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High school/ college party hook ups

Oh please, because nobody on this site has ever had sex in high school? If there's consent from both parties, and you make damn sure to practice safe sex, there's really no problem with following your hormones.

I just hope the OP isn't 20 and going to highschool parties to hook up
Maybe he got held back a year and still has friends in highschool? Don't make fun, you asses.
Oh please, because nobody on this site has ever had sex in high school? If there's consent from both parties, and you make damn sure to practice safe sex, there's really no problem with following your hormones.

I didn't have sex in high school. :/

There's no problem, but when you go there looking for sex, you wind up with these expectations. Guess what? If those expectations aren't met, you get disappointed. Who the Hell wants to be disappointed? Just go to the party and have a good time.
I didn't have sex in high school. :/

There's no problem, but when you go there looking for sex, you wind up with these expectations. Guess what? If those expectations aren't met, you get disappointed. Who the Hell wants to be disappointed? Just go to the party and have a good time.

I agree with this.
Oh and BTW I didn't have sex in high school either! Most of my friends didn't as well. It's actually NOT as common as some people would think.

But anyway, just go there to have fun. If you meet someone, go for it. Flirt a little and don't hold back too much.
Any father worth his salt would have trained his daughter's douche detector to such a fine level that you have no chance.

Fortunately for most douches, there are plenty of shitty fathers who have subconsciously conditioned their daughters into being dirty little sluts.
I didn't have sex in high school. :/

There's no problem, but when you go there looking for sex, you wind up with these expectations. Guess what? If those expectations aren't met, you get disappointed. Who the Hell wants to be disappointed? Just go to the party and have a good time.

Neither did I, I wasn't suggesting that everyone did - most of my friends didn't lose their virginity 'til college either. I just meant that you shouldn't judge someone for it right off the bat. I agree that you shouldn't let it ruin your night if you don't leave the party with a girl - if you make that your one and only goal for the evening, it may end rather disappointingly. I was just getting a oddly judgmental vibe from a lot of the posts here, and it rubbed me the wrong way.
Neither did I, I wasn't suggesting that everyone did - most of my friends didn't lose their virginity 'til college either. I just meant that you shouldn't judge someone for it right off the bat. I agree that you shouldn't let it ruin your night if you don't leave the party with a girl - if you make that your one and only goal for the evening, it may end rather disappointingly. I was just getting a oddly judgmental vibe from a lot of the posts here, and it rubbed me the wrong way.

My posts were mostly meant on the OP's part that he's actively looking to try to get with this girl and I'm keeping a future note of his potential disappointment. You miss the whole party when you're so focused.

Go par-tay and leave the hookups for the right timing. You can appreciate it better when it's not a goal.
^Ah, fair enough, I'll totally second that. Just have a good time, OP, and if the girl happens to work out, then more power to you. Just don't psych yourself out, alright? :p
consenting adults? The thread title says "High school/college party..." I get this ugly feeling that an unwanted pregnancy thread is a potential outcome of this scheme 8(

Or he made it the title because it could apply to both kinds of parties but he's only going to the college variety.
^"Is it lonely up there on your high horse?"

You sound like you have all the pieces together, I.e. don't be creepy, just ask if she wants to hang out alone, be direct, etc. Just execute. The main thing I'd worry about if you already know you have chemistry with her is to check your levels of substances.
Weed may or may not help you, if it doesn't help it can make you super introverted, if it does help it can make you say just the perfect funny thing at the right time. Just don't get too fucked up where you can't remember the shit you talked about. Try not to have ridiculous booze breath, that usually sends out a reckless vibe of futility where even if you had sex it has a high likelihood of being regretted the day after. Try to not get amnesia from taking too much aphrodisiacs. Don't talk about "tragic personal shit" because that's not fun party conversation. Get her talking about herself and be interested and say quippy shit about it.

These are just very basic tips that might be useful if you're young and haven't thought of them.


i find the friend approach the most effective when wanting to get to know someone better. dont let desire rule your mind, and instead, be genuinally interested in who she is; similar to how you would approach a new friend that youd love to get to know better. regardless of how basic, ask questions, and absorb the answers (the conversation from there simply flows), laugh and smile with her ALOT. the rest will come naturally if a connection/common intrigue between you both is established. above all, have fun with her. the most rewarding memories shared are those filled with laughter and fun. be yourself, and enjoy getting to know her better, nature will do the rest.

good luck op <3


i find the friend approach the most effective when wanting to get to know someone better. dont let desire rule your mind, and instead, be genuinally interested in who she is; similar to how you would approach a new friend that youd love to get to know better. regardless of how basic, ask questions, and absorb the answers (the conversation from there simply flows), laugh and smile with her ALOT. the rest will come naturally if a connection/common intrigue between you both is established. above all, have fun with her. the most rewarding memories shared are those filled with laughter and fun. be yourself, and enjoy getting to know her better, nature will do the rest.

good luck op <3


In short, stop 'trying'; just interact and have a good time doing it
I lost my virginity 2 years ago and I'm a junior in highschool still not some creep still going to their parties. I mention college ones because I'm assuming they are somewhat the same. College is probably better but it's just an assumption. And the reason I'm asking isn't cuz I'm just trying to get in her pants it's because I have genuine feelings for her and find the best/ easiest way to begin a relationship in highschool is by starting with a quick lil hook up and it progresses from there. I find that's the least awkward too. Because as I said we don't have many mutual friends do I don't want to just ask come to my house alone or anything cuz I feel like thy is an awkward approach