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Stimulants Hints and Tips for Meth Smokers!

dont over do it its neuro toxic and generally bad for your health... But other then that find a clean source, dont smoke it, and dont do it every day or even every other day.
MAN, when I first started using meth which was only about 8 months ago I remember the my first time and it was 10 day straights, barley eating. getting about 2 hours of sleep per 2-3 days. My gf and I pretty much didnt come out the room for those 10 days unless it was to refill drinks, take dog out(whcich was horrid with all the hallucination and to pick up more bags. I was seeing so many shadow, hearing everything from people to gawd knows what . And
get this. By the end of the bing i had named all the shadows that visited me, and was convinced that there was a guy outside my bedroom door testing the ait for chemicals...LOL

Scary thing was that while driving home on fwy form picking up yet another bag my gf slows down to about 40 cause she sees 10ft angels in the middle of the road. and then we are almost home and she sees a woman wit a child running across the st and SWERVES! Thank goodness they went away, it would take a lot of sleep deprevation for me to see things again but damn

One more thing...
I am not a hater cause I still use everyday and maintian an normal (well might be a little off) HA but successful life. I must just add from personal experience I went from smoking- to snorting in a couople weeks, Snorting to eating 2 weeks later and from there I am IV-ing. Best high ever but i don't recommend it, I said I would only try it once and its been almost 4 months.... and i don't see me stopping for a while. BE SAFE.
So, someone tell me about holding in the meth smoke and it crystallizing your lungs

How is the bioavailability 90%+ smoking... if enough crystal stays back to rape your lungs
Swim has found all this information very useful considering Swim is still quite new to methamphetamine, though not new to stimulants. He's very good at keeping such activities at an every once and a while frequency. The tip on swishing a mixture of warm water and salt in your mouth is a very good one. Taking a good multivitamin daily also doesn't hurt when using, neither does making yourself eat, make that a habit. Your body will thank you greatly.
stfu with swim, we do not do that here, it is pretty apparent swim is you.....please read the BLUA.
another useful way of getting stuck on shit from the bottom of your piece is get a q-tip get it gently moistened either by sticking it in your mouth or water and then stick it in some cigarette ash and blow off the excess. The ash acts as a slight abrasive,once your done cleaning the stuck on...off take the other side and wipe it out.
::Based only on my own and my close friends personal experiences::
If you have never tried meth and you know you never will, then skip this post. If you are using meth, or thinking of trying meth, ladies, you should know, and perhaps you already do, that meth will make your sweat, your urine, your vajay, YOU, smell and taste sickening.

I guess I might have to cross post this in the meth mega thread since I have not read this there. Maybe newbies don't know although after the first time you use meth you should figure it out, unless you can't smell anything.

If you are going to use meth, you need to plan on taking a couple showers a day. You need to use deodorant more than once a day. You need to douche if you're going to use your vajay for anything, even if you are just going to be sitting nekkid. A vajay marinated in meth, and the underwear the vajay arrived in, will smell like hell for a mile in any direction. It smells worse than anything I can think of. Put douche and deodorant and sweet smelling lotion and gum in your car or purse, nao so you will have it right with you when you need it. The gum is not for the vajay, it's for you to chew because you'll get cotton mouth, bad breath, nasty tasting saliva, or all three.

This post begs the question, "Why bother with meth if it has these stanky side effects?"

My answer is simply, "Occasionally I like to enjoy the high and the "up" I get from meth."

Your pee while you are on meth will stink like a chemical bath of hideous proportions. Use "diaper wipes" or some such thing to wipe your whole crotch good after you pee.

Also your vajay will smell and taste bitter to your sex partner. Maybe oral isn't the best choice while your up. Again, you should use douche before you have sex. Not like a few hours before. RIGHT before. If you do it a few hours before you will need to do it again before the sex. There are flavored lubes you can use after you douche to help get the meth scent and taste out, and make your vajay taste like a strawberry or a spring day, whatever your kink is. Especially if you are sporting a hairless tender part, a little drop of honey on your clit might make the medicine go down so to speak. Carpet on the vajay does not go with meth use, because the carpet holds scents and someone who has his or her nose down there will smell it in the pubes even if you douched.

A little drop of honey on your clit if you have not showered since 6 a.m. and now it's 9 p.m. WILL NOT help. If you dose at 6 a.m., but 9a.m. you smell bad. Do something by 9 a.m. and stay with it, or the smell will multiply.

Spray air freshener in the bathroom after you pee, because your pee will smell the whole house up. Stay clean and try to stay dry because if you really start to sweat profusely, you'll smell like a chemical treatment plant in no time. I wouldn't use meth at a three day festival unless I WANTED to be avoided at all costs. You would smell worse than the portables by the end of the festival.

I don't think I left anything out. Except for how sick a guys balls can smell if he's on meth but that's not my area of expertise.

Haha my vajayjay doesn't smell different than when it does sober..and neither does my man's balls haha. We're both daily users, and we smell the same as before we were. Sometimes our sweat can smell a little chemically, but not
Whenever I'm outta dope and want to get high and clean out my pipe as well what works the best for me is to dip a finger in to some water 3 or 4 times and every time let the drop of water on my finger run into the pipe. Then I shake it around to get all the frosty white residue and let it sit on the bottom of the bowl. After that I put a flame like usual except only where the water is so it evaporates (if you have a smaller pipe its best to blow some cooler air through the pipe to keep the water from shooting out of the bowl) And just do this until the water is gone. I was a little skeptical about this method at first but after a little practice I much rather prefer it that the scraping method, or you could also scrape first then use water. If your pipe is really resinated you can get a good amount of hits.
So it's xmas time lol...anyone think a clear tree ornament would work for smoking? Seems simpler than a lightbulb with no layer to clean and shit to take out..Plus the top just pops off!
So it's xmas time lol...anyone think a clear tree ornament would work for smoking? Seems simpler than a lightbulb with no layer to clean and shit to take out..Plus the top just pops off!

It might work if the glass is thin enough, but I think it will probably work like a lightbulb, which are overrated. If you don't have a proper pipe(best) it's better to smoke off foil if you do it right you don't waste anything. Don't fold it, make it as flat as possible. I carefully use the side of a lighter or a pill/beer bottle to flatten the foil. Then burn off the shit on the foil with a lighter. Put your shit on the foil and melt it on. Get some kind of tube to suck up the smoke like a pen, straw or a rolled up piece of foil, it will build up resin so save it. Now tilt the foil and heat it up(put the flame close enough heat it,but not too close where you burn it). suck the smoke hard but not so hard you suck up the foil. Also position the straw close enough to catch the smoke but not close enought to burn the straw. Let the now liquefied dope drip down the foil, moving the foil in the opposite direction.If you see any discoloration, it means your burning dope, wasting it and it taste like shit. It should stay clear. hold the hit in, crystals in the lungs is bullshit. I liked to hold it for 10seconds. breath out and repeat. There should be no ashes or residue if it's pureish. This method work for other substances, too.

Some people hate the taste off foil, but it works.
So it's xmas time lol...anyone think a clear tree ornament would work for smoking? Seems simpler than a lightbulb with no layer to clean and shit to take out..Plus the top just pops off!

omg...thank you...this post made me roll laughing...I needed that lol...

It sounds like it could work and you might even lose less of your shit. Why not just go to a headshop and buy one...you can usually score one for 10 bucks or less lol...

edit: go buy a piece that is.
omg...thank you...this post made me roll laughing...I needed that lol...

It sounds like it could work and you might even lose less of your shit. Why not just go to a headshop and buy one...you can usually score one for 10 bucks or less lol...

edit: go buy a piece that is.

Mine just broke before posting in here haha..was cleaning it too vigorously :( bought a new one now, was just looking for a quickie replacement
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It might work if the glass is thin enough, but I think it will probably work like a lightbulb, which are overrated. If you don't have a proper pipe(best) it's better to smoke off foil if you do it right you don't waste anything. Don't fold it, make it as flat as possible. I carefully use the side of a lighter or a pill/beer bottle to flatten the foil. Then burn off the shit on the foil with a lighter. Put your shit on the foil and melt it on. Get some kind of tube to suck up the smoke like a pen, straw or a rolled up piece of foil, it will build up resin so save it. Now tilt the foil and heat it up(put the flame close enough heat it,but not too close where you burn it). suck the smoke hard but not so hard you suck up the foil. Also position the straw close enough to catch the smoke but not close enought to burn the straw. Let the now liquefied dope drip down the foil, moving the foil in the opposite direction.If you see any discoloration, it means your burning dope, wasting it and it taste like shit. It should stay clear. hold the hit in, crystals in the lungs is bullshit. I liked to hold it for 10seconds. breath out and repeat. There should be no ashes or residue if it's pureish. This method work for other substances, too.

Some people hate the taste off foil, but it works.

Ugh, smoked off foil once before out of desperation...never again, never again haha...
im like 100% positive someone who i thought was my friend until he became a full blown addict is selling all of us bunk tweak this Isopropylbensylamine, looks like cloudy shards, melts and recrystalizes get brown real fast and there is no smell, or taste to it, i've came across good tweak from another dealer that's a bit more of a trip and my brain will feel like theres an icy breeze going through it not that it has to be that potent anytime but I can make a little bag stretchhhh and with this shit we get a half and it's gone in an hour and were like wtf
Use one of those pyrex lab. pieces (forgot what it's called) - about a foot long w/ a built in carb'
^^ yeah thats fucked up...

this may sound retarded to all extents, and I know this...
my question I am about to ask I mean...

Well I mean obviously a drug dealer is the answer... no shit... but I'm from chicago area and I never ever ever came across anything to do with street speed especially meth... I can't get desoxyn, and I would like to *try* a small amount of methamphetamine (to compare to the others I have tried, amphetamines that is)... sure I would be doing it orally I don't care if thats a larger dose or a waste, I have not even smoked crack more than twice and yes I have done loads of rx amphetamine, I get dexedrine, always have been on the speed pills for the most part of the last ten years, as meth is not very accepted within my druggie group of friends or even my other friends, hell even all the crack heads I know, know nothing about the shit at all... none nada...

Who would I ask? I mean I can ask all my H dealers as they know people and sell crack and shit but its not the same you all obviously apparently know that... I'm asking seriously who would have the best bet of saying "yeah I can find you that shit"... like it sounds stupid and all, but like other drugs I'm sure its one of those drugs especially even more so, that you have to get introduced by someone or a friend, randomly... or a nice random find...

I'm asking on here because I am completely oblivious to all hell where to even start... besides you have to know people... no shit...

I'm asking so maybe if I choose to do this or take this seriously, maybe I would use such knowledge... I'm not an idiot or desperate... I have always wondered where the fuck you get it actually just never once said anything... thats all...

I'm not trying to break any rules, I'm not asking for sources, just where the fuck do people or how do people get into this shit and find it? That's all... I know I'm probably going to receive some basic answers, but figure maybe a discussion will spark up.

I don't need it now, and don't plan on getting on the phone after I get relpies to find the shit... just a hypothetical question...

I can get whatever else I want, but honestly its just really the geographical region I assume because I would have hit it by now I think. One guy in jail use to get it years ago when I ran into him, my last cellmate actually, and he got it from california in the mail so that does not help my situation...

its hypothetical besides the fact maybe someday I would use the information provided as a general guideline... don't worry I'm not fiending for fucking speed or something, just want to know how the hell did YOU all first get into it like I feel pretty positive everyone really was introduced by another person they know or something along those lines... which puts me shit out of luck...

I know its not something I really should even want to do because of my addictive personality, but again no shit.... so there I put it all out there. I think I stated enough I'm not trying to blankly just score random drugs...

just how the fuck did you all get into it, and who WOULD even know who else to ask indirectly... other dealers of what drugs would be most helpful if even...

does that make sense, and did I cover my ass enough with disclaimers? lol

ok now go ahead Say what you think...
Who would I ask?
like it sounds stupid and all, but like other drugs I'm sure its one of those drugs especially even more so, that you have to get introduced by someone or a friend, randomly... or a nice random find...

on the right track...

just want to know how the hell did YOU all first get into it like I feel pretty positive everyone really was introduced by another person they know or something along those lines... which puts me shit out of luck...
just how the fuck did you all get into it, and who WOULD even know who else to ask indirectly... other dealers of what drugs would be most helpful if even...
ok now go ahead Say what you think...

alright dude seriously, it's just dumb luck. my husband and i one day we were just hanging out with this stupid kid we used to buy bud off of and he was like, "oh yeah hey *insert husbands name here* you used to make this shit right? well, check this out man and tell me if it's any good." of course my hubby is on parole for what he did, after spending 7 years inside (NOT WORTH IT PEOPLE!) and couldn't do any because of an upcoming ua, so i tested it out not really knowing what the fuck it was supposed to even do besides wake me up. i had tried meth once before a looooong time ago when i was like 17 (again dumb luck - i asked a friend who i knew had used it before).

**note to any mods out there: if any of what i posted is against the rules i will be more then happy to edit out somethings or have it deleted completely.
Today, For Justice

Long time heroin user here, along with just about everything else under the sun, albeit less frequently. Meth is the one drug I never got into in all my years, partly because I'm just a terrible meth-head (never could figure out the damn pipe) but mostly because the caliber of people I had to deal with to get my hands on some was just too off-putting, and this is coming from a junkie/acid freak.

That being said, I've finally picked up what I'm told is quality product from a friend I trust. I hate snorting shit, and I didn't feel comfortable with big daddy Mainline my first time, so I acquired one of these silly pipes, logged into Bluelight, and decided I've give it a go. And boy did this thread make it easy. Thank you so much for all the great info. The high is great, the method is economical, and I apparently have enough substance to last me until next Yom Kippur.

Thanks Bluelighters,
Keep It Safe, Keep It Fun
a friend of mine used to get a rubber grip of a pen fit it over the end of the pipe and smoke through her nose.
she got massive hits. i dunno i'm about to try it. dunno if it's actually effective or just novelty though.

i've always been an i.v. user and i generally only smoked if other people were doing it, but now i'm in a pinch. my friend is supplying me for free and he won't let me do shots so i'm taking a crack at smoking it and it's kinda fun i guess. totally different than shots, but it has it has practical advantages and is kinda fun.

in fact, having just taken a huge hit i'm willing to go so far as to say i love smoking meth it's the greatest shit ever and i'm the greatest human being ever. i'm living with a bunch of stoners/video game nerds and i love getting spidackled and fucking with 'em. priceless. plus one of them has sex with me every now and then so that's cool. i used to look down on people who smoked instead of i.v. and make snide remarks but in retrospect i think i was just doing this to make myself feel superior and to let out underlying frustrations with my mom who used to smoke lots of meth. i think i'm gonna go clean or draw or continue writing this nonsense post.

i rant a lot of bullshit when i'm high to unsuspecting civilians and loved ones and feel very silly when i start coming down, at least here i won't have to worry about it and i can focus on more important things when i'm coming down like how i'm a hopeless drug addict and my life means nothing and is going nowhere.

i love you all, happy twacker antics!