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^^ I was on holiday in NYC for 3 weeks in May. I really wanted to hook up a bundle, just to experience your guys dope & note any differences. I was staying in East Harlem & there appeared to be quite a few users around, but I didn't wanna chance being robbed or ripped off to be honest. I could barely order a burger without confusing the shop attendant with my accent & lingo. Can't imagine a dope deal would've been that easy!
The powder i used to get was white to offwhite. Not generally tan. Would cook up a light brown like iced tea. Color doesnt matter though.
Where I usually cop , heroin is actually called brown , cause it's always sand to shit colored. So never. I'll take the golden triangle stuff over it ever day though much cleaner rush.
Where I usually cop , heroin is actually called brown , cause it's always sand to shit colored. So never. I'll take the golden triangle stuff over it ever day though much cleaner rush.

I take it you live in the UK? I bloke recently told me the gear has been suffering in yr neck of the woods....he said it probably wasn't even over 10% purity? Also he claimed that 90% of the dope was controlled by the same organization.
Nah I'm across the north sea in the country of windmills and hookers and greenery. 40 % on average no drought here, plenty of competition too thank god.
rarely ever.... in fact i can only recall one instance where the dope i got was white like coke and that was when i was living in RI. jersey dope is horrible, cut w/ god knows what i hate it, in fact im pretty certain im allergic to it (i made a thread about this yesterday entitled dope & severe RD)

I just moved to NJ but I'm on a hiatus from bad things while in school.

Regarding the white dope, the ONLY time I've ever gotten it it was fake. I keep hearing these fairy tales of magic china white and I'm just like, uuuuuh gimmie the brown please. In fact the browner the better usually even though I've been told brown is just the cut....

I should know more about things I put in my veins.
The dope i get is very very slightly brown... it flakes so nice...

This is how you know it has been cut... that's all...
Hi folks,
Apart from my brief introduction on the new member introduction forum, this is my first post. The topic is heroin, as always :).....Over the years I've read many posts regarding the ECP #4 heroin that's available on the American East Coast. Mostly all of the time, the photos I see of stamps / bags coming outta NYC, NJ, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago etc all look a slightly tan powder to a darker brown, even orange or grey in appearance. And it's mentioned that the solution mixes up a slight light brown hue in the syringe?...

My question is, how often do you folks get 'cocaine-white' heroin, that mulls up completely clear, as in like water? Here in Australia, we ONLY are able to obtain #4 white Burmese heroin. It's pure white in appearance, and 95% of the time, mixes up like the look of water in the fit. Only occasionally will it look a little tan, very slightly. This is fairly typical of SE Asian heroin, china white, no? What's the deal with your tan / brown ECP? Is it the cut or it it from another source. It just seems strange that we rarely get any dope that that isn't pure pure white.

Cheers. I'll look forward to posting more here.

ya the black tar heroin turns brown in the the rig, but the white shit doesn't seem to do much unless you snort it... in my experience. If you look it up there are a bunch of different types of heroin but only one is legit heroin and the rest are analogues and look look-alikes with some of the same effects but also missing some of the negative effects, the formula is being tweaked non-stop just like every other drug so that people can become un-addicted and get on with their lives. Or so I hear.

ya the black tar heroin turns brown in the the rig, but the white shit doesn't seem to do much unless you snort it... in my experience. If you look it up there are a bunch of different types of heroin but only one is legit heroin and the rest are analogues and look look-alikes with some of the same effects but also missing some of the negative effects, the formula is being tweaked non-stop just like every other drug so that people can become un-addicted and get on with their lives. Or so I hear.

i had white heroin, but when mixed it with water it turned yellow like its supposed to...weird...i had white heroin and mixed with water and was clear...just the cuts
ya the black tar heroin turns brown in the the rig, but the white shit doesn't seem to do much unless you snort it... in my experience. If you look it up there are a bunch of different types of heroin but only one is legit heroin and the rest are analogues and look look-alikes with some of the same effects but also missing some of the negative effects, the formula is being tweaked non-stop just like every other drug so that people can become un-addicted and get on with their lives. Or so I hear. :sus:

You're tripping. As I stated the ONLY heroin we get here in Oz is #4 white Burmese heroin direct from SE Asia. Geographically, we are fairly close to the golden crescent, refer to a world map if you must. Asians smuggle tons of the shit is every year & completely control the heroin trade here. The effect of this dope is extremely strong.

Golden Triangle I ment to say
That sucks Mrs Snow. Perhaps you should come over here & gorge on our dope! A drug holiday. I've met a few Americans in Melbourne, who don't wanna go back home, coz our dope is disgustingly good.

You must be off chops mate, Go to oz for a drug holiday.

For starters Heroin in OZ has been brought in from both Afghanistan and Burma it's not ONLY Burmese as you say, in recent years the majority has been coming from SE Asia but by no means all.
Average Purity in OZ is only around 30% hardly disgustingly good with Vic having some of the lowest reported quality. 30% is about in line with average purity found in the states , however the price there is many orders of magnitude cheaper, not to mention all the other gear except weed which you can get for a fraction of the price.

I talk a lot of smack (pun intended) about the USA but it shits over most countries for drug price , availability and variety.

Colour is indicative of method of manufacture and the choice of solvents reagents and has nothing to do with purity. Most US H is Mex/Columbian and Afghan, Mostly mex on the WC and mix of Afghan Tan/white and Mex/Columbian Brown on the EC.

Best gear I've tried outside of Asia was surprisingly BTH.
Yeah, color has absolutely nothing to do with quality... neither does smell, taste, or any of those aesthetic qualities.

Those factors all depend on where the dope is made, (for example most of the east coast US dope is from Afghanistan whereas the dope you're talking about in Australia is from South East Asia), what it's cut with (could be a ton of different things), and lot of other variables.. none of which directly dictate quality.

There's great brown H, shitty brown H, great tan H, shitty tan H, great white H, shitty white H..... and on and on.
ya the black tar heroin turns brown in the the rig, but the white shit doesn't seem to do much unless you snort it... in my experience. If you look it up there are a bunch of different types of heroin but only one is legit heroin and the rest are analogues and look look-alikes with some of the same effects but also missing some of the negative effects, the formula is being tweaked non-stop just like every other drug so that people can become un-addicted and get on with their lives. Or so I hear.


Not really, #4 is heroin hcl, #3 is heroin freebase, and #2 is black tar which is formed from incomplete acetylation of morphine.
Black tar can have a mix of other morphine derivatives, but pure #3 and pure #4 are the same drug just in different chemical forms, the hcl salt form generally preferred because it dissolves in water and can be easily snorted
Yeah, color has absolutely nothing to do with quality... neither does smell, taste, or any of those aesthetic qualities.

Those factors all depend on where the dope is made, (for example most of the east coast US dope is from Afghanistan whereas the dope you're talking about in Australia is from South East Asia), what it's cut with (could be a ton of different things), and lot of other variables.. none of which directly dictate quality.

There's great brown H, shitty brown H, great tan H, shitty tan H, great white H, shitty white H..... and on and on.

Unless something has changed in the past two years. No, ECP is predominantly south American. Tar is predominantly Mexican.

Afghan H for the most part doesn't actually make it.

It's far more likely to find dope of Asian origin here in Canada (especially on the east coast). Even still, scene is dominated by South American dope.
Unless something has changed in the past two years. No, ECP is predominantly south American. Tar is predominantly Mexican.

Afghan H for the most part doesn't actually make it.

It's far more likely to find dope of Asian origin here in Canada (especially on the east coast). Even still, scene is dominated by South American dope.

What are you talking about? Ever since the war in the middle east there has been a flood of Afghan dope into the US, even more so then in the past. We still get a large amount of H from the cartels in south america, sure, that's never going to change, but there is a massive quantity coming from Afghanistan.

Do a google search for afghan heroin in the US and you'll get hundreds of results all from the last decade describing the influx of middle eastern dope to the US.
What are you talking about? Ever since the war in the middle east there has been a flood of Afghan dope into the US, even more so then in the past. We still get a large amount of H from the cartels in south america, sure, that's never going to change, but there is a massive quantity coming from Afghanistan.

Do a google search for afghan heroin in the US and you'll get hundreds of results all from the last decade describing the influx of middle eastern dope to the US.

UN world drug report -> world opiate market -> first page

"while Mexico has the greater potential production of opium, it is Columbia that is reported to be the main supplier of heroin to the United states"

I'd rather not "do a google search", I'm capable of doing much better research than that.

And so are you.

ECP is south American for the most part.

Not saying that afghan heroin is non existent. It may even be growing, but it's far from the main supply.

It also just makes geographical sense.

America's pharmaceutical opioid problem can be traced back to Asia more readily. With many pharmaceutical companies getting their raw material from asian poppy fields.

India for example. (might have change since I checked but I can check again if you'd like.)
Color means fuck all.
All i know is here on the west coast we get black tar heroin. And although it looks like shit, it packs a heavy punch with great euphoria. Only issue i have with tar, is it seems to be bacteria infested since it is kind of a moist wet/ sticky substance. People say not to cook dope, but i think with tar you have to because you kill some of the living organisms on it.
Color means fuck all.
All i know is here on the west coast we get black tar heroin. And although it looks like shit, it packs a heavy punch with great euphoria. Only issue i have with tar, is it seems to be bacteria infested since it is kind of a moist wet/ sticky substance. People say not to cook dope, but i think with tar you have to because you kill some of the living organisms on it.

I cook my ECP too. Not really to kill anything as much as just to dissolve everything quicker.

Is it possible that I'm dissolving fucked up cut? Yeah. But honestly my cotton will pull out just about the same amount of shit as it would in a cold shot. I just put a little trust in my drug dealer not to be cutting it with anything ridiculous.

I know they aren't the most trust worthy people in the world. But everyone does trust someone to some degree in this game.