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I just switched to heroin recently. My oxy tolerance was 150 mg at least , i bought 7 30's at the minimum. Now i get my dope from bmore and its pretty good but my opiate tolerance seemed to carry over sorta. A lil .2 of powder h had me pretty good though if it was good but idk if your getting tar it might be weaker. But a quarter g should do the trick for ya.
And .2 was snorting , itried shooting for the first time bout a month ago and .15 had me high as fuck and i went outside and pressure washed my walkway for 2 hours. was actually fun working high
What do you think is realistic percentage then? And regardless, is a quarter gram of h even enough to get a good buzz?

Thanks to the person above, but I wasn't asking for that advice, only whether it'll be worth it or a giant waste.
If you have a small or negligible tolerance, a 1/4 may get you high for the whole day. Or it may also have a very small effect. It's all up to whoever has handled it. I am preaching because there is literally no good to come of it, unless one is in unbearable pain. ~50mg chased on foil should be a good tester not to mention more efficient than placing large amounts. Be careful not to get ripped off (ask to try before, ask to have it weighed before you, do not under any circumstances give a junkie money to go get you a bag as a favor)
Don't worry, where I am getting it from is completely straight. Much safer than the streets so to speak, the weight will be spot on, and the quality is "high quality bth" according to reviews. As a one time thing, the good thing to come of it is a good time!

I don't have a small tolerance.. I have an unusual natural tolerance. 120-150mg of oral oxycodone puts me where I want to be. Maybe it'll be a tiny buzz once, but I usually thought that even sniffed 2.5 bags was something.
heroin residue usuable?

So ive had an empty bag of heroin in my freezer for quite a while now. about a month. Ive saved it in my freezer because on the sides of the baggy is some residue from the tar sticking to the bag. i kinda want to do it cuz im a little sick thats the only thing ive got that might work. it aint much but its better than nothing. but i have no clue if its safe or not. anybody have any info on how long i can save dope in the freezer for before it becomes unusable? oh by the way its not in any kind of air tight container, its just sitting on a little shelf in the freezer, if that info matters. thank you!
I imagine that this ammount of heroin will have you pretty damn stoned, and would suggest that you really start off with less. IME, a low quality bag of dope (I'm East coast so we get bags with .1 grams of powder) IV feels similar to about 30mg of oxycodone IV, so I wouldn't base your tolerance to heroin on your infrequent use of oxycodone (though it sounds as if you have a pretty high tolerance naturally.) Heroin is a lot more sedating in general than oxycodone as well.

Honestly though, there is so much garbage being sold nowadays as dope, that I'd be afraid to try it if I was in your shoes. Especially since its been my experience that it's either been pretty much crap, or really, really good.

I've said my bit, check out our Beginners Guide to Heroin for some more useful information.
i know what you mean with the tolerance, while 150 starts me off i really can do 300 400 easy and have when i had the money . Heroin has been better for me point blank because of the cost , i havnt done any in a month but im getting fucke up soon
Street heroin is unregulated in potency, which means you will either underdose or overdo it and get too high, raising your tolerance.

Add the cheap price in to the mix, and the added euphoric component of 6-MAM of heroin over morphine, and you might just find yourself knee deep in the opiate game before you know it.

Heroin and crystal meth are two sleeping dogs better left laying asleep, but it's your life, do what you want with it.
What do you think is realistic percentage then? And regardless, is a quarter gram of h even enough to get a good buzz?

Thanks to the person above, but I wasn't asking for that advice, only whether it'll be worth it or a giant waste.

I don't know where it is coming from.. but best guess is anywhere from 5% to 25%.. anything more than that and you would be getting it straight from someone pretty high up on the totem pole and they would probably advise you to cut it.

The H we used to get in Chicago was very strong.. matter of fact.. 3 of the 6 people I used to do it with on a weekly basis are dead now..
So basically what I'm hearing is that a bag of black tar is about the equivalent of 2.5-12.5mg of oxy, so my total is 6.25mg-31.25mg if sniffed. Wow. And thought it was usually cheaper than pills.
So basically what I'm hearing is that a bag of black tar is about the equivalent of 2.5-12.5mg of oxy, so my total is 6.25mg-31.25mg if sniffed. Wow. And thought it was usually cheaper than pills.

if a bag of dope your getting is only equal to 2.5-12.5mg of oxycodone your getting literately like 3% pure dope.

a bag of dope I get is like 100-140mg of oxy
if a bag of dope your getting is only equal to 2.5-12.5mg of oxycodone your getting literately like 3% pure dope.

a bag of dope I get is like 100-140mg of oxy

Heh. I'm starting to doubt this now. I just received it, and since I've never seen BTH before, it just looks bizarre, and smells even weirder.
Tried vaping a tiny amount (the smallest ball I could scrape), with minimal if any effects. Will try more later tonight, because, well, why not!
I imagine that this ammount of heroin will have you pretty damn stoned, and would suggest that you really start off with less. IME, a low quality bag of dope (I'm East coast so we get bags with .1 grams of powder) IV feels similar to about 30mg of oxycodone IV, so I wouldn't base your tolerance to heroin on your infrequent use of oxycodone (though it sounds as if you have a pretty high tolerance naturally.) Heroin is a lot more sedating in general than oxycodone as well.

Check out this post I made about the size of bags in NY. It's good info to know when giving guestimations on how strong a certain amount of heroin is in relation to another opiate or opioids.
I have a couple quick questions, apologies if some of them have been answered.. i did search but reading through 22 pages of this started to be too much for me to handle.

1. I recently moved from New York to Seattle. I was used to shooting the powder stuff, and I could dilute a dose in about .3cc of water. The couple times I've had black tar here, it seems like it requires a lot more water to dilute the stuff, I guess due to the fact that it's one big rock. Am I just being impatient, and need to heat the stuff for a longer period of time and stir it more? Does it help to cut it into smaller pieces before diluting it?

2. If black tar is sticky, can I assume that it was cut with something sticky, such as sugar?

3. Theoretically, could one smoke black tar in a crack pipe?

4. How often do you vomit when doing heroin? When I was using the NY variety, I would throw up probably 60% of the time I did it, even though I kept my doses pretty consistent. And this was over the course of several months. Is this unusual? Could it be caused by something the heroin was cut with?

5. Have any of you found that continuous heroin usage has diminished the effects of non-opiate drugs on your body? I feel like ever since I started using heroin, when I've done other drugs (benzos, shrooms, etc.), the effects are less substantial than in the past. It might just be because heroin is my drug of choice and anything else is somewhat less desirable to me...

Any insight is greatly appreciated. If I didn't something wrong, apologies ahead of time. I'm new here!
I have a couple quick questions, apologies if some of them have been answered.. i did search but reading through 22 pages of this started to be too much for me to handle.

1. I recently moved from New York to Seattle. I was used to shooting the powder stuff, and I could dilute a dose in about .3cc of water. The couple times I've had black tar here, it seems like it requires a lot more water to dilute the stuff, I guess due to the fact that it's one big rock. Am I just being impatient, and need to heat the stuff for a longer period of time and stir it more? Does it help to cut it into smaller pieces before diluting it?

2. If black tar is sticky, can I assume that it was cut with something sticky, such as sugar?

3. Theoretically, could one smoke black tar in a crack pipe?

4. How often do you vomit when doing heroin? When I was using the NY variety, I would throw up probably 60% of the time I did it, even though I kept my doses pretty consistent. And this was over the course of several months. Is this unusual? Could it be caused by something the heroin was cut with?

5. Have any of you found that continuous heroin usage has diminished the effects of non-opiate drugs on your body? I feel like ever since I started using heroin, when I've done other drugs (benzos, shrooms, etc.), the effects are less substantial than in the past. It might just be because heroin is my drug of choice and anything else is somewhat less desirable to me...

Any insight is greatly appreciated. If I didn't something wrong, apologies ahead of time. I'm new here!

1) cut into smaller pieces before you put it in your spoon. DO NOT ADD ANY HEAT !

use as much water as possible for three reasons. one so its easier on your veins, two because its harder to od, and three because it will dissolve easier.

2) no. even uncut black tar will be sticky. its beacuse of the way it is made which is very crudely.

3) sure, you can theoretically smoke leaves from your yard as well.

I wouldnt recommend using a crack pipe as direct heat will destroy and waste your dope. use foil or a meth pipe.

4) dont think its the cut but rather just the dope itsself. opiates cause nausea. I would vomit when I first started doing dope, when I come back from a 2 week or longer break, or if i just do wayyy to much.

5) there has ben alot of speculation on this. I dont know the answer but for me all drugs still effect me the same as before i started doing dope.
You can put it in the freezer, then chop it up after it gets rock hard.
1) cut into smaller pieces before you put it in your spoon. DO NOT ADD ANY HEAT !

use as much water as possible for three reasons. one so its easier on your veins, two because its harder to od, and three because it will dissolve easier.

2) no. even uncut black tar will be sticky. its beacuse of the way it is made which is very crudely.

3) sure, you can theoretically smoke leaves from your yard as well.

I wouldnt recommend using a crack pipe as direct heat will destroy and waste your dope. use foil or a meth pipe.

4) dont think its the cut but rather just the dope itsself. opiates cause nausea. I would vomit when I first started doing dope, when I come back from a 2 week or longer break, or if i just do wayyy to much.

5) there has ben alot of speculation on this. I dont know the answer but for me all drugs still effect me the same as before i started doing dope.

Awesome! Thank you! About the adding more water part: I was reluctant at first because I prefer getting it all done in one shot (I have baby veins that are hard to find) but those are all valid points. I would add that more water is also helpful because it's easier to see the blood register. I had this problem just now; thought I had missed the vein, pulled out and realized I was in. On that note, is it safe to assume that if when you pull back you don't see air but rather just more liquid (of an indistinguishable color) that it's blood?
I found it harder to tell if I was in a vein when I was using black tar as opposed to powder because it came back so dark most of the time. You'll know right away if you're missing a vein with BTH!! It really fucking hurts...I fucked my veins up worse from a couple months of BTH than from years of powder...Most people seem to heat their tar, but I guess you don't have to and it's probably safer no to...
And sure, if you're drawing back and the amount of fluid that's in the syringe is increasing, it's most likely blood, what else could it be?
One thing I'll say, being from the east coast and being used to the H there. BTH seemed to give me a better rush than the powder but didn't seem to hold me as long. I had to shoot more to maintain and stay well, and it just kills your veins. Seattle is a dangerous town to have a dope habit in. It's easy to find and cheap. Plus, there's like a 2 month waiting list to get on methadone. So, if you find yourself strung out in the middle of winter and broke, you're basically screwed!!
Also, I guess in recent times, there's two different grades of tar being sold there....Regular and "pure"....watch out for that! I'm sure you'll figure it out...
Also, I guess in recent times, there's two different grades of tar being sold there....Regular and "pure"....watch out for that! I'm sure you'll figure it out...

Yeah I might be able to get that "pure" stuff.. my connect referred to it as gunpowder I think. Generally I'm skeptical about anything that is called "pure" or "high grade" or whatever unless that info isn't coming from someone trying to sell it to me. But the BTH I've gotten is pretty weak I think so hopefully that stuff will be better.