How are you in word? V. Darksiders feelings

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^ made me lol too. Sinclair hope you're doing better

I'm a bit frustrated today, but hopeful as well, and nervous.

Frustrated because getting back into lucid dreaming is very difficult for me, especially with dream recall. Hopeful that I can do something about it and eventually achieve my goal of being a seasoned lucid dreamer.

And nervous because it's my prom today. I'm actually not really sure how I feel about it so I'm just going to jump into the night without expectations.

oh, and Im HAPPY BECAUSE NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL FOR ME EVER :) Graduated this Wednesday. What a liberating feeling. script is due tomorrow and I have been unable to burn it/shred it/throw it away.

I guess I also feel CONFLICTED. script is due tomorrow and I have been unable to burn it/shred it/throw it away.

I guess I also feel CONFLICTED.

You know I've noticed that conflicting feelings has been the emotion that has defined my entire adolescence. Sometimes you just gotta take a decision and fly with it. Which is why I'm going to trash all of these unmotivated feelings and go take a bike ride to wake myself up :)
You know I've noticed that conflicting feelings has been the emotion that has defined my entire adolescence. Sometimes you just gotta take a decision and fly with it. Which is why I'm going to trash all of these unmotivated feelings and go take a bike ride to wake myself up :)

I definitely see the wisdom in what you say. I guess my other word today is WEAK. I feel so weak hanging on to this drug (even just thinking about it).
Yeah, been pretty stable recently though, came out of the blue.

Going to be all over the fucking shop come the end of the month. Now burn your fucking script.=D
Yeah, been pretty stable recently though, came out of the blue.

Going to be all over the fucking shop come the end of the month. Now burn your fucking script.=D
Man, I'm scared to even pull it out of the desk drawer it sits in. How do you burn something you love....and hate.
Man, I'm scared to even pull it out of the desk drawer it sits in. How do you burn something you love....and hate.

Create flame, put the paper on it, worry about everything else afterwards.

I guess now is the crunch really, do you want to be off speed or not? If the answer is yes do the above and everything else will work itself out.
Nowhere = now here = here now!
Create flame, put the paper on it, worry about everything else afterwards.

I guess now is the crunch really, do you want to be off speed or not? If the answer is yes do the above and everything else will work itself out.
okay, okay....yet I need it for this pesky ADD and OCD. FUCK it, I dealt with these things for years without it.
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