the 5htp progress .
Im not a regular benzo user but when i have benzos i take like 20 pills in 1-2 week with 2mg.
like i said smarties.

thats why im afraid to take one, i dont wanna open the box of pandora lol.
but i need some sleep i have so much to do tomorrow and without proper sleep i dont have enpugh eneryg.
the 20th of august is the deadline of my application maybe thats why im so anxious.
i dont know why but i feel like the anxiety paralized me lil bit.
honestly i dont know where it comes from.
well i know the reason but i dont know why it comes just from one sec to another.
in the moment i have so much future anxiety about how my study will go how my life will go i couldnt get into med school omggg when im thinking over it oi could eat that whole pack of benzos haha.
Cut down on 5htp if it's making you anxious. Take one if you need it not 20. Be careful though, needing them daily creeps up on you
I thought you were talking Nitrazepam and Clonazepam?!' You are confusing me STOP THE 5HTP; it seems like it is just making your anxieties worse
MAnd no, Benzodiazepines, by themselves, are NOT dangerous; the LD50 is absurdly high, and if taken correctly they are completely safe

Take 2, NOT 20; you will be fine

You are really over thinking this

Just calm down man
I'm sorry thought you were someone else ( VERY similar avatar) so I was confused

Same advice applies, though: Cut out the Serotoninergic stimulant and try a *modest* dose of Benzodiazepines

Good luck
OP like you said, it is kind if a pandora's box situation. If you have a person with say, extreme anxiety/panic, extreme insomnia etc. applying Benzodiazepines to the situation can be setting someone up for addiction.

Like Lorne is saying, these drugs are pretty safe and effective as sedatives go. The problems tend to arise in the form of chronic usage and dependency. Benzodiazepines are only advised for very short courses of prescription, like 2-4 weeks generally. Conditions like epilepsy might warrant a long-term prescription.

They will help you sleep, I'm sure, but the question is, what will you do once your two weeks of great sleep is over and you have to re-evaluate the situation. If you honestly think this is something you need, that is your decision, but it's one you need to take seriously.
I was at gym on sunday i dont know what happened but sth snappednsince then.
My energy is low as fuck my sleep is bad.
Define dangerous. If I use benzos I will relapse on booze. And then I will do something dangerous as hell. For me benzos are the worst.
I suffer from Insomnia since childhood because of ADHD. They tried a lot out, but nothing works or it were benzos and thank God my Psych was very strict with that. Since I'm adult we tried like i felt a thousand different ways, there was really nothing that helped and i sometimes played with the thought to make me sleep forever.

I can fully understand how awful this must be for you, but since 24 years i guess now I'm taking either a joint to sleep or i take 100 mg Seroquel (Quetiapin). We use the side effect because in low doses it's making you tired and you sleep not to bad I would say :) In high doses it is prescribed as an antipsychotic. If you start it 25 mg will be enough to get you to a quiet sleep and a relaxed morning afterwards. Side effect is that in the beginning (let's say 2 weeks) you will have an overhang, not too much but you'll feel it.

But I tell you this is worth it.

You could try Cannabis. All my doctors are meanwhile like "JJ, if you have grass, use it for sleep, don't swallow anything that affects your organs like liver and kidneys in a negative way"

So I'm smoking my joint, just one in the evening directly before going to bed and it is the best sleeping medicine i have ever had. Since meanwhile 24 years.

Shit I'm getting old, WTF.

No they are dangerous if you can keep it to say 2-3 days a week but that;s hard as fuck to do
well i dont have any problem with addiciton i dont get addicted to them and its not so easy to get them and i would never ever have to motivation to run to doctors to find someone who prescribe it.
actually my doc came up with benzos coz i told her im sleeping bad and i injured during lifting.
so i have them since 2 weeks i guess unopened and of course i also have experience with benzo administration.
thats why im lil bit careful to take one because im not the type of person who takes just one and says ok thats enough.
in the end it comes to the point, that is usually after 5-7 days, when i throw them in the bin coz i cant controll it.

but i dont know what happened on sundy: am i overtrined or whatever i dont kow. maybe overdose 5 htp ?
There very safe. Funny thing, I've been taking kpins for the last 5 months, I ran out 2 weeks ago and had no problems at all. I also took Gabapentin so maybe that's why I didn't feel withdrawals. Got my kpin refill today and I'm not craving them. There kinda boring unless you have opiates .
Benzos are very safe in that when taken on their own, they are almost impossible to fatally overdose on.

However, they can lead to horrendous addiction and a withdrawal that can prove fatal.

Don't even think about combining them with other CNS depressants such as alcohol, opiates and barbiturates. The vast majority of fatal overdoses have benzodiazepines in the system.
"Should I take benzos"

The answer is always a resounding NO. Nobody that is prone to addiction should ever take benzos. Under doctors supervision, if he's aware of your background, maybe. Even then, you're probably better off not taking them.

I'm all for people getting the treatment and medication that they need to help their legitimate issues, but benzos lead to a serious chicken and egg type situation, in which they initially cure the anxiety / insomnia, and then end up making it worse by several orders of magnitude, necessitating ever-increasing doses of it. This is especially true in uncontrolled settings and with street-drugs. I used to self-medicate with benzos, for my "anxiety", and because it felt good, until my anxiety grew and grew and eventually I just felt normal while on them, and was a complete wreck on the days where I wouldn't take them. I would have been better off to not take them, and deal with it another way (by smoking less weed, maybe).
benzos are great for trips.
I will take them on tuesday when i will drive by bus 12 hours to another country and my 16 hours flight