Helpful tactics to stop abuse


Sep 29, 2011
I need some help....I live in an apartment building and the woman above me is constantly spying on me and making loud banging sounds minutes after I turn off my lights and go to bed. She has done this with tactics, to evade security hearing or seeing the events. I have notified the management so many times that they actually told me I was "imagining" hearing these sounds because I am taking medication. I told them that I an diabetic NOT delusional. She has purposely kept a close eye on me and has woken me up early in the morning.

Anyone have any ideas how to capture this abusive behavior? any cheap technology to help prove what is happening?

I can't move for at least 2-3 months and she is driving me completely batshit


When she starts with the noise maybe try using a dictaphone to record it, and if it's a digital one it will be time and date stamped. They are about £40, not sure where you're from though, you may also need an attachment for it, it's like a special microphone to pick up more sound.

Or maybe ring the management when the noise starts so they can hear it down the phone? My next door neighbour is an inconsiderate bitch and always has loud bouncy house music on til all hours. I have reported her numerous times but as she is a private tenant and not housing association like most of my estate, it's really hard to get her evicted. Her other neighbour rang the letting agent at 4am and said right listen to that now will you do something (they had only ever reported her and not been able to provide evidence. She is now on her final warning and the music has calmed down now, although occasionally she still blasts it out but not like on previous occasions when its been on 10am to 6am.

I get very noise sensitive with my pain so it is like pure torture to me, last time it happened I was ready for going to her house and just battering her, but I don't want to lose my home so I restrained myself. Te amount of times she has woken my 4 year old son up is beyond a joke.

Good luck, I hope I have been of some help.
Some people are completely ridiculous. First thing, don't "fight" back. Many times this is their goal, and then they can prove that you've been harassing them, but you don't have proof that they have. It's vicious. Have you tried the police? Sometimes management won't do anything but I'm sure it's worth a try getting the law on your side, especially because they don't hold the bias that you're using medications, thus it's all in your head. Good luck dealing with this.
Yeah, try some sort of public authority. Police/by-law officer (noise)/provincial offences officer (noise)/etc as applicable to where you live?

They'll tend to take it more serious, and they have the time/resources and authority to do at least a cursory investigation/do something about it. (If nothing else, by-law officers tend to have ready access to a certified sound meter that will actually hold as evidence if they issue her a ticket or such)
If you're in the uk, give environmental health a ring, your local council will give you the number to their department, they deal with noise pollution as well as other things.
Are you certain you have taken no amphetamines/other uppers? I say this not to be disrespectful, I would just like to rule this out. I hope this is not offensive or accusatory - not intended that way, especially given the context.

I would keep a diary of what events occurred and present that evidence to the management or the police. You can always put a cheap webcam on your own belongings and get a lock for your door - that is not an invasion of the privacy of anyone else.

If this person continues to be a nuisance to you, then contact the authorities.

Lastly, by "estate" do you mean subsidized housing? Forgive me. I'm a Yank. ;) My best whatever your decision.
^ I have to second what Mariposa said about making sure this is not drug related. I started hearing weird loud noises all over the house and coming from outside the other week after doing too much blow too fast. I thought i was finally losing it but i got a grip on myself. Fuck stimulants :p

If it is real then I'm sure you could get some cheap recording equipment fairly easily. If you think she is entering your apartment there are easy ways to prove if anyone but you has been in through your door. I hate staying in loud apartment buildings as the noise pollution drives me absolutely bat shit :!. There are few things in life more unpleasant then having people next door on either sides of you who seem intent on making sure you never sleep :|

Good luck to you on whatever your decision is in dealing with this racket :)
In the uk each different area is called an estate, it's just a name for the groups of roads with houses on in different parts of the town :)

Some are owned, some are private tenants, some are owned by a housing association which is tons better than being a private tenant, we have some pretty dodgy landlords who don't carry out repairs etc I lived in an absolute house of horrors for 4 years, my son couldn't have his own room as the roof kept raining in and the ceiling was in danger of collapsing, no loft insulation so my entire upper floor was covered in damp spores, the electrics were bad. The landlord would not do repairs, I had to go without heating for one winter because the boiler got condemned and he wouldn't fix it. My rent was extortionate, now I have a bigger house, it's cheaper to rent and repairs get carried out the same day or next if they are really busy and it doesn't cost me a thing.
I think my neighbour got burning ears with this thread, she's drunk, fighting with her partner and blasting music...looks like I am in for a fun night. *sigh* sorry for the double post btw, when I'm on my iPad it's hard to use the edit function as I can't scroll down to the bottom of the text. I need to update my os...
I third mariposa's question of stimulant use. We mean no offense or disrespect but your post came off sounding, to me at least, like stimulant induced delusions. That said, other than banging when you turn off the lights, how else is she waking you up? How is she spying on you?
Alex, that could actually backfire. I've been in this situation before so I know. I got out only because of luck. I went to my neighbors to talk to them because they used to FUCKING BLAST dubstep, techno, and screamo. I dont mind any of these forms of music but when its making my water glass have ripples from the bass it gets annoying watching tv or trying to even have a conversation. Anyway, I went to talk to them about it and asked very politely to stop listening to music so loud, I had other neighbors who had the same issue, but the bitch went ahead and phoned management that same night, saying i was the cause of it. So i got my ass chewed out, threatened to be evicted and such, they even called the police on me. The police came and talked to me and issued ME, fucking ME a ticket for noise pollution. They came back to check on me later that night either that or someone called the cops again and they came with management i guess to arrest me no matter how much i protested, the only other neighbor that knew where the location was from was on vacation so i had no credibility to my protests but it just so happened that the person blasting the music didnt know about it so when they came to my door the found it wasnt me that was actually producing the noise, went over to the next door and finally located the source, i got my ticket thrown ripped up and they got what they deserved, a ticket and a few nights in jail for lying to police. So I dont recommend going over and trying to solve the issue yourself, as it could set off a situation like mine. Just call the local authorities when the music is loud and try to record some of it, either using your computer or a handheld recorder so you have some proof if they happen to see the 5 0 when they come around.
Yeh I haven't done the police approach as I would get my windows put through. She's a scumbag.
If you don't feel safe, call 911. The police would have to do something.

At the very least you could contact an attorney first, but, just keep in mind that you can always put on some music, or a white-noise machine, to keep intrusive noises from awaking you early (and they might just keep HER up all night).

Nonetheless, if it's not too loud, and doesn't have loud bass, it shouldn't keep the other neighbors up.
I am safe If I do not get the police involved. I am a metal head, she is a chav scumbag, they infest this town and the majority of the uk like a feral underclass. The police do nothing.

A girl I know who is from near me got beaten to death by a group of them, first they were being ok and asked them for a cigarette, then they turned. Her and her boyfriend were savagely stamped on kicked etc etc. Her boy friend pulled through, she didn't.

Check out the sophie Lancaster foundation if you are interested. This goes on every day, I've had it done to me but they picked on the wrong person. Before the accident obv.

The police will do nothing, only make my life a living hell and she will get away scot free.

As for the White noise etc, it would do my head in no end and aggravate my pain.

I have been watching tv all night though so I hope I annoyed the shit out of her, when I need carrying out of bed, it gets a bit noisy.

Hopefully she will be evicted soon, I have only been here a year but apparently the residents have been trying to get her out for years.

I hate this country, the government have destroyed it.
OP, why have you not answered the question (asked three times now) regarding whether or not you use stimulant drugs?

~ vaya
Vaya, I don't think the op uses stims, I have spoken before and they have a severe chronic pain issue like me, stims tend to exasperate it so I really do not think the op uses anything like that. Chronic pain causes noise sensitivity, next door set off one of my seizures on sat 5am because they had been arguing pissed up for hours and I couldn't handle it.
Vaya, I don't think the op uses stims, I have spoken before and they have a severe chronic pain issue like me, stims tend to exasperate it so I really do not think the op uses anything like that. Chronic pain causes noise sensitivity, next door set off one of my seizures on sat 5am because they had been arguing pissed up for hours and I couldn't handle it.

Word, thank you for that info. I guess it probably seemed like I was accusing him/her by bluntly asking the question, but it seemed odd that it hadnt been answered, yet its implications would have changed the entire nature of this thread.

Good stuff, though D2p. But that's awful that noise sensitivity gives you seizures - neuroleptics don't help?? I can't imagine...

~ vaya