How Are You In One Word ver. Smile Because It Happened

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6 12hr night shifts in a row, wee brain is wide awake, bones are totally exhausted, want/need sleep w/out dreams for many hours...
its been a very very rough week for me but today i woke up and felt the tiniest bit better and for that i feel - relieved

Much of last week was miserable due to sickness. I had a fever up to 103.9. My mood was good especially considering my sickness. One of my nephews who lives with my mother and I was in the hospital Thursday-Sunday with it, in quarantine part of the time. His fever was 104.8 when he got to the ER. The doctor said what was going around could kill. His younger brother was really sick too but without as high of a fever as his brother or I. There is an outbreak of it spreading through the local high school. They need to shut it down for a few weeks to stop the spread as lots of people have been extremely ill from it and it has the potential to kill (maybe it already has, I don't know). My mother was sick from something else (coughing and sore throat). I was sick with what she had and I was getting better, then I was hit with severe illness. My mom wanted me to go to the hospital. My nephew ended up there later the same day. If I had known it was so serious, I would have went at the urging of my mom. The infectious agent is bacterial - kind of unusual as most things that spread like that seem to be viral. My mom has stage 4 breast cancer and her immune system is very weak from chemo (hopefully she won't need any more of the strong chemo for a while as her last scan showed the tumors almost gone. She had another scan last week and gets the results soon). She it taking antibiotics as a prophylactic measure. She could easily die from something like that.
c.h. I am glad to see you here <3 <3 <3

stiff stagnant frozen
one of these.
The weather turned from below freezing to reasonable, and is now below freezing again. I am having so much trouble accepting the cold. I don't have to go anywhere or do anything for the most part, so it's just simple to stay in and feel tight in my body. Now my mind. Ah dear flow.

I'm stressed about a few things right now, over all though life is great and I am actually very happy.

Not enough bluelight activity :-(
Feeling somewhat out of loop with everyone recently.

I spent the last two days staying clean. I've been trying to be positive, but the migraines I've had have been pretty horrible. I tried to keep myself busy, but it's been tough. And sleeping a lot. It seems I can't get enough of it.
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