How are you in one word vs. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

People are happier on Fridays than on Sundays. Don't mean to be a spoiler but..
If you are okay with that and happy - any day will do.

Im not unhappy just neutral.

I admit I would be happier with a couple of beers and probably few pills.

Been hearing voices nonstop for the past 6 months...or so I thought. I've been hearing voices my entire life. Now I have this incredible journey ahead of me (which is cool) except I never get silence. Being Baphomet is fun. Being in this program is not fun. I hate being told how to live every aspect of my life even if it's under the guise of "we're trying to help you".

It's like being a prisoner to other peoples expectations of me. They have great expectations so they will not shut up...then they get their way and the next person starts talking to me...over and over all day.

The voice are real people. In between being told how to live every aspect of my life, women telepathically communicate with me. Women I want to fuck but haven't yet and don't quite know. And I'm just like "why can't I only hear the woman who to fuck"... The voices say "if you do everything we say, we'll make it happen" and I'm like "no, you won't I have to do it myself, all you can do is set the stage. Why don't you just shut the fuck up, so I can hear them or when I hear them I'm not raging because people are constantly talking to me." It's hard to feel the need to interact vocally when people communicate with me telepathically all day. Then comes time to meet these women and I used to blank cuz it's like "oh shit, you're real, you're beautiful, you like me...and we've been telepathically communicating for weeks". A real woah moment to talk aloud like a stranger to someone you already know.

I'd say it's skitzofrenia but I'm just Wiccan.

Do something good it's voices saying "good job, you're learning" do something bad [i.e. cigarettes] and it's "don't smoke ever again". But to me, it's all voices all the time. What's the difference?

Sounds cooler than it is (ut oh if I type that will it make it true?)
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You could maybe visit a psychiatrist. It might help.

I am bored today.
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Excited.. Just got word that the last obstical i needed to get done, for a long term goal I have been working towards for well over a year, is about to be overcome.

...for food water a place to stay and a great friend who has took me in after not speaking to her in like a year.

Again... Disability Hearing tomorrow.
Got all excited I got the judge I wanted.
Then lawyer mentioned to me a bunch of old shit I never even thought could matter.
Never even came to mind that it could effect my case.
Fucking stupid.
^Most people get it if they fight to the hearing.

I think you just may be paranoid from all the rejections. They reject everyone at first. Believe me I know. I was a absolutely totalled for half a decade and they were telling me I could find something to do. Yeah right.. I was very fortunate to recover. I think given where you are at you should be good. Think like 3/4 get approved at your point.

Just have to go through five years of hell and rejection to finally get what you need.. Its a sadistic system.

4 me

A lil sick, have a mild sore throat atm. I hope I'm not comin down with somethin. I guess I should go back to sleep.
Sad. I'm going to rehab to detox right now. It's for the best...I need help
Best of luck, Cosmic. Accepting help is good. You've made a lot of friends here that are pulling for you. Try to see everything you are doing to deal with your drug issues in an even larger scope--it is all for your healthy development as a person. Learning to deal with adversity, creating and nurturing strength when you feel weakest, learning patience and how to deal with the need for instant gratification--everything that you put into place and begin to practice will have so many far-reaching consequences for your life. <3
Sad. I'm going to rehab to detox right now. It's for the best...I need help

In every situation we are presented in life we have infinite ways we can choose to look at what is going down.

Another way to look at this is your getting a chance a whole new life. Could choose to be excited :)

Im ancy today
Thank you guys so much for the support, you have no idea how much it means to me <3 Unfortunately after going through my assessment and being accepted into their residential program, they realized that they do not accept my insurance anymore :( I don't have fifteen grand. But they are working on getting my insurance approved and I plan on calling every week until it happens.

In the meantime I want to start attending NA and AA meetings. I need supportive people in my life who can understand what I am going through. I need sober friends that care. I am feeling HOPEFUL.