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High school/ college party hook ups

Kronic King

Dec 4, 2010
Hey BL, so me and my mate were talking the other day about how we hook up with girls at parties and we both said it was a struggle at a crowded party if your going for just one girl. And this Saturday there is a party I'm going to and there's one girl in particular I want to hook up with. It's going to be fairely crowded, but the real problem I think is isolation. I'm moderately good friends with her and the party is taking place strictly in the basement. So my question is how to isolate a girl (not in a creepy way, ya know?). I mean like is the best approach to just talk and then lean over and ask her if she wants to go upstairs with you or what. So just looming for some advice or suggestions
Any father worth his salt would have trained his daughter's douche detector to such a fine level that you have no chance.
^"Is it lonely up there on your high horse?"

You sound like you have all the pieces together, I.e. don't be creepy, just ask if she wants to hang out alone, be direct, etc. Just execute. The main thing I'd worry about if you already know you have chemistry with her is to check your levels of substances.
Weed may or may not help you, if it doesn't help it can make you super introverted, if it does help it can make you say just the perfect funny thing at the right time. Just don't get too fucked up where you can't remember the shit you talked about. Try not to have ridiculous booze breath, that usually sends out a reckless vibe of futility where even if you had sex it has a high likelihood of being regretted the day after. Try to not get amnesia from taking too much aphrodisiacs. Don't talk about "tragic personal shit" because that's not fun party conversation. Get her talking about herself and be interested and say quippy shit about it.

These are just very basic tips that might be useful if you're young and haven't thought of them.
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To the first guy, cool bro? And thanks coffee. I'm prob gonna be like 6 beers deep, I used to smoke mad weed but I have stopped due to tested so now when I do smoke I get super duper baked and don't talk much which wouldn't be good in this instance. I'm not gonna be on any Molly or tabs cuz I wanna be able to get it up of the opportunity is presented and I don't know of any aphrodisiacs besides pot and MDMA so I think I'll just be a lil drunk. At this party it's gonna be just in the basement, so if we went upstairs it wouldnt just be casual it would be for a reason. So I'm wondering should I ask if she wants to go up stairs and hopes she gets the hint or should I be like
Oh my rack is upstairs wanna get it with me. Just asking for your advice because your right, I'm young so I'm not as experienced as I'm guessing you arw
Speaking from the girl end of this scenario, this guy had I met a few times before and really liked ran into me at a crowded, obnoxious frat party. We drank a bit and talked for a great deal of time, which involved some shouting until we went onto the (slightly less crowded) balcony for a smoke. The university cops showed up to break up the party, and he asked if I wanted to head over to his place. I obviously knew where that was going, but I was for it, and went along.

In short - since you are friends, just talk to her in a friendly way until you feel comfortable being maybe a bit flirty. Be as direct as necessary, but don't be a douchebag. If after some hints she seems obviously not interested, don't push it.
Ok thank you! This is gonna be a smaller party (like 30-40 people). Another thing, would you feel like its awkward if a guy your reasonably good friends (but nowhere near close to friendzone) hit on you at a party? My only worry is we don't hve many mutual friends so Im wondering of you would find it awkward of someone like that was talking to you at a party when you usually wouldn't talk much when your with your
Friends? Sorry if it doesn't make much sense haha
Any father worth his salt would have trained his daughter's douche detector to such a fine level that you have no chance.

You must be incredibly out of touch with how college hook ups work.

Just don't be pushy if she rejects you. Perhaps meet up before the party so you're automatically together when you're in the basement.
from my female perspective, it is better if you don't have a lot of friends in common. That way she isn't overly concerned that what happens between the two of you is going to be gossiped about. Just be yourself, she is already aquainted with you. Suggest moving to a location where you can talk away from the loud music. If she is into you she will not hesitate. if she is reluctant, the time is not right.
Put your dick in a condom

if all that fails just ask her to smell this handkerchief...
'Do you wanna go get some fresh air?'

'Keen to go for a walk im getting *insert delicious thing here* and want some company'
From all the advice so for I think I might just use the hankercheif technique incase her "douche bag detectors" go off. Haha in all honestly though thanks for the advice
"Here, let me clear you a seat..." then take off your glasses and stick out your face.
Ask how she's doing and "can I fuck you?"

That usually works for me anyway
Ladies and gentlemen, there is more to life than hooking up.

Busty's shootin' stick is on the right track...

I say if it happens, cool. If not, cool. Everyone worries too damn much about whether they're going to get laid tonight or not. We over-generalize our fellow humans and demean their individuality for the sake of a blow job or a shag. If that girl loves herself, she won't fall for your dick-sense.

Too bad most of society these days looks like your scenario.
You know, men don't hold a monopoly on libido. But I agree that disrespect and objectification is a huge problem - looking for a good lay doesn't mean you shouldn't have some decency.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is more to life than hooking up.


I agree, but that's not the point. Lots of people go to college parties with the intention of just hooking up with someone. Who's to say this girl isn't looking for the same? In which case, we have two consenting adults who just want to have a little fun. Nothing wrong with that.
consenting adults? The thread title says "High school/college party..." I get this ugly feeling that an unwanted pregnancy thread is a potential outcome of this scheme 8(
Oh please, because nobody on this site has ever had sex in high school? If there's consent from both parties, and you make damn sure to practice safe sex, there's really no problem with following your hormones.