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Heroin Heroin Mega Thread and FAQ

Assuming average potency because all we have is speculation: around how low of a daily dose would/have you tapered to before kicking?

[I chose Heroin Mega over Withdrawal or Tapering Plan Mega because I'm not facing withdrawal yet and everyone says you can't taper H, respectively.]
Assuming average potency because all we have is speculation: around how low of a daily dose would/have you tapered to before kicking?

[I chose Heroin Mega over Withdrawal or Tapering Plan Mega because I'm not facing withdrawal yet and everyone says you can't taper H, respectively.]

Even if assuming "average" potency..Nobody can give you a real answer to that question... heroin is not a controlled pharmaceutical with each pill having a known strength. Heroin is all over the place in terms of purity.. so, yeah somebody could say.. "bring it down to 2 bags a day".. but that would be meaningless because we have no clue how strong your bags are even if we assume they are average. My idea of average dope and yours could be a completely different thing.
I would assume SF tar is mostly the same as Seattle. The guy I bought from always had two different levels. Gunpowder (it looked like gunpowder) which was average and his "Fire" which was purer and tended to be stickyish. He was pretty up front about what he cut it with, sugar. Even spending more money on his better dope, it still fluctuated quite a bit in quality. Yr not dealing with pharmaceutical grade quality control. You could smoke either one but I hardly ever did, usually off a foil though not in a crack pipe. If I don't have a tolerance built up I always barf.

I've always noticed SOMA street users in SF would crush up neutral pills and put the powder in an aspirin bottle with the tar and a penny then shake it up. I've been told the penny knocks the tar all over the powder then you can snort it. If you stop in a crappy fast food spot around there you can here dudes shaking the bottles under there tables, "thwack, thwack, thwack" Has anyone else ever seen this or tried it?
I've always noticed SOMA street users in SF would crush up neutral pills and put the powder in an aspirin bottle with the tar and a penny then shake it up. I've been told the penny knocks the tar all over the powder then you can snort it. If you stop in a crappy fast food spot around there you can here dudes shaking the bottles under there tables, "thwack, thwack, thwack" Has anyone else ever seen this or tried it?

haha. that's really interesting to read - fucking dope fiends. thanks for sharing that bit of localised info.
Snorting .vs. Smoking .vs. IV

I was just wondering mostly due to boredom and curiosity, how you would compare the highs of heroin by the way you ingest it.

If anyone has experience in all 3 areas or just one and would like to describe just that feeling along with your preferred method. Or even if you don't have any experience and just want to make a guess, although please label it as so.

I've only snorted it three times in my life, and today added a tiny bit to a shot of coke making a speedball, (I didn't like it too much, I put the tiniest piece in and it still was insanely overwhelming)

Keep in mind I have a very low tolerance and have only done small amounts, I got 2 points, did 2 lines and mixed a piece with my coke and still have probably a quarter-half of what I started with.

But sniffing it comes on strong, I feel warm over my body and my legs are very heavy. I don't really know what else to say about it it's like an opi I guess.

Im not sure what smoking it would do, I know smoking meth makes you tweak out a lot more (fidgety and shit), so would this be reversed maybe more relaxed, but a fiendish relaxed.. I'm not sure probably not going to try it though.

And i'm guessing shooting it is just a big rush, a decent but shortlived high that leaves you wanting more, as most needles are.

Anyone know for sure though? And what are your guys' preferred methods and why?
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The rush and strength of a high is determined by two factors, bioavailability, and how fast it can cross the blood brain barrier.

Here are the rough bioavailabilites of heroin:

Heroin oral ~35% IV- 100% IM-85% Smoked 52-55%, Intranasal 44-61%

Intramuscular administration is out of the question but the numbers tell the whole story. IV administration is the ace of spades when it comes to heroin, intranasal and smoked can be debated on strength and duration of action, and vary from user to user. IV administration is also the quickest to cross the blood brain barrier followed by smoked and lastly intranasal IIRC. So just as the pharmacokinetics reveal IV administration trumps the other methods of administration.

Putting the numbers aside, even though IV is the strongest and most euphoric, once you spike up there's no turning back. All other routes of administration will become obsolete due to the significant difference. Stick to smoking or intranasal, they are more socially acceptable, less addictive, less life threatening in terms of overdosing, less cost effective in the short term but definitely more cost effective in the long run, will leave no track marks all over your body, and the list goes on and on.

Believe me, heroin is enjoyable enough in all methods of administration, so stick to the ones that are less likely to ruin your life.

Edit: Also, try and avoid speedballs because once you get into the habit of them it becomes difficult to stop.
IV administration is also the quickest to cross the blood brain barrier followed by smoked and lastly intranasal IIRC

smoking is absorbed through the lungs and takes effect quicker than IV. just a small correction. many people are confused by this tid-bit.
Wow thanks for that reply man very detailed love it!

To be honest my speedball scared me, i didn;t even empty the syringe I thought my heart was going to stop it was getting faster and louder every second. And the rush lasted a good 10 minutes, and the whole rush I was thinking I was probably going to overdose lol. Too intense for me at this point.

Is it really that drastic with shooting/sniffing. I heard similar with coke but I can still sniff coke and enjoy it after shooting multiple times. But then again they are completely different drugs so I guess that's irrelevant. And I take it your preferred method is IV?
Is smoking the same rush as IVing? Or atleast a better rush than sniffing? I also read that its much much harder to OD due to smoking heroin as you're more likely to fall asleep before it would be possible.
52-55 to 44-61, is sniffing really stronger than smoking heroin! I didn't expect that at all lol, also does it have a noticeable smell when smoked? Or a lingering smell like a joint?
You maybe right, hence why I said IIRC, but I was able to find this:

Intravenous injection is the fastest route of drug administration, causing blood concentrations to rise the most quickly, followed by smoking
52-55 to 44-61, is sniffing really stronger than smoking heroin! I didn't expect that at all lol, also does it have a noticeable smell when smoked? Or a lingering smell like a joint?

Well no, because they both have similar bioavailabilities but smoking crosses the blood brain barrier quicker.
Sorry if this has been asked I don't want to search through this whole thread lol, Does heroin have a smell when you smoke it? If so does it linger long?
You asked that same question in your other post....No the smell isn't lingering. You asked if it is like smoking a joint, smoking H definitely has a unique smell but it doesn't stick around like smoking marijuana does.
The smell is difficult to describe and highly subjective to the product.
I remember shooting a bunch of oxycontin before they became OP's and it was not even in the same ballpark as heroin for me. I would do roughly 10 80's in a night and not get half as high as a gram of H would get me. There was a lot less stuff with cigarette burns after doing the oxy's. This is east coast powder, not in the little flips/bundles.
I've done all three methods.. started out snorting it when I was a kid like a lot of us did, smoked it a few times but I'm on the east coast so smoking it is kind of a waste, and then progressed to the needle. The "high" itself, is basically the same with all of the ROA's, just with different durations. The only drug that doesn't even feel like the same drug when done differently is IV cocaine vs snorted cocaine.

But for H, it is the rush that makes the difference and that is the big reason for people to IV. You do get a kind of rush from smoking it too, provided you have good technique, etc... but not like IV.

However, once the initial rush wares off, the standard heroin high takes over.. basically the same high you would have felt if you snorted it. But, it's all about the rush baby. That's why us needle fiends do what we do. I'll take a massive strong rush that ends with a high that has a short duration over snorting it, getting no rush, and just having the body high last a few more hours.

You also forgot plugging as an ROA to compare, which is also a very viable route to go. High bioavailability, comes on fast (though not as fast as IV) and lasts a decent amount of time. It's also much safer.

Edit: Since you also posted in the Heroin Megathread, I'm going to just merge this now and we can continue this discussion in there.
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