• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier


I don't have hobbies, I have passions.

i take drugs sometimes, is that a hobby? ;)

reading is my hobby, as lame as that sounds. i also write a lot. right now i'm trying to finish three stories (two fanfics, one normal piece of fiction) that i've been juggling around for the past few months. all three of them are breaking the 100page, single spaced mark. pretty proud.

Drugs are not a hobby, they are "a way of life"! I'm really curious to know what kind of fanfics these are to potentially have readers willing to consume 100 pages of it. You should be proud though, that's a lot of writing done. The real test of your mettle will come with the editing. It's frustrating, tedious, and some of the content you loved to write gets cut but people will judge your writing by your editing so what can ya do, right?
Photography, blogging, baking, restoring old furniture, writing, reading. God I'm a nerd.

I'd love to say I enjoy mountain climbing or camping or something otherwise cool but I really don't! I do like hiking on the odd occasion I do it but only to take photos really.
Drugs are not a hobby, they are "a way of life"! I'm really curious to know what kind of fanfics these are to potentially have readers willing to consume 100 pages of it. You should be proud though, that's a lot of writing done. The real test of your mettle will come with the editing. It's frustrating, tedious, and some of the content you loved to write gets cut but people will judge your writing by your editing so what can ya do, right?

without sounding too much like a basement dweller, i can tell you that 100pages single spaced in Word equals maybe 20 chapters published, depending on what site you're publishing on. my favourite fanfics are both up around the 50 chapter mark. even ones that aren't my 'favourite' are about 45-50 chapters. so does that answer your question? :D i've been looking for a beta to edit my work but most of them speak english as a second language so i'm hesitant to give it to them, but i'll have to give it up one day if i ever want to publish it and get 5 million dollars like that girl who wrote the twilight fanfic which is now some ebook 8)

longboarding is a hobby of mine, i guess. also tattoos.
That's crazy about that Twilight fanfic. I heard Maureen Dowd totally shit all over it, but you must be doing something right if a popular NY Times columnist feels the need to take you down a peg. She's a millionaire now? That's kind of inspiring in a messed up sort of way.

I guess bluelight is my hobby, and so is watching comedy and doing drugs. Music is my vocation, working a shitty job is my way of feeding my vocation. Exercise is an often unfulfilled goal, though I do take the little spaniels out for a walk now that it's nicer out. Only one of my dogs really makes me work anything remotely resembling exercise. One is a little ham that gets me all sorts of attention, and the other scares all the attention away. So it's a nice, weird, balance.
Not counting exercise:

  • Learning to play the flute
  • Android app authoring (using AppInventor)
  • Soft-stone carving
  • Photography (in a half-assed way at the moment
  • Horticulture

Including exercise:
  • Cycling
  • Getting back into weight training, but also learning bodyweight/gymnast techniques
  • Yoga (I'm trained to teach, but my own practise is a bit lapsed ATM)
  • Snowboarding

I'm also working, albeit slowly, on building a homebrew sous-vide cooker, working with the engineer at work to build a DIY thermite furnace for his shop, learning Spanish, Raw vegan cuisine, and commodities markets (physical, not futures). Oh, I also brew beer on occasion.
without sounding too much like a basement dweller, i can tell you that 100pages single spaced in Word equals maybe 20 chapters published, depending on what site you're publishing on. my favourite fanfics are both up around the 50 chapter mark. even ones that aren't my 'favourite' are about 45-50 chapters. so does that answer your question? :D i've been looking for a beta to edit my work but most of them speak english as a second language so i'm hesitant to give it to them, but i'll have to give it up one day if i ever want to publish it and get 5 million dollars like that girl who wrote the twilight fanfic which is now some ebook 8)

longboarding is a hobby of mine, i guess. also tattoos.

There are sites specifically for fanfics or do you mean individual fansites (fanblogs?) for w/e? Pretty trippy about that Twilight one turning into a money-mill, I'd be curious to a link or title or something just to see what that's all about.

Dave said:
Not counting exercise:

Learning to play the flute
Android app authoring (using AppInventor)
Soft-stone carving
Photography (in a half-assed way at the moment

Hi there, are you familiar with the S&T subforum oh about... two clicks down???!

I'm also working, albeit slowly, on building a homebrew sous-vide cooker, working with the engineer at work to build a DIY thermite furnace for his shop, learning Spanish, Raw vegan cuisine, and commodities markets (physical, not futures). Oh, I also brew beer on occasion.

What kind of furnace would this be? Thermite burns hot n fast; more useful for welding tasks AFAIK
There are sites specifically for fanfics or do you mean individual fansites (fanblogs?) for w/e? Pretty trippy about that Twilight one turning into a money-mill, I'd be curious to a link or title or something just to see what that's all about.

This is the Twilight fanfic made into a 'real' book. Of course when I say "depends on the site you publish on" I mean fanfiction websites. There are just general ones (Fifty Shades of Grey was published on the massive ff hub known as fanfiction.net) there are character specific ones (where you can only publish fics about one character), there are OTP/ship specific ones, book/movie specific ones, etc. most of the stories i read come from ffnet.
No hobbies anymore... Nothing turns me on these days. At 28 and broke, everything seems boring and out of reach.
Thujone-- I sure am familiar with S&T, just haven't been there in a bit. :)

The idea behind the thermite furnace is to have a small form factor heat a very large space using liquid in-floor circulating heating, along with some radiant heat storage from the furnace itself. Still working out the details, but the concept works, and is actually patented. His idea is to use scrap materials to power it, in the hopes of reducing reliance on the grid. Eventually it'll be heating his shop, and if it's reliable enough he'll retrofit his house onto the system too. Not the simplest DIY project, but he has enough grounding in heat exchangers and mech eng to make it work, I think. The neat bit will be using some of the waste heat to melt scrap Al into small rods, which can more easily be milled into the fine powder needed for a uniformly burning material.
I haven't had time for hobbies lately (work), but now that they're scaling back overtime a bit, I plan to put a suspension lift on my truck and get into some mud. Nothing hardcore, but my friends say it's fun so I'm curious. I also plan to go on a ton of cruises on my bike :D
hooping! i host a flow group nearby on sundays (including poi, contact staffs and balls, gloving, poi, fans & buugeng)

some of this is embarrassing but i wanted to share progress videos from hooping. the first is 11 months old & the second is from yesterday before work (sry for the booty...and i think it's funny i perfectly timed a water break).
Glitch Mob - Apple Tree Beginning hooper: http://youtu.be/sJ025Npxdvc

Glitch Mob - Apple Tree...Revisited: http://youtu.be/CQLSOyRigHc
Cool scubagirl. I googled buugeng and it looks like a Klingon weapon from Star Trek :)

Australian Orchids. Spring is always an inspiring time of year for me. I have already been to two shows and seen a mates big shadehouse chock full with lots in flower. I'm just a beginner but I will throw up a few photos.

Dendrobium x delicatum a week or so ago. Coming to an end now.


And three spikes on my Phaius this year... second flowering since I bought it. Came in the post from ebay believe it or not. This photo is from a month ago but one spike is over a meter high at the moment.


And the same plant but last year in flower.


It's addictive.
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Working out, caring for/hanging out with pets, drawing, listening to music, internet, swimming, TV, fashion, makeup, cooking, video games, reading, recreational drug use, I'm sure I'm leaving some out. I really want to learn how to long board and make hemp jewelry. I haven't been camping in a while either, I miss that :)
I like to play pool, watch movies and tv, and occasionally play video games. Not very outgoing person obviously lol

I used to go kayaking and do more things outdoors before my heroin addiction took over.
Um, well Id say I like socialising, music, cryptic crosswords and though its been years, id still like playing guitar to be on my list.
I want to start playing the guitar. I'm 33 but it's never too late to start right? I played it for a little while when I was 13 and then like almost everything else in my life I quit.