How are you in one word ver. Feelings left between the pages

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^ no point in that ever<3

This time when I get 'clean' I'm going to focus on doing the actions that will give me the results I want and not bother about counting days. I'm fighting for control of my life not for days under the belt

Pure Gold IMHO=D


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^ no point in that ever<3

Pure Gold IMHO=D




I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic or not tbh. I think that as a senior moderator that you should make it clear what you really mean though, throwaway ambiguous comments like 'pure gold' are of no use to anyone and just self serving smugness that confuse matters for people when we should be engaging in clear and open debate about the many different ways for people to recover from the problems that drugs are causing them.

I know that for lots of people days under the belt are a useful tool for taking control of their lives, for lots of other people it's a really damaging practice that results in a full-blown relapse because of the guilt and shame of having lost their clean time when all they have really done is lapsed and need to look at the actions they were engaging in that led them towards that lapse. It also results in situations like your man above who is counting on being a certain distance clean meaning they will feel a certain way, when IMO it's more important to focus on rebuilding and the filling the void left by drugs rather than concentrating on how long that void has been there.

Either way, ambiguous comments like 'pure gold', followed by a self-satisfied image search aren't helping anyone are they. Your role in this forum is to facilitate the discusssion of the many different ways there are for people to take control of their life after drug addiction not break it down or muddy the waters. If you thought it was a silly comment, you should have made it clear why you thought so, so that the person I directed it towards has another opinion on the matter and some useful information to move himself forwards in his recovery. If you genuinely thought it was a useful comment (which I'm 99.9% sure you didn't), then a less facetious response would help make it clear that you actually thought it was useful.

I know you seem to harbour some sort of resentment over a dispute of some sort we had a while back (I don't remember what it was over), but you've done yourself a disservice with a post like that and offered nothing useful for the guy who is suffering.
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Feeling more encouraged and less disappointed...

Gotta remember....

There is no failing, only falling.
Just gotta get back up and keep on walking.~
@ Ownen that's a sweet bike.

Meh I feel okay I guess. I'm just getting my shit together and ready to move soon. I want to go to Canada but my man wont leave the area :\ .

I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic or not tbh. I think that as a senior moderator that you should make it clear what you really mean though, throwaway ambiguous comments like 'pure gold' are of no use to anyone and just self serving smugness that confuse matters for people when we should be engaging in clear and open debate about the many different ways for people to recover from the problems that drugs are causing them.

I know that for lots of people days under the belt are a useful tool for taking control of their lives, for lots of other people it's a really damaging practice that results in a full-blown relapse because of the guilt and shame of having lost their clean time when all they have really done is lapsed and need to look at the actions they were engaging in that led them towards that lapse. It also results in situations like your man above who is counting on being a certain distance clean meaning they will feel a certain way, when IMO it's more important to focus on rebuilding and the filling the void left by drugs rather than concentrating on how long that void has been there.

Either way, ambiguous comments like 'pure gold', followed by a self-satisfied image search aren't helping anyone are they. Your role in this forum is to facilitate the discusssion of the many different ways there are for people to take control of their life after drug addiction not break it down or muddy the waters. If you thought it was a silly comment, you should have made it clear why you thought so, so that the person I directed it towards has another opinion on the matter and some useful information to move himself forwards in his recovery. If you genuinely thought it was a useful comment (which I'm 99.9% sure you didn't), then a less facetious response would help make it clear that you actually thought it was useful.

I know you seem to harbour some sort of resentment over a dispute of some sort we had a while back (I don't remember what it was over), but you've done yourself a disservice with a post like that and offered nothing useful for the guy who is suffering.

I must not have harbored any resentment as it took me a couple minutes to be able to remember what you were referring to. I will be happy to discuss what I saw happen from my point of view if you wish, but that would be more appropriately done with PM's. When I saw your post I was excited and wondered where you had been and that nonsense was so far forgotten that It didn't cross my mind and most likely never would have again.

When I described your idea here as pure gold I recognizing it with a high level of praise. Gold is something that many people see as valuable. I think the concept you posted is very valuable. Also gold doesn't tarnish or fade and this is how I feal about the approach you posted, that is I feal that it is the best approach for having long term results that do not need to be constantly polished because its value is significant and lasting and not comprised of shallow worth that fades.

It reflects an underlying principal in my own ideas about recovery. I do not count days for a few reasons. One of them, like you said, is that people who count days and then relapse often can feal that they totally fucked it up, that all the work they put in was for nothing and they have lost all they worked so hard for. This of course is utter nonsense as no one can take away all the hours and days they had clean. I also agree that emotions and feelings associated with a relapse where people think they have failed and all they worked for and accomplished was destroyed, producing guilt, shame and hopelessness which indeed can drive a destructive relapse.

I also don't count days as in the past I found that after a decent stretch of time I would go from having the clean time be motivation to stay clean to justification for use. My thought would go from you have all this clean time don't blow it to you have all this clean time so you must be able to control it, or you have been clean forever you deserve a little break, or you learned what you needed to and changed what needed changing so things will turn out different with use this time.

I also don't see the point of counting days as if I don't know how many days I have made it, my addiction doesn't know how many days its been waiting.

MY recovery is totally based off real positive change effected in my thinking and life. The drugs create a void but I think there must have been a void long before the drugs and they were just a failed solution to something that was around before the drug use. This is why I feal its so important to identify and address the roots of and addiction on top of healing from its affects. I feal that unaddressed roots are likely the leading cause of relapse in people who make it a long time into recovery.. the old "I have been clean for a while and at first it was great, but lately I am remembering why I started using drugs in the first place"

So I agree with you that really addressing the complex situation and makeing real and positive change is the key to curing addiction. I for one do not want to spend to much time learning to cope with things that I could be eliminating. I don't want to focus to much time on increasing the size and power of my weapons, when this time would be better spent ending the war.

When I see a idea or concept that I feal is very strong or important I sometimes recognize it by equating it to gold. I feal that when people take the time to recognize. lend praise to, and openly agree with and endorse ideas presented by another that they feal are really strong, they emphasize, empower, and promote the idea to others who may find benefit from it as well. Therefore I belive that posts such as mine are important and serve a clear positive purpose.

So im sorry that there was some miscommunication here and that you choose to interpret my comment in a negative way. Being negative or demeaning, in any way, was not intended and entirely opposite the intended effect, but I react to having unjust criticism cast while lectured to about my role and purpose much like everyone else.. it turns me the fuck off.. So developing a different style and tone for communicating in similar situations would likely create better results for you.

Its good to see you omen and I hope your doing great:)


Today I'm rested
Kinda sad, but excited. Today is my last time taking poppy tea. After that I have one good dose of suboxone and loperamide to carry me over til Saturday when I take iboga.
I don't really know how I'm feeling today. Not good but not bad, not happy but not sad.
neversickanymore: I read it as sarcasm, internet not so good at conveying tone!

I don't remember the disagreement anymore either, it only came to mind because the messages are top of my pm inbox still.

Glad we're on the same page though theoretically though, shame I'm still in the shit with substance problems.
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