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^yes, that is accurate, but that would be taking purity into account.

For someone with ZERO tolerance, 5-10mg of PURE heroin would be more than sufficient. Granted, nobody is going to come across pure heroin around here. So if you get your heroin in stamp bags like I do (which are typically between 70-100mg of actual product (cut of course)) then I would sniff 1/4-1/2 a bag to test it, if you had no tolerance.
Does H always burn?

So I've been fucking around for awhile now, on the East Coast and on the West Coast. It's been decade plus. I've had plenty of experiences over the years but this one has me puzzled.

Got some shit from a guy I've gone through before and never had a problem with him in the past. It looks good and it doesn't have the strongest of vinegar smells but I can smell it. The thing is, it doesn't burn. It just bubbles up and puts out some nasty black smoke.

Now my method has always been to smoke but I'm not above putting it up my nose. I just don't want to be blowing a bunch of shit and wasting my time.

So does heroin always burn? Can the cut fuck it up but it's still good to snort? Do I need to take this shit back to dude tomorrow? (I don't get off until late so I'm hoping I can fuck with this through work tomorrow.)
your dealer lets you do returns? thats pretty cool. anyway i dont know much about this but i think the east coast heroin in the USA is supposed to be snorted or injected and not smoked and you will waste it if you smoke it. check the heroin mega thread.
Na it smokes. It's different than tar though.

This shit is driving me crazy. I wanna start some lines if it's good to go but if it isn't than I need it all when I roll back through tomorrow.
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Hey guys this was actually sent as a PM but im gonna post it here for your help. I am from the west coast (LA) and this is supposedly china white. I have a pretty low opiate tolerance as hydrocodone (20mg) still get me buzzing nice. So this powder is an off white, looks white but it has that kind of off color if you know what i mean. When i press the bag together with my fingers the powder has this kind of sticky texture, it will bunch up together then when i shake the bag it will crumble down. It has some vinegar smell to it i guess, but can't tell because it has been in my cigarette pack.

Anyways since i am new to it i take very small bumps, like a pen point size of bumps. It comes on kind of gradually and lasts maybe 2-3 hours ? Anyways im just wondering because people always say the west doesn't get powder, and i really wouldn't want this to be fentanyl. Would fent powder just be fine powder that doesn't stick together like this stuff? I know how fent lasts shorter than H, but i wouldn't know what to expect.
^We can't tell you what you have or what it could be cut with and discussion regarding it is not productive (getting it wrong is also deadly). Please review the OD Guidelines in my signature specifically the part about substance identification. Fent alone would not last two or three hours though.
Any thoughts on my question amapola?

(Thanks for the merge btw. My bad on the fuck up. Won't happen again.)
Sorry just actually read your post and I'm not quite sure what you are asking. From what I gather about heroin generally snorting is a "better" method of dosing. When you have tar people may resort to smoking it instead of processing it into a powder or snorting a solution (can't really insufflate tar). In this case though smoke is a misnomer as what you actually want to do is vaporize the drug and not burn it.
I meant does all heroin vaporize? Even if powder is better snorted, it still normally vaporizes. What I got now really doesn't though. So I'm wondering if that for sure means its bunk. Does all H vaporize? Or can the cut fuck that up and it's still good to snort?
if your doing pen point sized bumps and getting fucked up off of it, I find it hard to believe that that is really just heroin. I'm on the east coast and we pretty much exclusively get powder that comes in stamped wax baggies, and everyone I know that sniffs, including myself (I obviously sniffed before I started to inject) would do at least half a bag, so roughly 50 mg, there first time and they would get fucked up.
Maybe you have come across really pure dope, but I'm very skeptical, because if its really pen point size bumps your doing, that's at most maybe 3-5 mg of heroin if thats what your putting up your nose.

On the other hand, I have never had illicit street fentanyl as far as I know (I am suspicious about one time in philly) But I remember the first time I ever did a patch (I believe it was a 25 mcg. patch) I was with three other guys and we blow dried the gell so that it turned to crystals that we cut up into lines and sniffed. I was only given three SMALL SMALL lines (and remember this was a weak patch to begin with) and I got So insanely high that I wouldn't even describe it as euphoric, as I was just passing in and out of consciousness. At the time, I had probably the same tolerance as you, I would do a couple of bags a day, maximum 5 of OK dope.

So if it is fentanyl, that might make sense. Then again, there are a tone of other Pharmaceutical opioids that are plenty time stronger than heroin, such as Methadone, Dilaudid, Oxymorphone(opana), etc.


about the vaporizing dope that wont vaporize,
why dont you just try a line and see if you get anything out of it, and if you don't youll still have some to bring back to your forgiving honest drug dealer?
I'm pretty sure all H vaporizes, but that the powder vaporizes so quickly that it's impossible to catch it, whereas tar burns slower (my guess) I know there is also free base heroin, that some kid in DC told me about, that is exclusively for smoking.
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I meant does all heroin vaporize? Even if powder is better snorted, it still normally vaporizes. What I got now really doesn't though. So I'm wondering if that for sure means its bunk. Does all H vaporize? Or can the cut fuck that up and it's still good to snort?
The cut could fuck it up and it could still be good to snort.
I would wait a good 24 hours after using heroin to indulge in Ketamine. The respiratory depression from the two, if combined, could potentially lead to trouble.

But, personally I have combined the two on a few occasions. I didn't die obviously, but the respiratory depression was very noticable and almost scary. The nod from shooting dope combined with borderline K-hole effects is strange and scary. Total body shut down. I could see how it could become dangerous, real fast.

i like snorting some keta (not much; maybe 10-20mg) before taking an opiate/opioide because it lowers a possible tolerance and/or enhances the opioide effects ... at least some effects i especially enjoy.

btw ... never heard of a mentionable respiratory depression before; au contraire in my opinion keta is a big respiratory stabiliser but - like already mentioned - it may potentiate some opiate effects by lowering the tolerance, so that an addicted (to opiates) person may be surprised because of the usual dose is kickin' in that hard, that even respiratory depression may be possible.
about the vaporizing dope that wont vaporize,
why dont you just try a line and see if you get anything out of it, and if you don't youll still have some to bring back to your forgiving honest drug dealer?
I'm pretty sure all H vaporizes, but that the powder vaporizes so quickly that it's impossible to catch it, whereas tar burns slower (my guess) I know there is also free base heroin, that some kid in DC told me about, that is exclusively for smoking.

Hmm, I'm in DC. Never heard in my life about super vaporizing powder. (DC generally has shitty dope. Baltimore is the better spot. DC better coke).

Tar is the better smoke because you just get so much more out of some much less. You really can chase it around the foil. Powder kinda is a one shot thing. But you don't need much to get a hit and it still smokes.

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It's such a pitty, that tar seems to be only localized in some parts of the us ... I never had the possibility to purchase some of it over here in the eu, not even saw it in real life.
In my imagination it is the nonpareil of smokeable opiates ... can someone confirm this? Which other ROA would be possible? IVing? Probably not without a filtration with a professional and super-fine syringe-filter right?
Tcha ... maybe someday :)
you can I.V tar

and I'll back up Dmnv8v,
Dc has real shit dope. I'm from new york but i lived up in DC for two months at a halfway house, and scored a couple of times. I found the dope was shittier and more expensive, and it was a bitch to go to bethesda to buy syringes ( i copped late at night and didn't know of any needle exchanges).
The DC dope had a consistancy of brown sugar I would say, and came in a sealed piece of plastic.


Dont know if anyone else has experienced this, but most of the dope here in NY has been SHIT. I remember two years ago even the dope I bought off the street which was probably cut to hell got me fucked up, but now I question whether there's actually any heroin even in the crap. The best dope I've been copping is comparable to the worst dope I got 2 years ago.
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^^Last time i got bags from paterson NJ around Christmas they were just as strong as usual, didn't seem any worse than 2 years ago to me but it depends on the stamp/batch obviously. I did get some shitty ones but that's normal, the majority were bangin though. So idk whats up with NY.

And i heard san francisco had shitty heroin but fuck - i don't know if i just got REALLY bad tar or if access to high quality powder has spoiled me. A gram barely got my girl and i high and she has zero tolerance and I've been off opiates for months. Definitely not going to bother ever buying tar again..

When i tried smoking it the taste was unbelievably shitty, it was harsh as hell and felt like plastic fumes, and it stuck to my lungs, not a single spec of smoke would come back out when i exhaled. Also it would turn glassy on the foil when i removed the heat, this normal?
So i water lined the rest, tasted like ass and burned like a bitch but there was definitely actual heroin in there, the feeling was unmistakably heroin just not very strong for how much i had done. Lame.
In my imagination it is the nonpareil of smokeable opiates ... can someone confirm this? Which other ROA would be possible? IVing? Probably not without a filtration with a professional and super-fine syringe-filter right?
Tcha ... maybe someday :)

You can snort, smoke, IV, or plug tar heroin. You need to dissolve it in water to sniff it though, so you would have to sniff it slowly.

Micron filters are ideal when preparing a solution for IV.
Hey z negative , thanks for the response. Um I'm just doing small bumps because I have a low opiate tolerance and I want to be extra careful. I am by no means getting fucked up off those bumps though, they are only getting me feeling comfortable. Do u know if fentanyl powder sticks up together into flaky bits like this stuff? Also this has a vinegar tinge to it but it is my first dope bag so i don't know how dope would normally smell. Also this isn't from the streets, its from a dealer that invited into his house and scaled it up. Sorry for these questions I just wouldn't want to be messing with fent, as it can be pretty dangerous.
Hey z negative , thanks for the response. Um I'm just doing small bumps because I have a low opiate tolerance and I want to be extra careful. I am by no means getting fucked up off those bumps though, they are only getting me feeling comfortable. Do u know if fentanyl powder sticks up together into flaky bits like this stuff? Also this has a vinegar tinge to it but it is my first dope bag so i don't know how dope would normally smell. Also this isn't from the streets, its from a dealer that invited into his house and scaled it up. Sorry for these questions I just wouldn't want to be messing with fent, as it can be pretty dangerous.

it's not fentanyl or you'd be floored.

I seem to prefer medium doses of heroin over strong doses which make me feel too sedated and actually seem to kill the euphoria. Anyone else like this?