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nodding & smoking cigarettes

Do the tabacco smokers of you smoke while they are high?
I'm asking since i do (heavy smoker) and it smeems to be pretty dangerous to me. I already burnt holes in my blanket and my shirt cause i nodded out while smoking ...

Do the tabacco smokers of you smoke while they are high?
I'm asking since i do (heavy smoker) and it smeems to be pretty dangerous to me. I already burnt holes in my blanket and my shirt cause i nodded out while smoking ...


Yeah that's a risk. I try not to ever get that loaded though to the point where I'm nodding that hard.

But houses have caught fire and people have died because of nodding out and dropping a lit cigarette.
I love to smoke when I'm high. But I only do it outside on the cement. One of my ex's used to smoke inside/in bed when he was waaay to fucked up to even hold a cigarette. He would light it and then nod out while the whole thing burned to ash, but then bitch at me if I tried to take it from him. And he told me he caught his bed on fire once doing exactly that. Fucking crazy. This fucker was in a house with his parents, his kids, his baby mama, and her mom and still did that shit.
the exact reason i never smoke inside while high... my ex burned me with a cigarette once while he was nodding on our couch... i still have the scar on my knee :(
luckily i was coherent enough (my hydrocodone high vs. his heroin high) to put it out before it caused any other real damage. scary!
Wanted to know if its safe or enjoyable to take mxe with heroin and couldn't find any mention is search. I had some earlier with hydrxozine for potentiation and I'm in the land of nods but wanted to have a some mxe with it.

combo of the gods
The cigarettes and opiate / opioid combo is one that I find enjoyable as a smoker, and have seen it many times as well. In some senses, it can be a giveaway if you're in public that you're probably getting off if you're nodding with a lit cig pretty hard.
I am from the North West of the U.S. and we call a single dose of tar a "point". As it is one tenth of a gram (.1). Where I am from local dealers commonly cut tar with sugar or coffee, sometimes the tar will have a slight chocolate taste or smell along with vinegar, I'm not sure what that is. Slangs for tar are brown, H, tar, points, chocolate, gun pow( powder that you can huff into tar), and ween. It's crazy how different things are coast to coast .
Tips for a new heroin user?

I've only used heroin 3 times now, and I plan to continue doing it irregularly- Once or twice a week at most. I'm just looking for tips that any of you may have for me. All I can really tell you about my use is that I generally get China White Heroin, and I've been really careful about making sure I don't take too much. Also, I do have someone (that knows what they're doing with the stuff) that was there with me the first time I did it to help me and answer my questions. I could ask them any question and they could answer, but I don't have any specific questions now. I just want tips, or advice, or anything that you guys think I should know if I'm going to be doing heroin. Oh, and I IV it. I guess that's important.

If you're just going to say quit, go for it, but I'll let you know now that it's a waste of time. I'm not going to, and you might as well give me harm reduction tips and advice on being as safe as possible instead of telling me to quit when it's pointless. But, if you really feel the need to tell me to quit, please put something at the top of your post that will let me know I shouldn't waste my time reading it. I'd appreciate it.
If there's any more info needed to give me advice/tips, just let me know and I'll be happy to answer any questions.

--I searched for heroin tips, but I couldn't find any threads with the same purpose as this one. I already read the beginner's guide to heroin, and I wanted one that's more for tips and advice that you guys think every heroin user should know, instead of learning about smoking and snorting and switching from oxy to heroin.
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i managed to pass the final exams at university, studying doped with heroin, snorted never a big dose so i didnt feel slept. After this, i have one of the biggest cold turkes i have had in my life, and it was heroin number 3, not the number 4 you are saying

i dont want to sound like im judging you, but if i were you i would switch the IV heroin for snorted heroin, you may avoid some of the classic illness people who IV H has

Dont skip meals! If after doing H you feel you have zero hungy, then do it after eating, if you dont want to become thinner and thinner

ah! another tip: if i were you, i would start looking for little oppiates, such like codeine, you never know if you will have an addiction with H so if codein would make a job to make more little the WD

and, even i soubd im judging you, i would skip more days between doses, its highly probably that you fall in addiction if using it every week

I feel curiosity, if you manage to take it for months just one or twice per week, please keep me on touch about this

ps: and enjoy it! Its very enjoyable, is just that its so easy to get addicted..keep it on your mind
Break all ties with family and friends. Sell everything you can. Quit your job. These things are ALL going to happen eventually if you continue to IV h. You may keep it under control for a bit, but it'll get ya in the end.

Maybe I'm wrong, and you'll be the first I've ever heard of who can control it.

If you must continue, use a fresh rig every time. EVERY time. And NEVER share a needle or any equipment with anyone.
you dont want to hear it, too bad...quit while youre ahead lol. i just got back from my mmt clinic where i had to wait 30 mins to get dosed bc the line was so long. usually its gas and go.

oh wait, youre the one who asked about combining it with crystal...

well, never being addicted to any stim except nasal spray i dont know how bad the psych cravings can get, pretty terrible id imagine. ive used it about a dozen or so times, mainly smoking but bumping a few times, shot coke that i know had meth in it bc it had a weird look and i didnt sleep for the next 24 hours.

id probably lay off the dope to be honest if you already have a crystal habit. just mho. but if you are going to be slamming it anyways as you say, leave the combo shots for specials occasions since its super rough on your body and quite dangerous. id say maybe doing it to crash out when you need to. but always do a bump of the stuff first, or a very tiny test shot. if you live in an inconsistant dope area your batch purity levels could be dramatically different. so theres that. also if you IV dont reuse spikes if you can help it, a few times is ok but once it dulls it looks like a fish hook under the microscope and you will fuck up your arms and more importantly your veins.

and the cardinal rule as stated above, never share anything spikes, cookers, cottons, half shots! except drugs i suppose. show me a junkie who will share dope and ill show you the highest person in the world lol. also be aware of the ppl you are using with, you will inevitebly fall in with a dope using crowd, dont be the person who watches their friend OD and steps over their body to do your shot. i was pulled from the pond once, twice actually but once with paramedics invovled by a fellow BL'er. HR is what its all about.
If you must continue, use a fresh rig every time. EVERY time. And NEVER share a needle or any equipment with anyone.

Thanks for the tip! I make sure I always news a new rig, and I will never share needles! I make sure I always have plenty of clean rigs to go around so that no one will even offer to do it that way!
you dont want to hear it, too bad...quit while youre ahead lol. i just got back from my mmt clinic where i had to wait 30 mins to get dosed bc the line was so long. usually its gas and go.

oh wait, youre the one who asked about combining it with crystal...

well, never being addicted to any stim except nasal spray i dont know how bad the psych cravings can get, pretty terrible id imagine. ive used it about a dozen or so times, mainly smoking but bumping a few times, shot coke that i know had meth in it bc it had a weird look and i didnt sleep for the next 24 hours.

id probably lay off the dope to be honest if you already have a crystal habit. just mho. but if you are going to be slamming it anyways as you say, leave the combo shots for specials occasions since its super rough on your body and quite dangerous. id say maybe doing it to crash out when you need to. but always do a bump of the stuff first, or a very tiny test shot. if you live in an inconsistant dope area your batch purity levels could be dramatically different. so theres that. also if you IV dont reuse spikes if you can help it, a few times is ok but once it dulls it looks like a fish hook under the microscope and you will fuck up your arms and more importantly your veins.

and the cardinal rule as stated above, never share anything spikes, cookers, cottons, half shots! except drugs i suppose. show me a junkie who will share dope and ill show you the highest person in the world lol. also be aware of the ppl you are using with, you will inevitebly fall in with a dope using crowd, dont be the person who watches their friend OD and steps over their body to do your shot. i was pulled from the pond once, twice actually but once with paramedics invovled by a fellow BL'er. HR is what its all about.

It's not that I don't want to hear it, it's that I've already heard it 50 times before, and it obviously doesn't change a damn thing for me to hear it repeatedly, so why waste time telling me not to do it, it's gonna take me to hell, blah blah blah, when you could be giving me valuable information about using heroin that could seriously reduce the dangers of me doing it?
Thanks for the tips you did give me, and yeah I did ask about combining it with crystal. I did it, loved it, decided to only do it on special occasions. For now, I'm sticking to my crystal most of the time, and H maybe once a week or so, maybe more.
Break all ties with family and friends. Sell everything you can. Quit your job. These things are ALL going to happen eventually if you continue to IV h. You may keep it under control for a bit, but it'll get ya in the end.

Maybe I'm wrong, and you'll be the first I've ever heard of who can control it.

Do you think that's really going to stop me from doing it? Honestly, people like you make me way more likely to continue using it. You already know that I'm going to use it no matter what you say, though, so why bother saying it when we both know it's just gonna piss me off?
I mean, thanks for caring, but I already said it won't make a difference, so don't waste either of our time by typing that out when it just doesn't change anything.

I want HR tips. I want info that will make my using heroin as least dangerous as possible. That's what my question was. Tips for a new heroin user that will reduce the dangers as much as possible.
you dont want to hear it, too bad...


you can't make a thread called "Tips for a new heroin user?" and then fucking have conditions listed in the thread.
99% of the clicks on this thread were ready to type "YEA I HAVE A TIP, ... QUIT!"
The intuition that you had to write those conditions is a good thing.

There's a big difference between "oh i went to the concert/festival with my loser friends from h.s. and what the hell i tried some H" or "I was getting a BJ from this hooker, and sniffed a bag for the fuck of it...", than there is to say: "Hey i'm a new heroin user".

Quit that shit. Why in fk's name are you playing with fire?
Everyone is "very careful" to start out, and they think it over rationally and follow their rules to avoid a horrible addiction. Unfortunately your brain will soon start to rationalize making new rules.

Good luck

Corazon <3

ps. quit.

you can't make a thread called "Tips for a new heroin user?" and then fucking have conditions listed in the thread.
99% of the clicks on this thread were ready to type "YEA I HAVE A TIP, ... QUIT!"
The intuition that you had to write those conditions is a good thing.

There's a big difference between "oh i went to the concert/festival with my loser friends from h.s. and what the hell i tried some H" or "I was getting a BJ from this hooker, and sniffed a bag for the fuck of it...", than there is to say: "Hey i'm a new heroin user".

Quit that shit. Why in fk's name are you playing with fire?
Everyone is "very careful" to start out, and they think it over rationally and follow their rules to avoid a horrible addiction. Unfortunately your brain will soon start to rationalize making new rules.

Good luck

Corazon <3

ps. quit.

Wow. Why bother saying quit when
1) You know I won't
2) By only saying quit and giving me no info, you're not helping anything. At all. I'm trying to be safe about it at least, and you obviously don't care if I'm safe or not if all you have to say is quit.
Just for the record, I gave you HR advice. And I never said quit. All I did was let ya know what you can look forward to. Do what ya want, man. Many have gone down that road before you, I'm sure plenty will follow after you. And remember not to share ANYTHING. Cooker, cotton, stirring utensil. Nothing. Keep you hands and injection site sterile. Hygiene is a key to your well being.
And remember not to share ANYTHING. Cooker, cotton, stirring utensil. Nothing. Keep you hands and injection site sterile. Hygiene is a key to your well being.
Thanks so much for the advice! I'll definitely take it.
Do small test shots with each batch to minimize the chance that you'll OD. Do not mix heroin with alcohol, benzos or barbiturates.

On the same dose, you can feel much 'higher' if you are out in public than at home. It's strange how that works. Avoid nodding out in public.

Do not front money for dope. Do not loan junkies money for dope. You will never see that shit again, trust me.

Keep at least three dealers around at any given time, it's not fun waiting three days for them to reup!

Finally, do not knock over your family for bag money. That's not class, that's definitely a problem.
Wow. Why bother saying quit when
1) You know I won't
2) By only saying quit and giving me no info, you're not helping anything. At all. I'm trying to be safe about it at least, and you obviously don't care if I'm safe or not if all you have to say is quit.

You obviously don't know what it's like almost dying from gurgling bile up, sometimes in a toilet, if you can manage to get to the bathroom. They're fun in the beginning, but they fucking suck shortly after. I played around with C.White and oxy-codone powder...It seemed like fun and games, and then, the oxy-powder got busted getting stolen out of the plant. Months later, someone came around with oxy 80's. 3 days later I was dope sick...and about four months later, I spent $80,000 putting opiates in my nose. If you say heroin is better than oxy's, you just can't afford them..they may not last as long, but they put your head in your lap faster. I spent about 4+ years on Subutex maintenance.

Stop acting like a little kid, threatening to use drugs at people. When you act like that, people are more likely inclined to not give you advice to try to keep you out of the gene pool. Oh, and never say never...you'll end up getting desperate and sick one day, and you will share a needle with the dirtiest slut on the corner if you have to.

PD seems to keep their area a little cleaner with redundant threads. You could've easily just have put this in the other thread, and I bet a lot of us wouldn't chime in with our negative connotations, but obviously we can't see how special you are. If I don't think electricity would hurt me, I'd piss on an electric fence too.