How are you in one word ver. contagious smile

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Feb 9, 2013
It's time for a new thread guys and gals. <3


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Eeep. that does sound relieving. Get better dude.

Im hanging.
The waiting game is never a good one.
Cats! I'm petting my two furry critters right now.

I'm feeling hollow
People who I thought were better friends apparently aren't so. Betrayal is a bitch.
I am lonely.

Tired, gotta leave my house in 2 hours to travel an hour and a half to work, on no sleep. Sober too, just needing some intimacy and cuddles. Fuck life sometimes. Ha.
Cats are cool, I should get one.

I feel ya on the lonely thing... 4yr relationship got ended by text last night....
Sorry to hear. Relationships are tough, I'm not too sure how people do them. Every time I get close to someone I get scared and shut down.

I want to pull the covers up & sleep this day away ;(

It is getting really bad really fast.
I am close to possibly dropping out of college because I don't think I can push myself to even show up for class. If I do that, then suicide is quite likely as I will have pretty much given up at that point.

I was about to do a complete withdrawal from classes an hour ago and I don't know what I am going to do now. I have been thinking about suicide and also at times ways to disappear somewhere so my body can't be found for days now (I don't think a lack of a corpse would really make it any easier for my family, and it is really the feelings of others that has prevented things from getting more serious - that may be enough to actually prevent anything like that from happening for now. The only thing that brings any good feelings (even then, mixed with bad) is being with my pets.

There is no joy in life, and it has gone to hell fast this time.
If I screw up in college, that is also my last chance at an education even if I did go on living - I'll be suspended for a year and I am already getting too old to be a student. I'll never hold a job down if I can't stop feeling like this. The future seems almost hopeless.

Sorry for being a buzz-kill with my negativity - I just can't stand feeling this way much more.
But I don't want to make anyone else feel bad in any way and there are people who may feel bad after reading this.
T*D you've overcame great adversity in your life and continue on living. I can only speak for myself but I'm sure others agree that you give a big hopeshot that no matter how bad things get, we can overcome it. I hope things take a turn for the better for you my friend.

I'm hazy
Waiting for the diphenhydramine and melatonin to wear off from sleeping last night. Its a cloudy day so its taking me a bit to wake up.

for the first time in 6+ years.

so yeah, pretty emotional.

I went through something similar, but I'm already totally over it and have another new, wonderful girl in my life.

Try to keep your chin up and stay positive! :)
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