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Misc Heroin euphoria vs Meth euphoria?

the cloud you float on feels different. both heroin and meth has some fucking comfy clouds.
They're just different. Opiate euphoria is powerful, but is more of a contentment, where all negative emotions are blunted. Whereas meth is like a strong dopamine/serotonin rush, much more of a "druggy" type of euphoria where you might want to talk at 90 miles a minute and run and jump around. But it's far easier to get paranoid or be affected negative by your environment/circumstances on meth. Whereas on heroin (or other strong opiates), it's very difficult to not feel good and content.
Sometimes the meth euphoria is better because you're up and moving around. But i actually think that h euphoria is much better now. Maybe cause i'm into downers now, but if you don't completely nod off and drool and actually remember everything, the euphoria is much better. and i've found that the euphoria is bigger when i snort h as opposed to banging it.
In my opinion for a person who did both for someone trying both for the first time i think it would be crank but after years of heroin use i would pick the latter because I now more into downers.

I think the happiest I ever been in my life was the first time I snorted a line of crank on my 15th birthday 28 years ago.
Most meth ive ever ivd was .5

Nothing else I've ever done has ever come close. The high was almost unbearable in the sense I couldn't even stand up I felt so good. I literally came in my pants without even touching myself.
last time i did it was 2013. she was still quality stuff at that point.

Last time I did it was 15 minutes ago. There was no euphoria. Sadly it’s corroded my memory so much I can’t remember if there ever was.
No euphoria past the first time. I’ve gauged every good feeling since against it. Makes for an unrestful existence.
No attacks I promise just curious. How long ya been tweakerguy? You seem to keep all your conversation about the physical, no ill effects or consequences. If so, hats off to ya. My guess is that you’re early on( -4 yrs) or made the choice long ago and have stuck with it.
No attacks I promise just curious. How long ya been tweakerguy? You seem to keep all your conversation about the physical, no ill effects or consequences. If so, hats off to ya. My guess is that you’re early on( -4 yrs) or made the choice long ago and have stuck with it.
How long on Bluelight or in general? I think I've had this username since 2005, using the drug since 2000-2006 then picked up again in July 2019. So there's a gap of 13 years or so.

I'm very much aware of the shift in overall quality thats taken place in that time. I don't pretend to believe that there isn't a problem with lookalike shit nowadays more than ever. However I don't buy into the claims from many on here that "real dope no longer exists" because someone happened to get a shitty bag or they'd been awake for 3 days and wondering why they weren't getting high anymore lol.

Trust me there are many problems that come with using this stuff, and a lot of it isn't just subjective. At the same time, much of the meth baggage comes from stigmas that may or may not be deserved. I'm all for keeping people away from it who have never tried it, I just like people staying informed and able to decide for themselves.

No worries i didn't take any of that as some personal attack lol I also wasn't trying to put u on blast.
I've always preferred opiates as they lack the shitty anxiety I get from stimulants. That said it's hard to beat that initial euphoria from a big hit of meth.

its an unfair comparison. H is better in pretty much every way including the level of euphoria you can reach from it.
its an unfair comparison. H is better in pretty much every way including the level of euphoria you can reach from it.
Meth is objectively the more capable euphoriant between the two. It's been shown to release close to double the amount of dopamine that H does, in whatever a comparable dose is.
Admittedly I've never used any opiates outside of a Vicodin forever ago. I'm just quoting what I was told from someone who knows quite a bit more than i about both drugs.
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No use at all for 13? That’s cool, and rare.
There was a one-off slip up in 2009 that only lasted one night but other than that, none.
Believe me when I say, it is entirely possible to experience that old euphoria again, it just takes a decade + of abstinence lol 😆
My comment about euphoria is more about definition.
Its a trade off, I guess I’ve always thought of using in that light. Prefer custom paint to factory finish; there’s a cost.
Never did meth only heroin but I had friends you know -- it feels very electric like clean idk you won't feel tired or some shit. In one word similar to a very potent adderall. On the other hand, heroin it's very lovely similar if alien had a ''indica'' strain ahaha.
That mindset kept me “functioning,”productive and social. Too self aware to really consider effects euphoric. A tool.
Stronger, faster, and I do push-ups while ya sleep lol.
That’s how started. And stayed, for about 15 yrs. couple yrs off.