How are you in one word ver. Feelings left between the pages

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Period cramps coupled with my neck and back pain (which seems to have gotten worse) makes me unhappy. Ugh.

Noooooo! I empathize, ad lib. That's me every single month. The only thing that seems to help are hot baths, heating pads on my belly, and naproxen. I hope you feel better soon.

today's word: optimistic
Noooooo! I empathize, ad lib. That's me every single month. The only thing that seems to help are hot baths, heating pads on my belly, and naproxen. I hope you feel better soon.

Thank you!! I took a nice hot shower and now I have my heating pad on :D I'm slowly starting to feel better. I get killer insomnia with it too. Only about 33 more years until menopause for me LOL.

get my new phone tomorrow.

so tomorrow will be..


unless it dont come :/

Finally caught a break. RedLeader's income is about to TRIPLE in 6 weeks. =D
My current job pays absolute shit and isn't quite full-time. This one is full-time starting that week and has a higher hourly rate, so I'm going to work that new one full-time and cut down to 10-15h at my current job on weekends. It's going to keep me busy, but it will be the first time I've seen (legal) money in that range in years. This new one is only good through October, so the plan is to work myself to death for 5 months or so, live humbly and save (and pay off the court) and then figure something out, hopefully with two good, recent references. It's progress.
Feeling lots of stress at work, I feel like I'm being dicked around a bit. I'm just going to have to stop pussy footing around this 'issue' and be blunt to the GM and throw my .2 cents at him, and ill see where it goes from there.

And also I'm having a huge panic attack that's been lasting way over two hours.
^ not to make light of your situation but, LOL... you said you're being "dicked" around so you gotta stop "pussy" footing around.

did i make you laugh? i hope so,
your panic attack will stop, i promise. :) <3
Thanks that actually did make me laugh.

My panic attack is starting go down a bit, but then it starts to peek up again.
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