hazelden hell (rehab)

Firstly Sub - you write about that hope side of things, the light at the end of the tunnel despite your, my and many others self-loathing issues incredibly well - and I don't see your relapse as any more than a blip.. Let me put it this way,, I had the idea about all those near death stories where they could see that beautiful light of love and acceptance beconing you towards it,, but if that were me,, I think I'd spend years stuck in that tunnel, not feeling worthy of stepping into the light,, but maybe edging my way towards it through the many trials and tribulations life throws at me,, I need time to work things through,, and I, like you, am at least accepting other people might be able to accept me and therefore save me,, but it seems a long way off,, as Im still happiest alone eating about 7 poppy pods in yoghurt while I plug fuckloads of trams, dihydrocodeine and eating valium,,, unless I can score Heroin, thats where I'm happy,,, but I can see a different life,, because in the long term however happy it makes me in the short term,,, a life doing this shit seems pretty hellish, and the guilt of not fullfiling my potential will eat away at me,, so anyway mate, I'm off to NA for the first time next week.

Hey buddy thanks for the encouragement, although a blip has been more like a constant occurrence over the years. Now that i've been doing these meetings i'm starting to think about possible relapses and how to deal with the mind, not just some spontaneous decision to use.

I could relate to that purgatory like analogy about being in the tunnel and not feeling worthy of steeping into the light. For me I've been making attempts to walk towards the light for over 10 years, and evry time, eventually i would take huge backward steps into the darkness. and the reality is that no matter how sober we can be it will still take time to rid ourselves of the burden we share, but in the scheme of things whats 5-6 months of harm minimisation or complete sobriety? nothing. It might take even less time with a strong will. Hopefully some positive fateful things happen to you and maybe it wont seem such a far way off after all :)
your posts in this thread alone have suggested you're on the right track just by sharing your thoughts, and i know now how important that is, just from doing it myself. Like i was saying about not dwelling on the past, but not to suppress it completely, and it's good that you're open to the idea of sharing, listening and having faith in other people. almost anyone with an addiction need some help to be saved. Emotional support is necessary for people like us and i wish you all the best for your NA meet, i'm so fucking happy you're doing it and giving it a shot.... just stick with it and i assure you you'll slowly notice the subtle changes to happen. good luck:)

I used to binge and purge (eat fuckloads of junk food just to enjoy puking myself hollow, it felt like purifying myself,, like I was giving my self hate a real form in junkfood and then getting rid of it,, much like self harming).. Anyway I went to Overeaters anonymous and just couldnt fucking handle all the women with their food obsessions I just didn't get, and those first few 12 steps seemed like bullshit- I mean sure they keep the "God" vague but they didnt wanna get into any real discussions on the ""God"" concept,, and I felt I did have some control,, most of the week I ate healthily and went to the gym,,, plus they didnt want me to 'share' my story,, which was basically one of my father locking food away from me and controlling my food intake to the point where I started eating all kinds of non-food items (pica).
Needless to say they didn't have a fucking clue,, OA was bullshit for me - and it was at a point where I'd relocated and had no access to drugs,, as soon as I found drug buddys the binge purging went and I started a very happy time on drugs,, Ketamine and Uppers mainly,, before everything fucked up and I discovered Heroin and the Internet prescription drug scene.

Yeah i had a picture of the OA meeting in my head and just laughed.... you'll find yourself a lot more at home with NA. Thats fucked that your dad did that to you, but anyway, you seem like the eating issue isn't an issue anymore... well obviously opiates are what you have to focus on... and also just try and concede, even if you don't fully agree with something, just approach it with an open mind. With God you'll have no problem there.... you can say whatever the fuck you want about your higher power. I know you've an interest in this and i really think this will turn into a plus for you.... who cares how other people perceive god at NA.... its all about you when its your turn to share

So a year or two later here I am, relocated again,, pretty alone dependent on opiates and struggling to keep up with mental health problems, work and addiction / WD's. It's a crossroads moment for me - so despite the OA 12 step thing being a huge dissapointment I figure I'm a more classic NA member,, I start next week, and hope to post here about how I am doing in the future...
I'm sorry for concentrating this post on my own experiences and really hope to be of support in the future with other posters rather than just yacking on about myself,, sorry about that guys,, but just hope as an introduction that explains where I'm coming from and let me assure you,, since reading your posts I'm amazed at how wrong I was when I felt there was no one like me out there,, sincerely thankyou,, and as I say, I'm starting NA next week, best of luck to you all in our recovery, and thanks for the oppurtunity to share Sub.
Kind and warm regards - R.B

Mate. you don't have to worry... this is TDS and is the place to just get it out there:)

Well i said a bit about NA already, but hope it all goes well mate. And defiantly keep everyone posted here in TDS... or even in this tread.... go for it! I'm glad you bumped it BTW, was wanting to update on where i'm at ATM

P.S (edit) - Sub,, trust me I'm a full on loner,, Im 30 and not been laid since drug induced psychosis and the psychiatric ward made me into the town lunatic at 17- thats when I became so introverted and social exclusion made me a people hating loner,,, but as I say I'm starting to trust people again,, and have a few very true friends,, which leads me to the point where you say
"all i've ever wanted is to be in love with someone who wants to feel the same way about me. I want affection and when girls find out that i'm a very affectionate person it has always scared them away.... and i wonder what the fuck must be wrong with me because it happens every time, and when it happens i go completely off the rails and fall back into self harm with drugs. I just can't let that keep happening and as lonely as i am, i know it has to wait and I fix myself first. one day at a time"
dude I'm completely with you on most of what you say,, and have faith that the right girls out there for me,,, someday - though as I like my own company I do accept the Morrissey quote "Love, peace and harmony? Very nice, very nice, very nice - maybe in the next world".
But seriously bud,, when you said "I want affection and when girls find out that i'm a very affectionate person it has always scared them away.... and i wonder what the fuck must be wrong with me" I can absolutely wholeheartedly without a shadow of a doubt say that NOTHING is wrong with you for wanting that form of a relationship!! Nothing,, it's what's wrong with them that's the only issue -why shouldnt you want that level of reciprocal love? Surely thats what we're all after? Love and understanding,,, so please don't think like that,, girls like that just aren't ready for that level of a relationship (fuckin weirdo's!) so bollocks to them I say,, you offered them that and they ran? No way is that your fault,, period..
I've had similar experiences with girls who wanna sleep with me first then maybe get to know me,, while they'd blow me out for another guy if he came along in a second, I'm too sensitive to risk that so I just flip them the bird if they don't wanna be my friend first,, but please,, with relationships that go that way,, you really shouldn't beat yourself up over it at all! You're right to want that, as I do,, and many others do... I figure when it happens right it'll just flow and you'll know this time it's different.
Hope that helps a bit Sub..

Wow well I lost my virginity at 228o silly shy kid i then turned to drugs to escape. yes all i've ever wanted was to be loved. i wanted it too much and my emotions overwhelmed me and i slowly sunk deep into drug addiction. for a time H was good and it made me into a guy who could get a short term dose of love, with girls that i thought i'd never be able to pick up. But my addictions showed through eventually and always left me lonely and heavily in to H addiction to suppress my emotions.

Emotions can be our worst enemy's, but i assure you that once you start walking towards the light, things will start to become more clear.
I've already posted my take on a little bit of this issue Sub - but I've gotta say I find this to be extremely good general advice. Furthermore I kinda look at my situation in the big picture and I know I have to concentrate on the above more than the possibility of love.. Making a new good friend, getting back to the gym and fight nights I love, making sense of my past and channeling it into my music / creative writing, finding a job where my past issues are valued and help others and returning to living a Stoic/ Zen kinda lifestyle are , off the top of my head all more important than the girl at the end of the rainbow.. I believe in myself enough to know I can create joy in doing things other than opiates - I myself can overcome this, regardless of love - inherently within me is the strength to change. I know " no man is an island" and my journey will be helped (and hindered) by others, but my willpower is in the driving seat,, not NA or others. Have faith in yourself Sub, and perhaps broaden your horizons a bit mate,, I've put on a stone in a month n' hate being fat- wouldnt wanna have a girlfriend without a sixpack,, but more than that I know a healthier diet and back to the gym might make me happier, and more in control - so there's one step for me to look to,, know what I/ we mean? ;) And anyways,, besides the girlfriend you mentioned relocating to England right? We can overcome and reach our goals, but it's up to us

Yeah you're exactly right, and the advise you game me is the exact same advise you should take to NA with you. For the first time in ages i have stopped worrying about love and a relationship. I want to go to England and love it. If i get a GF then that turns that to shit. no way, as much as i want one, my recovery comes first and when it comes to leaving australia i want to feel free of these addictions
Hey Sub - just wondering how its panning out for ya at the moment? I thought I'd done the 5 day withdrawl thing and everything was fine- but I just keep on getting these internal spine and body shivers even after the hot and cold sweats have subsided and it just did my fucking head in so I'm on to just a slow Dihydrocodeine (extended release) taper now.. How you doin with WD's buddy? Apart from the pretty universal I think 'shitting bricks backed up' constipation mine seem to centre round feeling extremities of hot and colds,, oh and just wanting to sleep and not wake up- but I'm over a lot of that now I'm at least not doin my old triple of Eatin Pod powder, pluggin Trams and both forms of DHC.... I think of the 3 the extended release DHC is the wisest to taper but I could be wrong mate..

I've missed my last 2 NA meetings for just wantin to stay asleep instead,, but I've been inspired by a woman there who is 9 months clean of the junk and still not accepting the "totally powerless" 1st step clause... I figure if she can still attend NA and be clean that long whilst keeping her beliefs and the same cynical take on the Group thing I've got,, it could still work out for me- but I mostly figure NA aint gonna help me taper off these opiates,, thats for me to do -but I'll be using or at least craving some kinda substance for years even when I'm clean so I ain't prepared to write NA off at all in the long run as a support network,,, still,,, for now I'm doin it my way..
Any thoughts or an update on how it's workin out for you dude?

Best wishes - Roadkill
No offense, but please tell me you see that the "trigger" of not having your own room was just an excuse to use. Same with the counselor who interrupted your phone call. In the scheme of things, they were nothing to use over. I mean, really, you were in a rehab...they are not their to coddle you, they are there to get you clean, and that means structure and often making you do things that you don't want to do.

It's really neither here nor there now since you left and so be it, but I think it is important to recognize it really wasn't anything the rehab did that made you use.

I would completely agree--they're just excuses. I met plenty of people like you in rehab. It's not that they were bad people, they just weren't ready to quit, and they all left AMA a few days later. They had yet to hit bottom. You have an opportunity to quit while you'll still have a relatively "high bottom," you're not homeless, in jail, or HIV/Hep C positive. Those are the typical outcomes for junkies, death as well. But no one can cajole someone into quitting.

It just doesn't sound like you're ready to quit, or you weren't when you entered treatment, and that's not uncommon. Attending NA meetings also requires a fair amount of discipline if you want to work the program.

BTW $15,000 is nothing for for a month of private rehab. It's so expensive, and most insurance plans don't cover it--mine paid for a week and I was there for 90 days. And most rehabs use a 12-Step approach.
I would completely agree--they're just excuses. I met plenty of people like you in rehab. It's not that they were bad people, they just weren't ready to quit, and they all left AMA a few days later. They had yet to hit bottom. You have an opportunity to quit while you'll still have a relatively "high bottom," you're not homeless, in jail, or HIV/Hep C positive. Those are the typical outcomes for junkies, death as well. But no one can cajole someone into quitting.

It just doesn't sound like you're ready to quit, or you weren't when you entered treatment, and that's not uncommon. Attending NA meetings also requires a fair amount of discipline if you want to work the program.

BTW $15,000 is nothing for for a month of private rehab. It's so expensive, and most insurance plans don't cover it--mine paid for a week and I was there for 90 days. And most rehabs use a 12-Step approach.

I get where ya comin from Missy, really I do -but it's like you say we may just have a relativly high rock bottom, and I got some faith in Sub,,, now more than then anyways... Sub's gotta realise that the light of a new life, with all its ups and downs but as an ex is his for the taking. Sure we're all takin 2 steps forward 1 step back,, but I don't think Sub at this moment in time has descended back to shooting up every day,,, I could be wrong - it's just I see parallels with my own situation (though I know needles is a far bigger challenge,, man I cant even look at a needle, Im so blessed to have that phobia).. Anyways yeah, let us know Sub.
I would completely agree--they're just excuses. I met plenty of people like you in rehab. It's not that they were bad people, they just weren't ready to quit, and they all left AMA a few days later. They had yet to hit bottom. You have an opportunity to quit while you'll still have a relatively "high bottom," you're not homeless, in jail, or HIV/Hep C positive. Those are the typical outcomes for junkies, death as well. But no one can cajole someone into quitting.

It just doesn't sound like you're ready to quit, or you weren't when you entered treatment, and that's not uncommon. Attending NA meetings also requires a fair amount of discipline if you want to work the program.

BTW $15,000 is nothing for for a month of private rehab. It's so expensive, and most insurance plans don't cover it--mine paid for a week and I was there for 90 days. And most rehabs use a 12-Step approach.

hey ive already justified it to another person in another post and more importantly i've justified to myself and dont regret my decision in the slightest.
you're trying to state facts about my excuses of leaving while you did a 90 day rehab, you're saying you've met people like me? you of all people know that we addicts are slso individuals, you couldn't begin to fathom what kind of person i am from the posts ive made in this thread. does that say something more about you than me? you think you can relate to the way i was feeling in there, my exact emotional state surrounded with circumstance? no one can tell me i left on a whim and nobody can state that its a fucking cop out. You're entitled to your opinion, but please I
can tell you right now that leaving that shite of a rehab was one of the best decisions i've ever made. Not having a private room in a private rehab is a big big deal for me. did you get your own room in your 90 day stay? was it 12 step based? had you had any prior rehab or 12 step experience before these 90 days? sorry if i'm coming down on you hard, i just don't appreciate arrogance or ignorance. A lot of shit has happened '40meetings' since i was last posting, I've taken the Cavalier gung ho approach as i'll explain...

I get where ya comin from Missy, really I do -but it's like you say we may just have a relativly high rock bottom, and I got some faith in Sub,,, now more than then anyways... Sub's gotta realise that the light of a new life, with all its ups and downs but as an ex is his for the taking. Sure we're all takin 2 steps forward 1 step back,, but I don't think Sub at this moment in time has descended back to shooting up every day,,, I could be wrong - it's just I see parallels with my own situation (though I know needles is a far bigger challenge,, man I cant even look at a needle, Im so blessed to have that phobia).. Anyways yeah, let us know Sub.

Hey mate i appreciate the emotional support:) I hadn't checked my old AA@hotmail E-mail in a while n didn't realize this thread had been bumped. I was superposed to do that but have been so busy with scheduled life and meetings meetings meetings

I went to one in the city tonight and there were around a 100 people there. i didn't get to share, but one girl that i know was sharing about the future and the differences in making choices and even being able to make one single choice in addiction. she also said that she's fallen in love with NA and the fellowship, steps, traditions etc and that summed it up for me in a nutshell

I am now doing at least 5 a week and some weeks i do 2 a day... like tomorrow(if i get of BL n to bed that is). and i'm addicted to them. I want to share every time.

as i said i'm around 40 meetings in 6 weeks and speaking at 90% of them openly n honestly. People say i'm im a honeymoon period, but i think that i'll be able to get what i need from the program as an individual addict and identify myself clean from my DOC heroin and i also am humble and respectful enough to identify a relapse.... even if it was a drink, which i've always had power over. from now on though.... if i have a drink i'm just going to keep that to myself.... unless i get off my face.

It's taken me a little while to know what i want from the fellowship. I've had all sorts of conflicting advise from all walks of dudes, but i know when i hear sound advise(Thanks Legerity). and i now am actively looking for a sponsor to start step 4. 1 was done a long time ago. 2 and 3 need some Divine Moments of Truth. There will be certain aspects of my recovery that i will keep between my higher power and myself but i don't identify that i'm currently shooting 2mg of suboxone a day and that i'm on clonazepam for anxiety related shit. BL'rs might think i'm insane but i'm doing a Caption Heroin and MF'ing suboxone and IV'ing it 4 analgesia and more importantly... piece of mind. I know i cant use H. I don't have to be on subs long term, but in early recovery i feel it is necessary. the reason why i don't identify at
NA is because it's not standard replacement therapy, i buy it of someone and do what i want with it. I find it very easy not to abuse it by filtering 2mg at a time with 4 ml of water. I thinks its the best ROA for suboxone:)

Anyway the point is that i'm maintaining my individuality within NA and am submitting to the program in relevance to my addiction to drugs that I am powerless over.
NA, from listing and sharing. I've gone from being shit scared at my first meet, to a very capable public speaker, which flows from my heart. it's a fucking rush from the way i express myself at a meet when i share. I talk about psychedelics and how an ego death led me to 2 months of sobriety and that it's what gave birth to my spiritual side. all this shit. the meetings.... is alll bringing my spiritual side out of obscurity and once i get 2 months of clean time up i'm going on a spiritual trial by fire with pen and paper, but right now all i want to do is meeting after meeting. maybe i will come clean about the suboxone(not the ROA) once i get a sponsor, but there is no way i'm being talked out of the potential use of psychedelic drugs to connect to a higher power. i might change my mind... but i've been clean off my DOC and other strong opiates since i first walked through the doors of NA, and have only started suboxone recently, which i might jump off in a week. but all in all i talk with a very positive attitude and my voice has confidence and drive. Its an amazing feeling when you get a resounding applause noticeably louder than everyone else's. thats what makes me keep going and i'm finding that NA has both been consciously and subconsciously active in society. whether i reflect on a meeting or make amends to a person i wronged in my insane active addiction fuelled lifestyle. NA and all the positives that come with it are active in my day to day routine and structure, which i'm still working on

I was unintentionally selfish in my addiction and ironically i have to be even more selfish in recovery... early recovery that is. for some early recovery could be 4 years. I think mine will be a lot quicker if i stay true to myself.... that is key. i have my own willpower finally guided by this program and its changing me back into the person i was supposed to be, that was almost lost. a delicate balance. And my recovery is no walk in the park. I know i have to do all these things for it to work. but i know that it does. i see miracles every meeting i go to with people with 20+years up. People who were almost dead, but they've turned it all around and sometimes its hard to believe that someone was that fucked. Pales in comparison and sometimes it doesn't with regards to my lack of self worth and level of active addiction.

I've talked a lot about NA and where i'm at. I could go on and on, but as long as i'm a recovering addict going to NA meets then i'll be bumping this thread. hopefully the change in me since leaving the rehab will be inspirational to other Blighters... and yourself too RB, I know it's not ideal, but the positivity and my attitude is changing so much. I've got 40x40mg OC's that have been sitting in my desk for over a week and i feel no temptation to jump off the bupe and abuse them. if anything i will be taking them more for analgesia and opiate replacement therapy, or i'll just hang on to em and if i ever have a thought about using H and i can't get talked down by anyone then i'd just abuse the OC's, but i'll be cutting the 40's in half if i use them. I still have smoked some weed from time to time and i have identified and been straight up at the meetings, but yeah i've rambled the fuck on. Thanks RB:) fill me in on how you're doing? or maybe you can start your own thread if things have taken off for you or you could make one if things haven't and ask for advise... or u could just do it here... i don't mind a good ramble from you anyway:) from anyone... this is what TDS is for!
If you only knew the power of the dark side
Darth Vader

PS sorry for being so hard on you Missykins and i hope my response has cleared things up a bit on where i'm at ATM. Doing all theses meetings has its drawbacks. Im constantly emotionally drained and feel like there's no me time any more... but i enjoyed writing this. would like to hear Blighters thoughts

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hey sub. i basically just read your OP and this last one. and all i can say is WOW. im so happy that you have found your way and got outta the dark depressed state. i also attend NA and it has worked for me so imma keep going :)

as too just not using dope: all i gotta say is keep going and it will make sense to you, eventually, why they say the complete abstinence from ALL mood and mind altering chemicals. your process is exactly that,your own process . whenever your ready to give the other shit up is on your own time. just keep going and keep an open mind!
I spent eight months in a Narconon, I could not stand the scientologist rhetoric and though I completed the program was pretty negative about the whole experience (still am a bit). I got out, quickly relapsed and wound up a year later detoxing in a psych ward in a room shared by two grunting and farting old men. I lasted two days, got out and shot up a bunch of suboxone. I've been opiate free for 10 months, but have turned to drinking very heavily-which I'm suffering from far worse than with opiates (at least I could function when I had dope...it's when I didn't have it I was totally fucked).

-I'd give anything for another chance at in-patient. 12-step, scientology, whatever: it's all better then needing a drink to get out of the bed you were so drunk you pissed in.
hey ive already justified it to another person in another post and more importantly i've justified to myself and dont regret my decision in the slightest.
you're trying to state facts about my excuses of leaving while you did a 90 day rehab, you're saying you've met people like me? you of all people know that we addicts are slso individuals, you couldn't begin to fathom what kind of person i am from the posts ive made in this thread. does that say something more about you than me? you think you can relate to the way i was feeling in there, my exact emotional state surrounded with circumstance? no one can tell me i left on a whim and nobody can state that its a fucking cop out. You're entitled to your opinion, but please I
can tell you right now that leaving that shite of a rehab was one of the best decisions i've ever made. Not having a private room in a private rehab is a big big deal for me. did you get your own room in your 90 day stay? was it 12 step based? had you had any prior rehab or 12 step experience before these 90 days? sorry if i'm coming down on you hard, i just don't appreciate arrogance or ignorance. A lot of shit has happened '40meetings' since i was last posting, I've taken the Cavalier gung ho approach as i'll explain..


To answer your questions,

1. No, I did not get my own room while I was in rehab. Only Lindsay Lohan gets her own room. In fact, I'm not even certain that she gets a private room. Part of the therapeutic mileu of rehab is teaching you how to live as part of a group, at least mine was. We planned meals together, cooked together, did our "chores" together, and so forth. When you use drugs, you isolate, and you have to tear down that wall. Part of that is living with others and recognizing your common ground.

2. Actually, I CAN begin to fathom what kind of person you are. I once thought that I was special, too, and that no one could understand me. Utter nonsense. Addicts share some very similar traits, which is why the "me too" experience in recovery is so powerful. You're new to the program, so you probably haven't reached the part where you identify your character defects. Knowing your defects and being willing to share them is a critical part of the process of recovery (and recovery is a process). The primary defect that all addicts share is a misguided feeling of being unique.

3. I also think that it's a mistake to think that you can pick and choose amongst the drugs you use recreationally. If you're still smoking weed, and have OC's in your possession for a rainy day, then you're not in recovery, and, if you shared this at a meeting or with a sponser you'd be told as much. It's not just me who feels this way. Sorry. I had to leave it ALL behind because it's all part of the same problem. Once have some more time under your belt and work with a sponser, you'll understand.

4. Sorry, but to me, it's doesn't sound like you've embraced the program of NA. I think it's great that you haven't picked up your DOC. It also sounds like you're still trying to exert your will over the process by maintaing your "individuality." NA is not about maintaining your individuality. It's about recognizing a higher power that connects you to other beings through hope and shared experience.

5. There's an edict for the newcomer: take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. It's best to just listen in the beginning. Get a sponser and pour your heart out to him. Female sponsers are out of the question.

6. I din't take any offense to your reply, and I don't mean to offend you. It's just that I've gone thru the process and those are the things I've learned.

Good luck and hang in there.
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Great to hear your doing well Sublimit. For a lot of people , leaving rehab like you did would have been an excuse to get straight back into a full blown IV dope habit. If I were you I would chuck or 'get rid' of those OC's they could easily lead you back to dope. You need to think why you want to take them in the first place, what are they gonna do for you? 'Opiate replacement therapy' just sounds like your trying to trick yourself into getting back onto full agonists.

Stay strong mate! and see you in the UK if you ever make it!
One thing I've noticed is how often people try to get whatever programme they've chosen to adapt to fit them rather than trying to adapt to fit the programme. You pretty much know the conditions going in - agree to them or don't but don't complain about it when they're enforced.

I'm a huge critic of 12 step programmes but it annoys the fuck out of me when people complain about them being abstinence based - don't join a 12 step programme if abstinence isn't what you're aiming for. Same thing when people join maintenance programmes and then complain about random drug tests - find a different programme if you don't like that condition.

I'm surprised that anyone would expect a private room in rehab - there may well be a couple of celebs only facilities which offer that but it's not something I've come across in the real world. Maybe it's because private hospitals here generally offer their medical and surgical patients private rooms that the OP didn't anticipate rehab would be different.
Dude.. if you have the will power to not do those 1600mg of oxy you have.. then you're on the right track. I have one week clean from that dope-I-mean and I know that if it was in front of me.. I'd do it.. oh well. :\
To answer your questions,

1. No, I did not get my own room while I was in rehab. Only Lindsay Lohan gets her own room. In fact, I'm not even certain that she gets a private room. Part of the therapeutic mileu of rehab is teaching you how to live as part of a group, at least mine was. We planned meals together, cooked together, did our "chores" together, and so forth. When you use drugs, you isolate, and you have to tear down that wall. Part of that is living with others and recognizing your common ground.

2. Actually, I CAN begin to fathom what kind of person you are. I once thought that I was special, too, and that no one could understand me. Utter nonsense. Addicts share some very similar traits, which is why the "me too" experience in recovery is so powerful. You're new to the program, so you probably haven't reached the part where you identify your character defects. Knowing your defects and being willing to share them is a critical part of the process of recovery (and recovery is a process). The primary defect that all addicts share is a misguided feeling of being unique.

3. I also think that it's a mistake to think that you can pick and choose amongst the drugs you use recreationally. If you're still smoking weed, and have OC's in your possession for a rainy day, then you're not in recovery, and, if you shared this at a meeting or with a sponser you'd be told as much. It's not just me who feels this way. Sorry. I had to leave it ALL behind because it's all part of the same problem. Once have some more time under your belt and work with a sponser, you'll understand.

4. Sorry, but to me, it's doesn't sound like you've embraced the program of NA. I think it's great that you haven't picked up your DOC. It also sounds like you're still trying to exert your will over the process by maintaing your "individuality." NA is not about maintaining your individuality. It's about recognizing a higher power that connects you to other beings through hope and shared experience.

5. There's an edict for the newcomer: take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. It's best to just listen in the beginning. Get a sponser and pour your heart out to him. Female sponsers are out of the question.

6. I din't take any offense to your reply, and I don't mean to offend you. It's just that I've gone thru the process and those are the things I've learned.

Good luck and hang in there.

Why are you being so defensive? The rehab I went to had 80% of the rooms single, so LL isn’t the only one who gets a private room. I can relate to your rehab where structure and breaking down walls and identifying barriers were implemented. Inside they told me that 80% of us would relapse within a month of completing the program (hazelden). And, like others have mentioned it was stated that the relapse would be twice as unmanageable. I think you need to get over the fact that I left and busted. Its as simple as that. I’ve managed to use that as a kick start into the fellowship and I’ve come off tramadol and benzo’s which was hard smoked cannabis at times and now I’ve decided to use 2mg of suboxone and am on clonaz for anxiety. My GP said it would be a good idea in early recovery, and I feel that I’m doing well. Its been 3 months since I’ve last used H. That’s probably the longest I’ve every gone since I first used it 7 years ago. NA meetings are society within society and I’m fully functioning and learning new skills everyday. Naturally I’m gifted and able in most forms of socializing and I find it easy without drugs ruling my life. People at NA are telling me how surprised they are at how well I’m taking to the fellowship. I’m actively making amends, doing steps sub consciously and then being able to reflect and identify.

When did I ever say, or allude to that I am special? Again you’re coming across as arrogant and are stating things about me in an attempt to gain some moral high ground. How could I ever expect someone to understand me in this thread? Yes I’ve been open, but it’s limited in comparison to the complexity of my addiction problems. You’ve no idea about what I share about at NA and I can and do identify character defects, one of my recent speeches was about the past and I questioned whether if I had suppressed the past instead of accepting the past. Like I had said, having the recent ability of not dwelling on the past anymore is one of the biggest assets in my recovery. You don’t know what I mean by spiritual awaking and the only way that you could possibly fathom it is if you’ve had large amounts of both acid and DMT and experienced divine moments of truth and ego death, which is like being reborn in a way. These divine moments of truth that have happened sometime ago now, the use of psychedelic drugs has given me the ability to self reflect, and one particular dose of acid made me reflect so much that it was a revelation of acceptance. 4 years ago I actually did step 1 and this large dose of LSD subsequently pooled all my own will into abstaining from EVERYTHING except nicotine for 2 months.8o I believe In the power of the mind and I’ve used up to 50% of my brain (at a guess) under DMT. I here so many share at NA that it’s hard to make a spiritual connection, or that it took someone years and years, I’ve heard people say that they find it so hard to forget the past and not dwell on, or that it took them tears and years. I haven’t used psychedelic drugs for 1.5years or so but NA is bringing what was lost all that time ago back into the fold, and those 2 barriers that I mentioned and overcame with the aid of psychedelic drugs have given me a head start and incredible enthusiasm…. No I might not be at the point of being capable of completely abstaining (that’s why I choose subs as short term, or could have chosen naltrexone tablets which I have:\) but I’m clean from H for the longest time since I ever put a needle in my arm and I’m going to get a sponsor and do what you say and find my way, but you’ve questioned my emotional self and my self honesty without knowing ALL the facts about me. I’ve heard the cotton wool saying and it doesn’t apply to me because I get the ‘sharing by listening’ and I do enjoy listening to all walks of people and am not going out for a cigarette

You’re just going to have to accept that you have no concrete information on my recovery and only time will tell whether you are right… but I thank you for wishing me luck, I really do appreciate it and likewise too mate. You could consider my post defensive if you like, and it probably is, we’re just bouncing off one another, and to everyone who is supporting me like you guys in this thread and thought BL, I’d just like to say this is one of the best online communities on the net, and is indeed a tool in my recovery now:)
hey sub. i basically just read your OP and this last one. and all i can say is WOW. im so happy that you have found your way and got outta the dark depressed state. i also attend NA and it has worked for me so imma keep going :)

as too just not using dope: all i gotta say is keep going and it will make sense to you, eventually, why they say the complete abstinence from ALL mood and mind altering chemicals. your process is exactly that,your own process . whenever your ready to give the other shit up is on your own time. just keep going and keep an open mind!

this quote from calmAnimal partly sums up my approach to the program, yes i am going to submit to the steps and traditions, but there may be things that i decide is best kept from the fellowship and that doesn't have to mean indefinitely either. Who's complaining Lolie? i know i've complained about the rehab, but that wasn't entirely my own decision and was actually pressured into going.... my OP suggests this. I am doing NA meetings of my own free will, hence it being my decision to choose to go to a meeting nearly everyday. I didn't know the conditions BTW as i was sort of rushed in there as my parents were rushing off to europe, i did hoverer get told there'd be a good chance i'd get my own room... in fact my mother assured me, but as i got there it was at capacity and i got put in one of the 4 share rooms in a 28 person facility. It was like having hopes and a feeling of relief to know that i'd at least be able to sleep crushed and then the snoring duse was just rubbing the irony in my face. actually it wasn't irony, because i know everything that happens, happens for a reason and i do not regret leaving one bit and like how my life is rapidly changing.

One thing I've noticed is how often people try to get whatever programme they've chosen to adapt to fit them rather than trying to adapt to fit the programme. You pretty much know the conditions going in - agree to them or don't but don't complain about it when they're enforced.

I'm a huge critic of 12 step programmes but it annoys the fuck out of me when people complain about them being abstinence based - don't join a 12 step programme if abstinence isn't what you're aiming for. Same thing when people join maintenance programmes and then complain about random drug tests - find a different programme if you don't like that condition.

I'm surprised that anyone would expect a private room in rehab - there may well be a couple of celebs only facilities which offer that but it's not something I've come across in the real world. Maybe it's because private hospitals here generally offer their medical and surgical patients private rooms that the OP didn't anticipate rehab would be different.
Hey man...glad to hear you're doing so well. It sounds like you are really getting a lot of our these meetings and still staying true to yourself at the same time. Three months without any H is great :)

@Missykins: Are you saying that main issue that EVERY SINGLE ADDICT has is a misguided feeling of being unique? How many people in the world are experience dependency? I'm pretty sure it's in the billions, including cigarettes. Are you sure that you are ready to diagnose that many people with one sentence?

Sublimit is making great changes in his life. His goal seems to make positive changes, rather than to completely abstain and change himself to fit in with what NA tells him he should do. To me he's doing a great thing - I stopped going to meetings because I wasn't able to be myself there, but he seems to be able to get a lot out of it without losing himself in it. He's doing what works for him and you or anybody else is in no position to tell him that your way is better than his.

Yes people share similar traits, but each person is an individual too. If you can embrace the identity that is given to you at 12-step meetings then that is great. Many people DO NOT find it helpful and it can actually be detrimental if they are forced to adopt an identity that they do not agree with. Please do not try to tell me that every single drug user is exactly the same...
a fact that may be interesting:

out of 9 people
3 will relapse and get clean back and forth for the rest of their lives
3 will abstain forever
3 will die
a fact that may be interesting:

out of 9 people
3 will relapse and get clean back and forth for the rest of their lives
3 will abstain forever
3 will die

Is this based on a study? Where would somebody with alcohol dependence that cuts down to a few drinks a week for the rest of their life fit in here?
a fact that may be interesting:

out of 9 people
3 will relapse and get clean back and forth for the rest of their lives
3 will abstain forever
3 will die

Sounds simplistic but probably not too far from truth. I know most rehabs have a 10-12 percent one year success rate.
every single person / rehab has a different "statistic" which is from god knows what kind of shitty study.

i dont beleive the 3 3 3 thing at all nor the 10-12 percent. i dont know what to beleive because seriously every source is different.
every single person / rehab has a different "statistic" which is from god knows what kind of shitty study.

i dont beleive the 3 3 3 thing at all nor the 10-12 percent. i dont know what to beleive because seriously every source is different.

Yeah man, rehabs always seem to have some sort of magical number that they give to the people there.

I think it's also important to acknolwedge that the statistics they give are of people seeking rehab treatment. Even if only 1 of 10 people seeking treatment improve, this is really a small portion of the entire substance using population. It does not take into account any person who is able to reduce or eliminate their drug consumption without going to rehab.