How are you in One Word vs. A Smile is a Curve That Sets Everything Straight

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Freezing its so cold and its snowing again. I'm so not gonna get used to the east coast weather.
Unmotivated. I need to go grocery shopping, but I don't wanna!

been ill for over a week, at first a throat infection now it's my sinuses and i cough every night and morning
one of my teeth hurt too when biting down food on it, been to 2 dentists had an xray taken and they cant find anything wrong with it

...tbh my gums and teeth all feel sensitive atm and i just feel like crap

hope i get better by the 24th


actually I just read up on the relation between sinus infection and tooth ache, i havent been able to pinpoint the ache to one tooth, perhaps there's a chance that my sinuses are causing it? my dentist didn't think so but the body is so complex we still don't understand it really
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Exhausted. I finished most of my xmas shopping and a trip to the craft store, but I STILL need to go to the grocery store. :\

Life teaches me one thing: there is no point in trying to be happy; it's going to get fucked up in a matter of days or weeks, every time
Aw Bobby, there's a point to it if you focus on the days that you are happy instead of focusing on the fact that it won't last.


Either I've found a magical elixir, or I'm in for a world of pain
All the best Tryptamine, hope it all sorts itself out, hospitals and doctors are things I've seen to much of lately myself fortunately not any as acute.

I'm feeling quite settled this morning, I have the kids on my own and have provided breakfast already.

For the first time in a long time I have all my Christmas gifts sorted and wrapped and I'm off work until the new year, it's a bit dull and wet out there this morning but I'm sure we can find something to keep us busy, my son is usually happy making stuff from cardboard boxes and stuff and the older daughter is still in bed.
Trying up some last few things before the holiday rush. Always get a bit anxious this time of year, so much to do.

Trytamine, what's up with your arm, did you do something to it to make it gangreenish? I hope you are alright bud, you worry me.
Morning guys sending everyone some love today!♡♡♡

Sleepythe winter in the east coast is making me hybernate lol
Safe travels <3

agitated,irritated, anxious so much left to do and my boyfriend is dillydallying.
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