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Usually opiate users specifically heroine makes people skinny because they spend all there money on dope an none on food cuz they would rather be high then eat I had times when I was really bad on dope an that's all I spent my money on I was so skinny I got down to 140 an my height is 5 10 I still use but I make sure to eat good an i weigh 180 right now an I make sure I goto work everyday so I stay physically active an eat enough food so I stay at a healthy weight an maintain somewhat of a normal life
i have a question,

i know someone who was using heroin and now they are getting methadone in liquid form from a chemist, why is this, is this what heroin users who become addicted have to do if they dont want to become sick, and how long do they have to be on methadone for? is it a lifelong thing or can they actually kick the habit and never use again and not have to use methadone either?
i have a question,

i know someone who was using heroin and now they are getting methadone in liquid form from a chemist, why is this, is this what heroin users who become addicted have to do if they dont want to become sick, and how long do they have to be on methadone for? is it a lifelong thing or can they actually kick the habit and never use again and not have to use methadone either?

Opioid Dependence

Methadone Maintenance

Google is your friend, man. Ha.
What he said. It's all over the place and there is no concrete "rule" that "this color dope is good and this color is bad".

I have gotten dope with no color and I thought it was garbage. I ended up picking myself off the bathroom floor, the dude I copped from definitely had a smoker and he didn't even no it. I'm on 95 mg of methadone and I could get high off a nickel bag of this shit, sometimes I usually have to shoot at least a quarter g to feel it. I don't do it often but when I do it , I DO IT.
Hello, my first post here in a long while using a different account.

Earlier on a stupidly did some h something i never normally do, over the course of about 7 hours i reckon i snorted about 150mg, i am used to regularly taking DHC between 270mg-440mg probably about 60 tablets a fortnight, and i have taken morphine and subutex in the past, but i'm not a daily user.

now i am tall and fairly big build, i tried a couple of tiny bumps to start with which was fine, i probably did another 3 lines over the course of the day, i don't think i've done enough to do me a wrongun, to be honest i haven't even nodded out too much, but i didn't take into consideration that i am on mirtazapine 45mg and since friday 5mg olanzapine, last time i took these was late last night. the mirtazapine interacting i'm not so worried about because i've been on it for about a year so my system is used to that, it's the interaction with the olanzapine that worries me a little because i'm new to that and ended up doing 10mg last night because i was up all night with insomnia, i know gear is different for everyone, but it's been about 4 hours since i last did a small line and i'm pretty tired most likely due to complete lack of sleep last night. i just checked my pulse, it's about 72bpm which is fine i've read, i'm thinking don't take the mirtazapine or olanzapine tonight might be a smart move? or do you think drinking a coffee might help it to pass through my system quicker. i'm pretty sure i'm just being overly cautious, oh yeah i had one 330ml bottle of lager and 5mg of zolpidem in the afternoon, i've been keeping myself up and busy doing tidying. are there any warning signs or little tips like maybe drinking a coffee or tea that would help me flush it through my system. the paranoias doing my nut in!

sorry if this is in the wrong place or inappropriate but i just wanted a bit of advice, oh yeah i ate a couple of promethazine too for the itches.
Me and a friend of mine got some h from a source I'd gotten it from before, but today I did just one pretty underweight stamp and I think it was definitely NOT heroin. I got an initially rush but it immediately felt very weird- no euphoria and a reallyreally intense nod. I couldn't focus my eyes and felt very shaky... That one under weight stamp has kept me weirdly high and puking my brains out for going 10 hours. My friend who is a seasoned junkie had similar effects, also with a histamine reaction. I have a really bad feeling about this... Has anyone had anything similar happen before? Btw I am a regular user and have a pretty high tolerance.... Wth is going on? Anyone have ideas of things that match those effects and might have been use to cut the h or fake it? Thanks
Edit: forgot to mention, I ivd the shit.
Thanks guys :(
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Me and a friend of mine got some h from a source I'd gotten it from before, but today I did just one pretty underweight stamp and I think it was definitely NOT heroin. I got an initially rush but it immediately felt very weird- no euphoria and a reallyreally intense nod. I couldn't focus my eyes and felt very shaky... That one under weight stamp has kept me weirdly high and puking my brains out for going 10 hours. My friend who is a seasoned junkie had similar effects, also with a histamine reaction. I have a really bad feeling about this... Has anyone had anything similar happen before? Btw I am a regular user and have a pretty high tolerance.... Wth is going on? Anyone have ideas of things that match those effects and might have been use to cut the h or fake it? Thanks
Edit: forgot to mention, I ivd the shit.
Thanks guys :(

Nobody is going to be able to tell you for sure. It'd all be speculation. That's why we don't allow substance ID/What did I take? threads.
Nobody is going to be able to tell you for sure. It'd all be speculation. That's why we don't allow substance ID/What did I take? threads.
Okay thanks I see that, guess I was just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences before but understand that it doesn't make much sense to *pontificate* about mystery substances. Was just kinda scared at the time of posting and the thought didn't occur to me.
Hey so I have a question I would really like answered ...Do you guys think its better 2 sniff sub if your trying to taper off a dope habit? I have detoxed myself many times an had mixed results but recently I havn't been able to get my hands on alot of sub. This last time I had gone on 3 week H binge than did subs for 5 days gradually less everyday by sniffing than went on another H binge for a week now this time I have 1 and 1/2mg 8mg subs ...I really want to taper off properly an kick this shit for good! I also work pretty much everyday so I cant time off of work ... Do you guys think I should jus snort smaller an smaller lines every 36 hours or should i try an take small peices in my mouth an do it as a doctor would reccomend ... once again I'm not trying to get high I jus want 2 detox with as little pain as possible ...
Hey so I have a question I would really like answered ...Do you guys think its better 2 sniff sub if your trying to taper off a dope habit? I have detoxed myself many times an had mixed results but recently I havn't been able to get my hands on alot of sub. This last time I had gone on 3 week H binge than did subs for 5 days gradually less everyday by sniffing than went on another H binge for a week now this time I have 1 and 1/2mg 8mg subs ...I really want to taper off properly an kick this shit for good! I also work pretty much everyday so I cant time off of work ... Do you guys think I should jus snort smaller an smaller lines every 36 hours or should i try an take small peices in my mouth an do it as a doctor would reccomend ... once again I'm not trying to get high I jus want 2 detox with as little pain as possible ...

Using a drug through the ROA it's intended for is basically always going to be the best bet..
thanks thats kinda what i guessed .... I also notices i posted this in the wrong section my B!
Wanted to know if its safe or enjoyable to take mxe with heroin and couldn't find any mention is search. I had some earlier with hydrxozine for potentiation and I'm in the land of nods but wanted to have a some mxe with it.
If you're already nodding out I wouldn't recommend throwing anything else on top of it!

Is it safe to mix? That depends on a lot of different factors I don't feel like getting into.....You wanna be really careful mixing anything with heroin!.....Familiarity with your own personal tolerance to the drugs you're using, knowing within a reasonable margin the purity of those drugs, and taking into account how they may interact and potentiate each other is an absolute must!....Also having someone else with you is very important!

Sometimes you can have cardiac arrythmias from mixing drugs with drastically different durations and modes of action. As one drug wears off the other drug become more "dominant" and bad things can happen....this happens with classic "speed-balls" quite commonly.

I don't personally think heroin and Ketamine is a good mix.....aside from the obvious danger of mixing a dissociative anesthetic with a powerful CNS depressant opiate, I think the two highs take away from one another rather than compliment one another....never had MXE though...
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Hello, I have a few questions, of appreciate an answer even though its just my second post.

first, my friend IV's heroin, he is a very "cooker", his shots are always perfectly translucent tea/yellow colored and that's not because of too much water(it doesn't matter how much water you add to a dirty shot, it will still be foggy in the srynge) anyways, he has only been shooting for three months now but rarely has any complications (misses etc). however, on his last attempt hitting midway up his Right arm between hand and elbow on top of arm where he has large visible veins, he experienced immense pain at the veins opposite side of the elbow. (those primary veins). the same vein that he shot, except he hit it lower as to avoid obvious track marks.

why would an area higher up the arm, presumably the same vein... hurt if he shot 6-8 inches lower? awhile ago he stuck the needle at the location of the pain( not exact location) and had immense pain also, so he didn't use that vein for a month since this most recent incident.

second, now his favored left arm has similar pain when hitting one of two large protruding veins. he gets emmediate redness, then sharp pain directly at needle location, then hives as if he's missing. but there's no way he's missing since he is paranoid about that and registers every fourth of emptying the sryinge. he could not handle the pain so he quickly pulled out and hit the other vein right next to it. I have pictures of the hives and redness this caused because he was so worried and made me take pics..

why is he feeling this sharp pain? its like there's a part of his vein thats just super thin?

I don't think they show much but you can see the painful vein(closer to his body), it seems enlarged and oddly shaped idk
here are the URLs(if that's allowed)


Hello, I have a few questions, of appreciate an answer even though its just my second post.

first, my friend IV's heroin, he is a very "cooker", his shots are always perfectly translucent tea/yellow colored and that's not because of too much water(it doesn't matter how much water you add to a dirty shot, it will still be foggy in the srynge) anyways, he has only been shooting for three months now but rarely has any complications (misses etc). however, on his last attempt hitting midway up his Right arm between hand and elbow on top of arm where he has large visible veins, he experienced immense pain at the veins opposite side of the elbow. (those primary veins). the same vein that he shot, except he hit it lower as to avoid obvious track marks.

why would an area higher up the arm, presumably the same vein... hurt if he shot 6-8 inches lower? awhile ago he stuck the needle at the location of the pain( not exact location) and had immense pain also, so he didn't use that vein for a month since this most recent incident.

second, now his favored left arm has similar pain when hitting one of two large protruding veins. he gets emmediate redness, then sharp pain directly at needle location, then hives as if he's missing. but there's no way he's missing since he is paranoid about that and registers every fourth of emptying the sryinge. he could not handle the pain so he quickly pulled out and hit the other vein right next to it. I have pictures of the hives and redness this caused because he was so worried and made me take pics..

why is he feeling this sharp pain? its like there's a part of his vein thats just super thin?

I don't think they show much but you can see the painful vein(closer to his body), it seems enlarged and oddly shaped idk
here are the URLs(if that's allowed)



From the pictures it looks like he is missing some of his shot, despite what he says. Could just be a histamine reaction though.

As far as the pain in different parts of the arm or sharp pain when putting in the needle, that happens when you hit a nerve.
I agree with the histamine reaction. and mostly agree with the nerve, however the nerve doesn't explain the pain further up his arm? does it? he injects six inches lower than where the pain starts.

btw he has two veins joining into one where the pain occurs. like the "Y" shape.. somewhere I've heard that your supposed to avoid hitting anywhere near those joints.
He told me he did hit near, if not directly in that joint before and it caused the same sharp pain, but that was a month ago.

ALSO! I forgot to mention he had mixed a little meth mixed with that most recent painful injection. yes a missed meth shot makes you cry, but the pain isn't supposed to occur 6+ inches further up the arm than where injected.

I appreciate all answers, thank you all for your input
I agree with the histamine reaction. and mostly agree with the nerve, however the nerve doesn't explain the pain further up his arm? does it?

Actually it does. It happens a lot that tagging a nerve in one place leads to shooting pain further up or down from the actual site. It's common.