Heroin/Opioid MEGA-Thread: Junkies check-in here!

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Have you considered suboxone? I'm using it right now and it helps wonderfully. It's plenty cheaper than an oxy habit, maybe try using google and looking up a suboxone doc. in your area. You need therapy too, you can quit just using suboxone, but therapy is a must if you want to stay clean. I've been clean over 3 months now from a heroin/oxy habit using suboxone and I haven't let myself relapse at all, so I'm quite happy; you can be too.

johanneschimpo said:
I'm JC and I'm a junkaholic.

Hello junkaholic, I'm a JC.

I'm currently trying to detox off of Suboxone as well. It's no picnic, but it aint bad either.

That is all.
just got back from an NA meeting... ganna play some COD4 and then pass out... see yall tomorrow ;)
Hi all... Opiates really are a bitch, eh ? A cruel mistress ;p Been clean for a little less than 120 days, thanks to CA and AA (same program/literature). The 12 steps really do work - and I'm MUCH happier than I ever was when I had periods of abstinence.
i just relapsed.

i had stopped doing dope for about 3 weeks, i think. i was feeling a lot better than when i was doing it, but still not feeling quite normal. still sneezing, aching muscles, cant sleep well.

i had no intention of using again, but i had 100 dollars in my pocket cause i was on my way pick up some bud, and i saw my old friend who does h and he was really high he had just gotten some, and i asked him to get me some, and i got 7 bags.

the worst part is right after that i got caught by my RA smoking pot in the dorms, and im really worried about losing my scholarship over that. i probably am going to.

i hate this. i am so depressed over it, but i feel like theres nothing i can do other than shoot those 7 bags. hopefully i will stop after that.
Lifeguardsleeps, you live and you learn. You already know you have priorities. You can't be sure you'll lose your scholarship. Start going to meetings so you can say that you're getting help for your problem. Plus if you're serious about getting clean 12-step meetings are a great support system!

Congrats on the sobriety Prodigy!

Thanks for stopping by 6/7, always a pleasure to see you here :)
Thats sucks L.G.S, I feel for you mate. You know what you gotta do though.

Im considering going to one of these 12 step meetings. I was always so against them and I dont even know why. I think it was the religious side of things, but I know know that that higher power doesnt have to be any of the traditional gods, it can just be a higher power, so thats reassuring for me. I'll have to give the D&A hotline a call and find out where there is some NA meetings around here.
Relapsed on oxy recently.... my life is a mess and almost too hard to handle sober. Opiates make me feel like I can handle stress, when I'm sober I just freeze up in overwhelming anxiety. I need help, but no one can deal with my problems but me. I have been praying even though I'm somewhat of an atheist.
chicpoena said:
Sometimes I wonder if being sober is even worth it.

I would answer yes! So would millions of others... Any problems if life only get worse when you use, they never get better. Eventually the shit will hit the proverbial fan. Getting sober - not just staying clean but actually working on myself through the 12 steps - is the best thing I've done for myself that I can remember. And this coming from someone that used to be anti-12step meetings just like many others here
whats up... woke up... was ganna go to the gym but said fuck it... im supposed to go out with some friends tonight... its my buddies 21st... wish me luck lol
`pr0digy said:
I would answer yes! So would millions of others... Any problems if life only get worse when you use, they never get better. Eventually the shit will hit the proverbial fan. Getting sober - not just staying clean but actually working on myself through the 12 steps - is the best thing I've done for myself that I can remember. And this coming from someone that used to be anti-12step meetings just like many others here

I don't how the fuck you people do it... Work the program, get sober, avoid using for years.

I know even if i went into a program, I would get out, and I would use again.
My mental state is in shambles today. I'm listening to some music that almost has me crying. It just reminding me of the good old days when all I did was roll once or twice a month. Coming back from the club, going into my room, and turning on some trance and just zoning out to a million different happy thoughts. Life was so grand years ago.

How the fuck did it all come crashing down to this? How could it end this way?
opiates were my secondary DOC really, but nevertheless i do crave them sometimes (my last use was homebake, probly just a little over a yr and a half ago, aside from the morphine i was given after having an accident almost a yr ago....which im proud to say i used wisely)
im another 12-stepper - luv it or hate it, i dont care, it works for me
i crave the needle more than the drugs tbh
even going to hav blood tests gives me a rush
wen i was in detox the nurse there actually let me draw my own blood cos she cudnt find a vein - apparently she did that with quite a few of us in detox......i swear oneday shell lose her job!!!
well anyway, just checking in as a fellow ex-junkie
hope ur all doing fine :)
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