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Hep! These withdrawals are hell


Aug 5, 2008
Been smoking almost daily for almost half a year now, every few days before then, not huge amounts but I certainly have a tolerance, anywhere from 1-3 grams a day. I'm not a really heavy user, but when I stop (usually forcibly, can't get etc) I come down with the most horrible symptoms. I have always had sleep issues (probably, now I think about it, why I smoked at night in the first place) but when I stop they are amplified plus 100. I will lay awake, slowly fuming, agitated, thoughts racing, aggressiveness rising, from anywhere from when the sun comes up to 12pm. I can't handle them, so I smoke to avoid them. I'm really at a loss of what to do - when I don't smoke I become so horrible to be around that I can't even be around myself.

My issue is not so much that I can't stop smoking, but that my mind and body will not allow me to 24 hours in!

I've been considering talking to a doctor, but I really & truly hate general practitioners, they won't understand or will not take me seriously. I'm really at a loss of what to do. I know I should just ride it out for the few weeks and toughen the fuck up but as soon as I hit that depressive anxious state I just cannot hold out any longer for fear of how enraged I may get (shit family living situation 'nuf said)

Any tips/advice for me???!
Sounds like what I go through.

It starts to dissipate after several days. Stay strong. Endure the discomfort.

If quitting or taking a break is causing these kinds of troubles for a person, then it's a certainty that they should, at the very least, ween down their daily intake. Whether or not a person's willing to entertain that thought is a different matter altogether.
^^ Yup - or promethazine (Phenergan) is another good OTC I use - makes you tired and helps with sleeping through the godawful dreams and night sweats.

EDIT: I notice you're 'strayan - do you mix with tobacco? If so, do you smoke cigarettes? If not, it might also be a case that you're going through nicotine withdrawals - in which case you should go and buy some lowest-strength nicotine replacement chewies/mints to help you through.
Thanks guys. I'll make a trip to the chemist! I'm a smoker anyway and smoke cigarettes separately so that's not a problem.
If you go with the Phenergan - tell the chemist you suffer from eczema, they can get funny about selling it as a sedative, despite that being one of it's described purposes. They come in 10 mg and 25 mg - I get 25's because they cost the same, if I want to take less I just split one, generally I'll take 25 an hour before bed - sometimes I take up to 50. They can make you feel a bit groggy the next day, so make sure you have a good 8 hours of sleeping time and if you find you are too groggy then take less next time.
^^ Dunno, my long-term cannabis-induced amotivational syndrome has stopped me from ever finding out ;)
Does intense exercise help?

short, intense exercise would have the opposite effect but a long session of steady physical work does the trick nicely, and is probably the healthiest way to force yourself to pass out. i'm honestly disappointed some of you recommend using other drugs to cope. there are only so many times you can use drugs to solve problems created by other drugs before your sanity really starts to slip, and until you find a new rock to call bottom.
Yeah, man, I found my rock bottom by smoking weed and taking antihistamines
^^^ this. when I'm anxious/stressed I go for a long run and along with a warm shower and maybe a hot tea it helps a bunch.
but be wary not to do it right after going to bed or it will be harder to fall asleep. do it 3-4 (or more) hours before
Yeah, man, I found my rock bottom by smoking weed and taking antihistamines

Many BLers are dealing with more serious addictions and may find their way into CD, I just want to emphasize to the greater community that new/different/better drugs are still drugs and not a sustainable way of coping with any sort of substance addiction.
A week generally is how long it takes for your body to turn to normal without exercise, with exercise probably faster. I just go out for 4-6 mile walks. Im pretty used to insomnia because im addicted to Valium. i used to get insomnia after quitting weed though too, I would wake up numerous times in the night covered in sweat and get weird vivid dreams
You obviously can't handle smoking weed, and you have no business continuing to smoke the stuff. Now that you're addicted, it is too late to have a positive relationship with the drug. Weed just isn't for you.

If you don't stop, and continue to abuse your body then there is a risk of developing schizophrenia, manic depression, or a panic attack disorder. You may have already triggered a mental illness. The problems can only get worse, addictions tend to progress.

You are most likely too physically dependent to ever stop on your own. You need to suck it up and get to an addiction specialist, and a councillor as well, before things potentially get much worse for you. You're a classic case of a drug addict, and they will know just what to do. There may be a waiting list so I'd get on that asap. Recovery can take up to two years and it isn't fun.

It has been a full 4 months since I burned any weed, and I am still recovering. A full recovery in my case may be unrealistic, because the extent of my cannabis abuse was extreme and it went on for a decade. I pretty much ruined my life because of my insane obsession with it. But it sounds like you've messed your body up from it so I'd quit while you're ahead. It sucks when it's "just weed" because it totally slips under the radar - you probably didn't even acknowledge that addiction was ever a possibility until it was too late. But lots of people get caught in its miserable trap, this is common.
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Hey rave? Just because you've found yourself in a dark place doesn't necessarily mean everybody else needs to be dragged down there with you.

Jesus Christ, man....
The individual who started this thread is obviously addicted to smoking weed, and they are experiencing problems from it that should be taken very seriously through being immediately addressed before it gets any worse...

So you think this individual should continue to smoke weed even though they are clearly a drug addict? Isn't this a harm reduction forum? This person is being damaged by that stupid, silly plant and needs to stop.

Once you get addicted to drugs, the right thing to do is get off them.

And I can say from experience that it was the best decision I ever made. After 4 months I'm doing great - I have no desire or need whatsoever to smoke pot, and I am extremely motivated, basically the opposite of the lazy ass I was when I was fiending pot incessantly.
Wow I have been smoking almost daily for like 8 years and have never experienced that stuff. The only withdrawals I get from not smoking is irritability. I get really pissy with ppl if I haven't smoked in a while. But I use oxycodone more now which sucks cuz id rather go through weed W/D's than opiate W/D's any day. Stick with the bud, don't go to opiates. You think weed withdrawals are bad, opiates are 1000x worse IMO
Many BLers are dealing with more serious addictions and may find their way into CD, I just want to emphasize to the greater community that new/different/better drugs are still drugs and not a sustainable way of coping with any sort of substance addiction.

I was being a dick, granted, but... I really don't see the problem for someone suffering temporary insomnia and/or nigh terrors to take an OTC medicine designed for short-term insomnia relief. I know it's not in the same ball park but if someone was managing an opiate withdrawal you wouldn't castigate them for seeking short term relief while they're withdrawing. If a person is trying to quit a heavy cannabis habit and, say, need to be able to function at work/school the following day then hells yes they should be able to relieve their insomnia, it's bad enough dealing with the withdrawal mood-swings and stuff at work without adding sleep deprivation and traumatic memories of vividly intense dreams to boot. If someone wants to counter that by using an OTC medicine exactly as prescribed on the packet, is that really such a bad thing?
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying that as drug users it could help to be especially aware of what may come from trying to address minor irritations with drugs.

I know I should just ride it out for the few weeks and toughen the fuck up but as soon as I hit that depressive anxious state I just cannot hold out any longer...

this is the part that really prompted my response in the first place. I know this is somewhat beyond the scope of this thread, but I feel it's my responsibility, as a person who has run the gamut on addiction issues myself, to promote drug-free solutions, where appropriate, in the hope that people might begin to trust more in their own strength and face more of their issues sober, to reinforce a positive mindstate where it becomes easier to keep doing so rather than harder.

So, yes, I haven't meant to turn this into a debate and I'm sorry if anything I've said has come off as sounding a bit self-righteous, I just want BL fam to practice healthy mind as often as they can <3