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help please. best friend is in the mental hospital ... he did acid 5 days ago.

thank you everyone for the comfort and responses. an update is that my friend is now getting very violent at the hospital. he was cuffed to his bed but got up and ripped the bolts off the bed . and they had to restrain him. thats all i know.

the docs aid after 2 weeks they bring him to a pych house...

the nurses arent letting me talk to hi.. but if i am able ot talk tohim . any tips ?

i was told to just talk about old memories and have a normal convo. but shouldnt i try to tell him \that he had a bad trip and that this all can go away he has the power to do so, or something? to make him snap out of it? not sure...

also i found ot he was with hippies when he was having a bad trip.(he got lost from his raves and the hippies hung with him for a while till he found his friends) i looked into it, and its possible for someone to brain wash him when hes having ab ad trip on acid? not sure if this is possible?
I severely doubt that someone tried to brainwash him. For what it's worth, usually "hippies" (this really just refers to a particular group from a particular time, but I know what you mean when you say it) are kind and peaceful (though a few notable exceptions exist such as Charles Manson). I wouldn't expect anyone fitting that description to try fucking with someone in a bad trip. Regardless of these possibly useless generalizations, your friend's symptoms sound like a classic psychotic break from psychedelics, not the result of someone's input. It happens to some people.

I'm sorry to hear he's not getting better yet. I think the advice you got is sound... just try to be a link to normality for your friend, and be there to support him. Sorry they aren't letting you talk to him, that sucks. Did they say why?
I severely doubt that someone tried to brainwash him. For what it's worth, usually "hippies" (this really just refers to a particular group from a particular time, but I know what you mean when you say it) are kind and peaceful (though a few notable exceptions exist such as Charles Manson). I wouldn't expect anyone fitting that description to try fucking with someone in a bad trip. Regardless of these possibly useless generalizations, your friend's symptoms sound like a classic psychotic break from psychedelics, not the result of someone's input. It happens to some people.

I'm sorry to hear he's not getting better yet. I think the advice you got is sound... just try to be a link to normality for your friend, and be there to support him. Sorry they aren't letting you talk to him, that sucks. Did they say why?

yea i thought so to it seemed very weird for anyone to be low enough try to brain wash my friend. as if it is a holywood or something. but my friend threw that out there. anyways i was told my friend only wants to talk to his girlfriend. so the hospital refuses to let anyone visit or talk to him except his gf.. his gf told me that he says he acts normal towards her except for a few things like he says to his girlfriend" you are my safe place" and that he got married to her... but anyone else his mind is another world. and he was getting violent towards the guards.

they say 15 days max in the mental hospital then they move to a pychhouse. i will keep u guys updated weekly... unless something out the ordinary happens.

is there a chance this can be pernament? if you were to guess, when would you say he will snap back to reality? its been 7 days now since his initial trip :( very sad to see one of my best friends end up like this. i dont have many friends, i have about 4-5 good ones. and he was one of them...
It's only been 7 days, my guess is he will snap out of it, it'll just take some time. Of course when he does, if he tries psychedelics again he may not be so lucky, clearly he isn't made for them...

Keep up hope, think and be positive. <3
He had a psychotic break from the acid. It happens much more commonly than many people think. If he was mentally well before the trip, he will probably recover from it. Since he seemed ok the morning after tripping and the delusions of being Jesus sound more like a severe, lsd-induced mania as opposed to a schizophrenic break. Chances are, eventually he will no longer be spouting insanity about being Jesus or anything else as time goes on. Who knows though? He could have been one of those people with latent schizophrenia/something else and the acid pushed him over the edge. If and when he does recover, he MUST NOT take acid or any psychedelic ever again
Especially that Jesus-reincarnated thing confuses me. Of course it is pretty likely that a latent psychosis has been triggered here, but I often hear from people that suffer from somewhat 'common bad trip after effects', being Jesus, or that glass of orange juice who/that is afraid to fall down.

Imho the really unhonest and bad prohibition / education leads to such things. People get told that x is very likely to happen and I believe that this leads to such occurences.

Don't get me wrong: if a person carries a latent psychosis deep within subconciousness, it might lead to fatal results. But in the end, people might say: the prohibionists were right, because it went exactly like we've been told.

This must stop.

Hoping for a better future.

Best wishes to your friend, may he fully recover. This needs time. My first existential LSD triggered psychic crysis took me almost 4 months to recover from, but in the end, it was a powerful lesson.
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if the real jesus ever does come back its sad that he's going to end up in a mental hospital =/
He'd probably be able to turn RC's in to Lsd though
If I saw that, you bet your ass I'd believe him to be Jesus.

Then he'd hand you a mega dose of it and say, "This is my body and blood, take it and become one with the universe." Or something along those lines ahahahah.
Especially that Jesus-reincarnated thing confuses me. Of course it is pretty likely that a latent psychosis has been triggered here, but I often hear from people that suffer from somewhat 'common bad trip after effects', being Jesus, or that glass of orange juice who/that is afraid to fall down.

I've never actually heard of anyone thinking they were a glass of orange juice, I just heard it as an urban legend. However the Jesus thing is a real phenomenon for sure.
well in my opinion, LSD is a very very hard to describe experience. like if i hadn't of done LSD the first time with a friend of mine who is quite experienced in tripping i probably could have defended into psychotic madness quite quickly. i can't really describe my first trip on cid, because it was so profound and shattering. i dunno, taken at the wrong time in the wrong setting would be a recipe for disaster frankly.
Maybe Jesus has come back and he's sitting in a mental ward as we speak...how would we really know?
LSD is like the shotgun psychedelic. I'd say it's the direct opposite of anti-psychotics, in that it hits so many receptors that the effect on the brain is much more profound than something more selective (good and bad). Furthermore, there's so many analogues floating around that how do you know it was even LSD?

Maybe that's his suffering this time around? ;)

He's just biding his time for revenge.
That's fucked up... You know Jesus was a Jew right?

Edit: you are also right.... LSD activates dopamine where anti psychotics like haldol block dopamine.
he was released from the hospital a few days ago. been almost 3 weeks since he did the acid. he doesnt think hes jesus but he is acting retarded... like he is complaining his ears and eyes hurt and that he wants to move in with some guy that he met at the pychward. but hes actually supposed to be moving to another state. in a month for work but obviously thats no longer happening... he also says "my thoughts are unclear" whatever that means. im just hoping he doesnt have pernament damage and can go back to his old self.... with time of course...
You can't get brain damage from acid. I'd put this down to the buckets of benzos and anti-psychotics he'd probably on. Good to hear he's out of hospital. Following a heavy shock to one's sanity there tends to be a long period of re-integration, so be patient and be there to give him an anchor.

Some people are not supposed to take this stuff. One friend of mine smoked weed laced with meth for months and ended up talking about how the government was after him. He's recovered now but the break certainly changed him, he's noticeably more melancholy.

Another friend was in a psych ward for six months after the first time he dropped acid - two hits at a party. I didn't know him at the time, but I was there the day he tried it again, this time at half a hit. He was fine, and he now smokes a lot of pot and sometimes does tiny doses of mushrooms, and it seems he was just very, very sensitive to the stuff. One more reason, I think, to take very low doses to start with.

I can actually see how people could get themselves trapped in these thoughts. The first time I took shrooms, I ended up in such an incredibly delirious state I could have basically been called psychotic. I absolutely know what total madness feels like. The difference is I came back down. Some people hit turbulence when it comes to re-integration. Keep your friend away from the hallucinogens.
I think you may need to break him out of there before they can transfer him to the asylum. The security will be a lot heavier there. Then you may need to hit him up with an ayahuasca ceremomy to snap him back to normal.
he was released from the hospital a few days ago. been almost 3 weeks since he did the acid. he doesnt think hes jesus but he is acting retarded... like he is complaining his ears and eyes hurt and that he wants to move in with some guy that he met at the pychward. but hes actually supposed to be moving to another state. in a month for work but obviously thats no longer happening... he also says "my thoughts are unclear" whatever that means. im just hoping he doesnt have pernament damage and can go back to his old self.... with time of course...

i wonder what sort of drugs they fed him in the psych ward.... i think sometimes the antipsychotics and benzos they pump into people there can have a worse long term effect than the psychedelics they went in because of...