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help please. best friend is in the mental hospital ... he did acid 5 days ago.

Maybe he's just naturally predestined to be a weirdo and the acid just sped up the inevitable a little. If he's still like that after all this time I doubt it was the acid alone that did it. You may have to just write him off as a buddy and let him go on his merry way to a life of being a mental case. It happens. There are a lot of mental cases out there. You could try dosing him with some ibogaine extract to reset his brain but if that doesn't work he's pretty much a goner I'm afraid. Wanting to move in with some dude from the psychward indicates extreme lack of judgment. That guy would probably kill him in his sleep for his shoes.
Wanting to move in with some dude from the psychward indicates extreme lack of judgment. That guy would probably kill him in his sleep for his shoes.

Your entire reply is garbage but this is particularly stupid. It's obvious you know nothing at all about mental illness and even less about empathy.

How would you know anything about this guy? Do you think everyone who spends time in a hospital for mental illness is a psychopath murderer? Are you actively trying to increase the stigma against people with mental illness because you get off on it?
Your entire reply is garbage but this is particularly stupid. It's obvious you know nothing at all about mental illness and even less about empathy.

How would you know anything about this guy? Do you think everyone who spends time in a hospital for mental illness is a psychopath murderer? Are you actively trying to increase the stigma against people with mental illness because you get off on it?
Suppose you're right. I did jump to an unnecessarily dark conclusion there didn't I. Sorry about that. The psychward guy may simply have been having a rough patch in his life, for all I know. I also shouldn't have suggested that the Jesus guy might have to be written off as a buddy. That was pretty cold right there. He has to stand by him through this crisis, however it turns out. That's what he would want if HE ever took an extended bad trip. Maybe the guy needs support to get though this thing. It's too easy to abandon people when they become mentally ill. It's sad really.
I was a little harsh there, too. I've been through some rough patches myself and I've known people who spent time in the hospital for mental illness and they turned out fine. So I'm a little sensitive about the subject, I guess.
I was a little harsh there, too. I've been through some rough patches myself and I've known people who spent time in the hospital for mental illness and they turned out fine. So I'm a little sensitive about the subject, I guess.
No, you were right to call me on that. I was going to edit that post anyway and saw your reply. I can say some pretty insensitive things sometimes. I was in a mental hospital myself as a teenager, so I shouldn't cast stones. Probably most people will have a mental illness at some point during their life. Life is very stressful these days. It's not surprising that people are flipping out. That poor guy must be really suffering right now, with the embarrassment and all. I wish I knew how to help him.
Might have experienced ego-death and got the wrong message out of it :p there's an experience that is common to high dose psychedelics, to practised meditation and to various other practises that involve honing the mind - it's commonly called ego death at least when it's reached via psychedelics. It has many different names in various religions and spiritual belief sectors, and across those who tend not towards such thinking it has many other names still.

Essentially though, the experience boiled down to it's simplest: You have what at the very least feels like an experience in which you are becoming one with each and every other part of the entire known Universe. You appear to feel no separation from anyone or anything, dead or alive, future or past, all seem to be one and the same. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a touch of this experience that led to Nietszche's last days being spent running around raving about being various famous past figures - in essence, if you believe the nature of the experience to be true, then it wouldn't be wrong to say that, because you essentially then take on the belief that all beings and all things are one and connected, and so I'm not separate from you, and you're not separate from some guy in Australia and he's not separate from some famous Muslim preacher several thousands of years ago and so on. Sounds a little much to take on, but I'd say the whole thing is way too much to take on for anyone who hasn't had the experience themselves. I've had it a few times in my life, some during psychedelic experiences, others during deep meditation - and so have come to what I believe is a better understanding of the experience over time, but I can understand how someone could freak out and take it in a rather weird way.

If ego death, i.e. the sensation of becoming one with everything/everyone is what your friend experienced, then it's possible he got confused about the experience. It really does feel like you have become the entire universe, but to most this is a humbling experience, i.e. you see that you are all interconnected beings in one giant web of life, rather than you seeing "Hey I became God, that makes me the best out there". To infer the two most logical conclusions of it would be: a) I was tripping, it was an experience I had during a trip or b) If it was real (which should really be something you decide once and only once you've experienced it through some other means than psychedelics alone), then this means I am but a humble part of a much greater larger being than me, all is connected and should be loved equally, and no-one person is above any other.

He's taken on the "aha so I am God/God's son/[insert other famous religious figure]" view instead, and not paid attention to the rest of the experience. It might help reminding him that if he experienced such a thing, for one, he was on psychedelics, and so the experience cannot be verified. Two, if the experience carries any truth to it (which many people, myself included, hold that it likely does, but only because I've experienced it sober as well as on drugs and do not make the connection that it is a drug induced psychoses type experience - but this is a matter of personal belief, and not something to go preaching on others) - then it infers that all are connected and equal and that he's not some messiah who's seen the truth - many other people all over the world have had the same experience he has, and he just has to focus on integrating it into his daily life.

If he chooses to believe it may have some truth to it beyond the hallucinatory nature of the experience, then maybe rather than running around preaching that he's Jesus he should take up meditation or another healthy life pursuit in which he can reach such experiences again without the aid of drugs, and verify to himself that the experience can be reproduced outside of the world of drugs. ;)

More likely than not though if that were what he'd experienced, you wouldn't see him acting like he did afterwards, though you still might notice him saying some things that seem rather out of the norm, as the experience does shake up your sense of reality, in a way one person might deem good, and another might deem bad.

What it sounds like may have happened is that he had a very strong experience, had a lot of experience around Christianity prior to it, and so during his experience he experienced things that seemed to relate in some nature to Christian beliefs. He probably then inferred his own beliefs on top of what was happening, and somehow or another his experience left him thinking he was to preach the message of God and was some messiah of his own. The only way you'll really find out exactly what happened that made him act in that way would be to ask him yourself, but if he had a psychotic break you likely won't get a clear answer out of him - and if it turns out we're all the psychotic ones and he's Christ incarnate no.2 then he's still going to sound rather psychotic to us all isn't he? ;)

Either way, I imagine as whatever he experienced gets a little further and further from his recent memory it'll start to lose it's sense of importance to him and whatever it was in his experience that make him decide to go around preaching, he might at least see that whether or not he still believes it's a good course of action - it's going to get him locked up in the loony bin and not something he should do for that reason alone if nothing else. So I'd assume he'll start coming to his senses fairly quickly.

As for what he actually took, it's hard to say - LSD itself is a fairly benign substance, it doesn't tend to cause experiences of a psychotic nature or to harm the body or mind - but many other substances are sold on blotter as "acid" that are not LSD itself, and that we have not yet fully researched or understood, some of these substances like the NBOMes have more tendency to cause traumatic experiences both of a psychological and physical nature (i.e. psychotic experiences, seizures, etc). There's no sense trying to figure out what it might have been now though as unless he still has some of the blotter he took and can send it off for testing there's no real way of knowing.

Edit: Didn't notice this thread was already a month old and he's now been released. Well that's good news, and glad he's thinking a bit more rationally now :) Hopefully things continue to improve and he hasn't had any lasting negative change in his personality due to his experience.
starting to lose hope :(

so my friend's personality is still there but hes very irrational. he ended up saying that the guy that he met in the mental hospital was to wierd to move in with.. but he still is not the same... he thinks he is married to his gf.... and he bought a superman blanket and stuffed animals and toys.... very sad to see my best friend end up like this... his personality is still somewhat there. sometimes i think im talking to my old friend but then he mentions something retarded like how his marriage with his gf is going great and that he is very mentally strong now and physically he is coming back(makes no sense) also his snapchats are very wierd now... he takes pictures of his stuffed animals with the caption "my best friends"


im very worried that this may be pernament damage... i have little friends so this really took a tole on me... he was my best friend... still is but things wont be the same without him...

=/ everywhere i go was with him... all my instagrams photos r with him
he actually falsely believes that he is married to his GF? past that he just sounds like he got weird, not insane. =p
tbh it sounds like his delusions are decreasing in magnitude, and they are just becoming less problematic, which is a positive in my book!

its funny you mention the moving in with a guy from the mental hospital. because i made plans to move in with a girl who i met at the psychiatric ward, but then realised that she was vry emotionally unstable.. i also believed in some ideas like that animals could be used for spying on people, that i had a kundalini awakening, buying crystals and other things that had extreme importance to me at the time, and other stuff that would freak other people out, for almost 2 months, but they gradually went away

its just a different perspective on life, western psychology has some strange blanket perceptions when it comes to mental illness that i think are unfair.. i feel that i learnt valuable things from my psychosis that have helped me to grow as a person.
starting to lose hope :(
so my friend's personality is still there but hes very irrational. he ended up saying that the guy that he met in the mental hospital was to wierd to move in with.. but he still is not the same... he thinks he is married to his gf.... and he bought a superman blanket and stuffed animals and toys.... very sad to see my best friend end up like this... his personality is still somewhat there. sometimes i think im talking to my old friend but then he mentions something retarded like how his marriage with his gf is going great and that he is very mentally strong now and physically he is coming back(makes no sense) also his snapchats are very wierd now... he takes pictures of his stuffed animals with the caption "my best friends"
im very worried that this may be pernament damage... i have little friends so this really took a tole on me... he was my best friend... still is but things wont be the same without him...

=/ everywhere i go was with him... all my instagrams photos r with him

Sounds rough. Did they put him on some meds? Sounds like he may need lithium. I know a person who was on lithium then stopped taking it and they got real weird like your friend.
I'm concerned about whether it was really LSD or not. I'm not asking for an identification or anything but around where I live research chemicals have been going around sold as LSD and an old friend of mine has been basically retarded since his last 25i trip. He's only done it twice. After his last trip he started texting all of his friends saying he's changed for the better and shit like that. He's also been going through psychiatric therapy because he can't work because he's been convinced of some ideology from tripping. I think some people are made for psychedelics and some people aren't. Not including weed.
Essentially though, the experience boiled down to it's simplest: You have what at the very least feels like an experience in which you are becoming one with each and every other part of the entire known Universe. You appear to feel no separation from anyone or anything, dead or alive, future or past, all seem to be one and the same..

I know this is off topic, but THAT is the best definition of ego death I've ever heard...NOT thinking you've died...JG, where were you in that ego death monster thread?...
Anyway, just my $.02...
Sounds rough. Did they put him on some meds? Sounds like he may need lithium. I know a person who was on lithium then stopped taking it and they got real weird like your friend.
they did put him on meds. i dont know the names of it. should i ask my friend if he is on lithium? and if not i should get the doc to give him it?

so yes an update guys.... almost 3 months later and my friend is still rocked... he no longer thinks he has super powers but he is talking completely crazy and even has a different voice tone as if he is crazy... he is talking about building an empire and talking about stuff that make no sense.. it is very sad.. i dont think he will ever be the same :(

his snapchat stories are of him with teddy bears and random stuff like the text of it is "whos with me" with a pic of him and teddy bears.

Did you ever consider that maybe your friend was this "new weirdo" all along, and he just repressed it? Sometimes a trip is all it takes for someone to think "Okay, here's an external event I can blame for anything I do, time to finally let my freak flag fly."

Not saying that's the case, but it's something to consider.

Also, I'm guessing you're fairly young - late teens maybe. You'll soon find that the number one criteria in life is no longer going to be sex appeal, popularity, material success, as it was in high school, but rather whether someone "has their shit together" or not. A lot of "normal" people take some real unfortunate turns for the crazy in their 20s and 30. Most of your peer group, in fact, in my experience. So be ready for this to happen a few more times in your life, maybe not to this extent and probably without drugs.
Well, aren't you^ just a ray of fucking sunshine....sunshine.

Alas though...he is right, and if your friend is taking Teddy Bear pics and thinks he's building an empire, then he's gone 'round the bend and won't be back for dinner,...wait one...building an empire you say? Is he looking for any loyal henchmen?...just asking, ummm for a friend.
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Hello- I dropped a 100ug lsd tab on Friday for my first time alone. It started off as a great trip but once the peak hit It was uncontrollable and I ended up having a terrible trip. It is Sunday night now and the sort of "high" from the acid is still lingering around in my head . I am still very nervous and have bad anxiety which results in no sleep... How long can this sort of high and anxiety stay in my head?
Hello- I dropped a 100ug lsd tab on Friday for my first time alone. It started off as a great trip but once the peak hit It was uncontrollable and I ended up having a terrible trip. It is Sunday night now and the sort of "high" from the acid is still lingering around in my head . I am still very nervous and have bad anxiety which results in no sleep... How long can this sort of high and anxiety stay in my head?

Damn dude, I was kidding, this is NOT where you need to be, this guy is fucking crazy, you aren't...IMHO
...just chill out and it will take care of itself. This "thing" you have is anxiety driven...only you can give it life, and only you can stop it...so, just quit thinking about it...go watch a video or something.
Once your mind is quiet you will be OK...OK?
Haha my mind is scrammbled and I want it to stop so of course I'm gonna do what someone tells me to do! I achually found that playing games on my phone helps it a lot.
Haha my mind is scrammbled and I want it to stop so of course I'm gonna do what someone tells me to do!

TBH, the only way you're gonna get back to normal is by cleaning my house. Not just any house, but MY house. Not sure why, but there's some zen mystique in here that helps people out. PM me for address.