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I used to know a bunch of people who preferred to stay coherent while using heroin over nodding out, and personally i love nodding out but my body doesn't let me anymore, i always snap myself out of it for fear of not waking up. It's like involuntary though, id love to nod out if i could.
I just went through and UAed / edited many recent posts on complaining about the difficulty of getting dope in specific locations. If you want to do that go to the appropriate regional drug forum. Other Drugs is here to facilitate harm reduction discussion and the Heroin Megathread is for that type of discussion when it relates to heroin. Check out the OD Guidelines for further information.
so we aren't allowed to post about dope in certain locations here, or just not allowed to complain about it?

I've been getting some seriously good stuff in the past few months (last few weeks specifically). Some sacks have been light tan rocks that break up very easily in water, and turn dark brown in solution. I'd give it a 7/10 in quality/legs. The other stuff I've gotten are these small weird brown rocks, they look and are as hard as rock candy. Dark brown, almost amber. Takes some heat to break them down, but damn, it's good. 7/10 in quality, but the legs are 9/10. Eurphoria lasted 2-3 hours, followed by a nice nod. <snip>
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so we aren't allowed to post about dope in certain locations here, or just not allowed to complain about it?
No locations at all. You're confusing the point of this thread. You aren't just supposed to report on what your most recent dope has been like. It's for questions about heroin the drug. That is all. I'll leave your most recent post up as something that is not acceptable.
I suppose death would also include a really good nod so I'd say there is no difference. If you are looking for an answer in mass of H then clearly there is no safe nor even close to accurate answer.
There's no such thing. OD is always around the corner, you never know when it can happen. I OD'ed from my daily dose once, no more, no less.
I see it the way that you always overdose when you get a nod out of your dose.

You "overdose", take to much of the heroin so you begin to fall asleep but the line between this overdose and overdose and death is very thin.
I've began to hate the nod. The past few times I've done it I'm pretty sure it was cut with some other psychoactive or I was just way too high
I like to do heroin and enjoy things like getting on the internet and watching movies, but I was in that state where you can't see straight even if you only open one eye, while nodding out every 5 minutes.

Glad I had my girlfriend with me. I went up to pee and spent an hour or more going between trying to push my piss out and having my girlfriend yell at me to wake up
How long before you start to nod?

So i just banged some dope for the first time. I've actually never even used dope until a few months ago. Up until then i've only done oxy's and pharmaceutical opiates. I have been a responsible recreational user since I was in high school (I'm now 28 ) and never really desired to shoot anything up until recently.

Thanks to harm reduction sites like this one I learned how to shoot properly/cleanly. I was a little nervous naturally and my hands were shaking but I did it perfectly and experienced a rush for the first time, aside from my first hit of nitrus ;)

The rush was pretty awesome and sort of what I expected but it really didn't take long for me to start to nod. When I blow it I usually have like a good hour of enjoying the more peppy first phase of an opiate high and then I might start to nod a little. But when I banged this (the same amount I usually blow) I started to nod after like 8 minutes.

Is that normal? Should my next dosage (not my next dosage tonight.. i mean like the next time I try this again) be smaller? Or is this just normal for IV'ng?
Since you're new to injecting, I beg you to read this thread just to get a better understanding about how Hepatitis C can be transmitted without sharing needles, sadly enough, not enough injecting drug users (IDU's) realize this is a reality.

How long before I start to nod? I haven't injected heroin a whole bunch, when I was addicted (years ago) I was snorting it, but honestly I wouldn't use to nod out, so this may not be what you want to hear, but I would only nod out until the peak would wear off and it started to be kind of relaxing and not stimulating.

I would literally get stimulated from using heroin (if you can believe this) and would only really nod at the night time when I was already tired and high.

Yes, it's normal for IV drug use. What happens is when you snort something, the absorption is more gradual; so the peak lasts a lot longer. With IV usage, when you inject in the vein successfully, you're going to feel the effects rather suddenly as all of it is going into the blood stream at once, perfectly already dissolved into a solution before entering your veins. This means that since it all hits you at once - your body takes less time to start metabolizing all of it, the rush starts to end much quicker, and the nod (resulting from the end of the mildly stimulating effects of heroin's dopamine based rush) will come on.

Some people use heroin to instantly start nodding, meaning as soon as they feel the hit going, the heroin will make them nod out by the time they're peaking, which in reality won't take but a matter of seconds.

However, as I have ADHD, I used heroin to stimulate myself. I would use it nasally and the stimulation would last hours before I would get to the "nodding" later on.

This is probably why there will be a differentiation between two groups of answers about "when the nod starts".

IMO, it really is dose dependent. If you don't do enough to get a nod instantly, you'll nod after the mildly stimulating rush wears off. If you do enough, you'll nod off quickly. If you have a close to an overdose experience where you aren't dead afterwards (what's technically called a near fatal overdose), then you'll notice blacking out before the high comes on really. I remember when I had a very high dosage of both IV fentanyl + IV midazolam, (something I did not attempt on my own mind you) I passed out before I really felt extremely high. It was crazy intense, I remember thinking how good it would be just to close my eyes (they had plunged only 0.5 mL of maybe 3mL total by the time I was feeling this way), and then the next thing I know I am coming to.
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lol dude my most favorite thing in the worrrld is waking up early from ur sleep from withdrawls, mixing up a noiice hugh shot while im still in bed, and push off n fight to stay awake.

its the beesst feeling wen ur body is stil kinda asleep and ur sick. its soo hard to stay awake. the pleasure is so intense. even sitting up and noddding and waking up n nodding is sex.

although somtimes u can do taht and lay back n pass out instantly. wake up 5 hours later, pissed cause u wasted it.

lol i miss dope. i cant doit now cause im on suboxn. takes too much to get high, its likea few days to get a good high in =\..

i wana try meth but cant find it!
i wana try meth but cant find it!

If you already were addicted to heroin, I wouldn't suggest trying or even looking for methamphetamine. Most people will find meth heavily addictive. Not everyone though, I just felt like pointing this out.
OP its normal for you to nod shortly after shootin.

My favorite type of shot: about 7 seconds after, the rush hits hard..at first feels like chest is exploding, hangin on for dear life..then i guess after the rush ends i am very sedated all of a sudden. I wake up an hour or 3 later and nod out hard till i get to sleep.

If you dont like the nod:........use less dope.

I can never understand when people say they get energetic on dope or opiates. I always nod immediately, whether by shooting it or smoking it. Sure it gives you energy, if youre an addict thats the only way youre gona get energy, ya dig? But ive never had the urge to run around and clean the house or something when on the nod
OP its normal for you to nod shortly after shootin.

My favorite type of shot: about 7 seconds after, the rush hits hard..at first feels like chest is exploding, hangin on for dear life..then i guess after the rush ends i am very sedated all of a sudden. I wake up an hour or 3 later and nod out hard till i get to sleep.

If you dont like the nod:........use less dope.

I can never understand when people say they get energetic on dope or opiates. I always nod immediately, whether by shooting it or smoking it. Sure it gives you energy, if youre an addict thats the only way youre gona get energy, ya dig? But ive never had the urge to run around and clean the house or something when on the nod

I have ADHD, heroin would effect me differently than most heroin users. I watched many H heads pass out on a couch, sit around the table with the mirror and powder all day long. For me, I was zooming around doing things, cleaning, school work, exercise, etc. :)

I would use slightly less (like 0.05g intra-nasal use per line, maybe 0.1g per line at the worst of my tolerance) although as I continued through the addiction I obviously was dosing more frequently than once or twice a day.
Thanks Capt, that was some good info. I also get slightly stimulated (not stimulated in a coke or speed way but like mentally stimulated.. it makes me wanna chat peoples ears off and clean. That is what I call the first phase of an opiate high. Then usually after about an hour and 1/2 maybe two hours I get tired and start to nod off... where I weave in and out of these dream-like states which is very pleasurable.

This time however, I only felt that stimulation for about 6-8 minutes. I think I may have had a slight overdose cause I could barely keep my eyes open and was noticing that I was not breathing. This scared me so I made myself stay awake (which was a struggle) the entire night. Finally, I laid down but after a little while I remember waking up suddenly gasping for breath... this was pretty scary.

What are your thoughts? Slight OD?