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Heroin detox at home

i was petrified of life with drugs too. i literally didn't know how to live with them cos i'd been using something (i have been addicted to many things over the years) every day since i was 16, once i got ptsd and couldn't shut my eyes without distressing images showing, heroin was the only thing that helped and i had no fucking clue how i was supposed to live like that without using a substance to make it go away. luckily i had some amazing therapy for it in rehab so i don't have to live with it.

even without that though, i literally didn't know how to live as an adult without drugs cos i'd never done it. now i'm petrified of life with drugs.
I can't take tramadol.. It mixes badly with methadone and makes me shake all over even when not taking methadone. Your best option at this point I would assume is to ween yourself away from the tramadol. Get yourself a nice, accurate scale and weigh out decreasing amounts until you no longer need it. Embrace your pain. I did exactly that and actually missed the pain once my issues finally resolved..
As far as other people who interfere with your recovery, drop them like bad weight. I dropped ALL my old friends and associates. My wife, son and my customers for my business are my only associates these days.. Anyone who tries to make my life difficult is immediately deleted from my mind.. it's not as tough as you might think.
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I've been in mmt for the last three years. After a terrible addiction to Dilaudid(and other opioids) and a couple failed attempts at Subutex maintenence, I've been stable and so far successful on Methadone.
I do know one day i'm going to have to face "it" though. It scares me and the thought of being on nothing after the wd's scares me in a sense too. Between being dependent since I was 23 and prior to that partying hard with alcohol and coke and xans going back to loke 17. I'm 30 now and that's almost half my life dulling my senses with hard drugs.
But I (usually) don't let it get to me. I'm grateful of where I am at now.
Reading everyone's posts on this thread have been insightful.
Thanks for your anwers. I too have been druggin since i was 13, i think it is due to... Well, i was born with a fucked up brain and my parents neglected me, they still do, but i dont need them anymore i guess... Yes today i am dropping the tramadol, only taking lyricas. Yesterday i was very suicidal, i keep thinking about cutting myself to forget that i crave dope. For a few years i was sober and healthy but very suicidal too. Any little thing makes me want to die lol
the suicidal feelings will abate over time. but it would really really help to get some professional help, or at least peer support. have you contacted your local drug services and found a peer support group?

it is possible to be clean and not suicidal but it takes a huge amount of work and honestly your best chance is to get help from people who have trained to help people such as yourself, and people who have been through similar.

if you have any specific traumas that haunt you when you're not using i really recommend EMDR- i only had like 5 sessions and it made being clean and not in hell all the time possible for me, even if you have to pay to do it, each session would cost like a days worth of gear and given you can get great results in very few sessions i really recommend it.
@strangeaeon, you can do this! You know @chinup ’s story so you know she speaks from experience.

I can tell you from my experience that what I am spending on doctor’s appointments and treatment medicine today is a fraction of what I was spending on pills three months ago. I did the simple math, one day’s worth of the money it took to support my addiction is enough to cover a month’s worth of my recovery treatment.
So I don’t have the expense, but more importantly I feel great!
But I do think you really need a professional to help you get on the right path for you.

But I know you can do this!