• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Hello from San Francisco

I was just in SF, went over over telegraph like you suggested. Met a really nice homeless woman,older, she took me in to hang out with her homeless "family", they were all cool as fuck, we went into their squat and everyone watched each other's back. These people wouldn't have been aggressive to anyone
Well your experience visiting would likely be different than me who basically lived on the street of Berkeley and Vallejo for years. Of course there are AMAZING people there all over the place who would take you in like that. There is also a lot of ugly stuff man.

I'm not dissing all over the bay... I love it there, have fam and friends there.... but there is also a dark side to it which may not be so obvious until you sleep in peoples park for a few months.
Not even Kratom any more. Totally opiate free. I never trusted methadone, and I know it works for some, but I can't comply to the rules and would have been in a while world of shit, and so resisted. I destroyed my health with repeated kicks.
Fent is awful, soulless mechanical.might as well take a sleeping pill. No euphoria ever, and it escalates so fast. Every time I'm around it I remember it's not heroin and I'm good. I hate fent. It killed people who would have and were living long term just fine. I'm older - I was young in the 90s.
I don't want to just take from a community I haven't put into, but will dip into some threads and see if I can help.
That isn't to say I'm comfortably clean. I'm one bad choice off a total fuck up, and there's too much around.

I'm not crazily clean, but doing my best. When your best friend sends ya loaded u100 photos and calls up high as fuck...shit it's not fair.
Well your experience visiting would likely be different than me who basically lived on the street of Berkeley and Vallejo for years. Of course there are AMAZING people there all over the place who would take you in like that. There is also a lot of ugly stuff man.

I'm not dissing all over the bay... I love it there, have fam and friends there.... but there is also a dark side to it which may not be so obvious until you sleep in peoples park for a few months.
- this. Sorry you struggled snafu. One day I might post about the shit in the shelter...it's been traumatic sometimes..and I was living in a vehicle before. There are good and bad, like in every community. There's good people trying to survive and bad people taking advantage...
The good outweighs the bad.
- this. Sorry you struggled snafu. One day I might post about the shit in the shelter...it's been traumatic sometimes..and I was living in a vehicle before. There are good and bad, like in every community. There's good people trying to survive and bad people taking advantage...
The good outweighs the bad.
Duality. Good and bad everywhere in every facet of this universe.

The good always defeats the bad, but sometimes it may do so in not so obvious ways.

Not even Kratom any more. Totally opiate free. I never trusted methadone, and I know it works for some, but I can't comply to the rules and would have been in a while world of shit, and so resisted. I destroyed my health with repeated kicks.
Fent is awful, soulless mechanical.might as well take a sleeping pill. No euphoria ever, and it escalates so fast. Every time I'm around it I remember it's not heroin and I'm good. I hate fent. It killed people who would have and were living long term just fine. I'm older - I was young in the 90s.
I don't want to just take from a community I haven't put into, but will dip into some threads and see if I can help.
That isn't to say I'm comfortably clean. I'm one bad choice off a total fuck up, and there's too much around.

I'm not crazily clean, but doing my best. When your best friend sends ya loaded u100 photos and calls up high as fuck...shit it's not fair.
You're so right about fent. It's such an empty drug. There is no high. And the withdrawals are worse, or at least longer lasting than heroin IMO.

And hey, what is "crazily clean"??? What does that even mean?

Friend, dead ass sobriety is not the goal. Functionality in life, reasonable happiness and security is. If you smoke weed or eat kratom.... you're sober (at least in my mind). I smoke weed and eat kratom every day and I consider myself sober as long as I can stay away from everything else.

That's all that matters. If you can function, and you're happy and secure - who gives a fuck if you smoke weed? AA sobriety chips are simply pieces of plastic. YOU make YOUR OWN goals and standards.

That's how I look at the term "sobriety". I do not agree with some oldtimey AA type shit like anything other than caffeine or nicotine is a "relapse"... that's very outdated thinking IMO. But to each his own :).
Re "crazily clean" - if some good coke comes my way I won't say no, or acid or shrooms. I'm not straight edge totally absolutely clean and evangelical about it.
I'm totally on board with anyone who finds Kratom helps, but I've got myself in the mindset if it's not smack, or at least oxy, Dilaudid or morphine it's not worth it. I'm a brat. I'm still sulking about heroin being dead.

I had more fun with temazapam than fent... totally agree, it's just boring and deadly, and the wds are brutal. I got out fast after fent swamped everything.

I get shit from family for even smoking weed. It's all the same in their heads. I get no break for not having touched anything bar weed for a few years.
Re "crazily clean" - if some good coke comes my way I won't say no, or acid or shrooms. I'm not straight edge totally absolutely clean and evangelical about it.
I'm totally on board with anyone who finds Kratom helps, but I've got myself in the mindset if it's not smack, or at least oxy, Dilaudid or morphine it's not worth it. I'm a brat. I'm still sulking about heroin being dead.

I had more fun with temazapam than fent... totally agree, it's just boring and deadly, and the wds are brutal. I got out fast after fent swamped everything.

I get shit from family for even smoking weed. It's all the same in their heads. I get no break for not having touched anything bar weed for a few years.
I think you're on the same page with a majority of this forum in terms of what you consider "sobriety" (in very loose quotes).

It's all about what people can handle and still function and be happy/good human beings.

You live in SF and your family gives you shit about weed? :(

Hell, my family felt the full wrath of my heroin addiction. I took everything from them... and still to this day they will gladly hand me a beer and a joint and think nothing of it. (still a bit weird to me.... but I go with it haha)

How are things going otherwise?

I'd really love to see you post and open up on other sides of the forum :)

You fit in here like a brick in the wall and we would love to have you and talk about whatever :D it's not all doom and gloom here. We write poetry, post photography, talk about politics (*disclaimer: beware), chat about random stuff. We have a discord if you're interested.

namaste friend
I think you're on the same page with a majority of this forum in terms of what you consider "sobriety" (in very loose quotes).

It's all about what people can handle and still function and be happy/good human beings.

You live in SF and your family gives you shit about weed? :(

Hell, my family felt the full wrath of my heroin addiction. I took everything from them... and still to this day they will gladly hand me a beer and a joint and think nothing of it. (still a bit weird to me.... but I go with it haha)

How are things going otherwise?

I'd really love to see you post and open up on other sides of the forum :)

You fit in here like a brick in the wall and we would love to have you and talk about whatever :D it's not all doom and gloom here. We write poetry, post photography, talk about politics (*disclaimer: beware), chat about random stuff. We have a discord if you're interested.

namaste friend
I'll take that as I'm welcome and an invitation to chat! Thank you. Politics, huh..discord would be great. I'm pretty tired of pretending to be perfectly sober and well behaved. At this rate I'll snap and it will be ugly at best. Really nice to meet you, snafu, glad you got out of the street scene. It's so dangerous. Sorry I was grouchy...🤗💕
I think you're on the same page with a majority of this forum in terms of what you consider "sobriety" (in very loose quotes).

It's all about what people can handle and still function and be happy/good human beings.

You live in SF and your family gives you shit about weed? :(

Hell, my family felt the full wrath of my heroin addiction. I took everything from them... and still to this day they will gladly hand me a beer and a joint and think nothing of it. (still a bit weird to me.... but I go with it haha)

How are things going otherwise?

I'd really love to see you post and open up on other sides of the forum :)

You fit in here like a brick in the wall and we would love to have you and talk about whatever :D it's not all doom and gloom here. We write poetry, post photography, talk about politics (*disclaimer: beware), chat about random stuff. We have a discord if you're interested.

namaste friend
...I have one sister, she's lovely and very straightlaced, she's not in California...
@PattiSmythe well I'll send you a link to the discord which can be a great place at times, but it can also get a bit wild and tbh I'm taking a break from it right now for personal reasons haha

I have an older sister who used to force me to get high at 12 years old, kinda messed me up, but now she is amazing person and a true big sister I can rely on. In fact one of the reasons I moved to NC was to be closer to her and my mother - my family. I was able to make amends which really brightened my life a lot.

Do you have no other family in Cali? :(

I feel bad, if this was a few years ago I would probably ride bart into the city and come say hi, give you a hug. I wish I could give you one right now. I'm a big softie.
I'll take that as I'm welcome and an invitation to chat! Thank you. Politics, huh..discord would be great. I'm pretty tired of pretending to be perfectly sober and well behaved. At this rate I'll snap and it will be ugly at best. Really nice to meet you, snafu, glad you got out of the street scene. It's so dangerous. Sorry I was grouchy...🤗💕
You have been through a lot of nasty shit :(

But you still seem to have maintained a good and caring heart! That is true strength and endurance right there! On this site, you do NOT have to pretend anything. Be YOU here. You will be accepted here. You already are.

Have a pleasant day :)
I think you're on the same page with a majority of this forum in terms of what you consider "sobriety" (in very loose quotes).

It's all about what people can handle and still function and be happy/good human beings.

You live in SF and your family gives you shit about weed? :(

Hell, my family felt the full wrath of my heroin addiction. I took everything from them... and still to this day they will gladly hand me a beer and a joint and think nothing of it. (still a bit weird to me.... but I go with it haha)

How are things going otherwise?

I'd really love to see you post and open up on other sides of the forum :)

You fit in here like a brick in the wall and we would love to have you and talk about whatever :D it's not all doom and gloom here. We write poetry, post photography, talk about politics (*disclaimer: beware), chat about random stuff. We have a discord if you're interested.

namaste friend
why exactly should we "beware" with the politics
why exactly should we "beware" with the politics
because politics are divisive and cause a lot of drama and emotions that are not conducive to a supportive community unrelated to them

I get mad and yell in political chats.

I think anyone in their right mind would stay clear of politics in most casual or non related situations

even in the most violent political debates I would look at my opponent and think - Why is he angry? He wants to kill me! Then I have to throw punches to get the beast off me. People have no sense of humor. They are so fucking serious about themselves. I just want to love everyone, be happy and laugh.

Flower, Fist and Bestial Wail.
Just me and my son. I don't see anyone else. Big sis talks to me once or twice a week, that's probably as much as she can handle.
Wild huh! Why does it seem like there's a great story in there somewhere! I appreciate the friendliness. I just try not to get in too much trouble!
Hey ghostfart, nice to meet you. I try to be kind, heaven knows there's enough meanness in this world.
Wild huh! Why does it seem like there's a great story in there somewhere!
I'm not just being cute, but I'm sure you and a lot of people here have some noteworthy stories in life worthy of a book or at least some poetry. I try to express mine in poetry. "Try". I like to write. It helps me deal with it all.

Do you have an outlet? What do you do to blow off steam or express yourself? (other than drugs obviously, cheap answer :p)

Ild rather listen to the velvets than talk politics. I'm scum and I know it...
hahaha :p

better person than me!
Ild rather listen to the velvets than talk politics. I'm scum and I know it...

That is cool. I am drinking coffee and listening to Nirvana here.

When i joined Bluelight, i decided "No corona posts" and "No political posts" Well, i already fucked up the corona thing. I will try to keep politics out, or someone will come through the fucking cables and shoot my stupid face!
When i joined Bluelight, i decided "No corona posts" and "No political posts"

I try my best and those posts still lure me and trap me into posting sometimes. That's what they want. Don't let them have it. Those threads are cesspools of toxicity and drama. Many men and women have fallen due to such threads. Don't be fooled.
That is cool. I am drinking coffee and listening to Nirvana here.

When i joined Bluelight, i decided "No corona posts" and "No political posts" Well, i already fucked up the corona thing. I will try to keep politics out, or someone will come through the fucking cables and shoot my stupid face!
That bad?!! (Edit)...dammit I almost messed up already!!!

I try my best and those posts still lure me and trap me into posting sometimes. That's what they want. Don't let them have it. Those threads are cesspools of toxicity and drama. Many men and women have fallen due to such threads. Don't be fooled.
Got it! Will be careful!! No politics, no corona! Just smack and music! I'm dating myself here...but saw nirvana live once..